Sphyii Character in Legends of the Dragonguard | World Anvil

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Sphyii (fi / sfi)

Sphyii is an ancient amphithere that lives in Dragonspire. She is best friends with Taavi and frequently visits her at the World Hole. She is unable to talk, less a few noises, because of a fight she was in that significantly damaged her throat, and this is why she is known as "The Voiceless".   Sphyii was part of a few ancients that fought off the Wyrm of Chaos to end his tyranny. She was one of the three who helped to transport and imprison the Wyrm of Chaos at Frostcrest, the other two being Taavi and Airigold.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Extensive scarring on her throat and one of her wings.

Physical quirks

Despite lacking the ability to articulate speech like other ancient dragonkin, she possesses the capacity to communicate through a soft, whispering voice. She also has difficulty growling to ward off predators, so she resorts to hissing and making herself look bigger by spreading out her wings.
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Nicknames / Aliases
  • The Voiceless (Legend name)
  • Fi-fi
  • Species
    She / Her
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Iridescent Blue


  • Part of the name came from a random name generator; I thought a character having a legend name of "The Voiceless" would be an interesting one. The actual name came from a dragon of mine on the Dragon Cave site, which was based on its unique URL code.[1]
  • References

    1. "Sphyii" — on Dragon Cave; May 20th, 2024.    


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