Ravia Geographic Location in Legends of the Dragonguard | World Anvil

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Ravia (reɪv•iə)

Ravia is a continent just north of Ardenfell and is connected to Dragon's Tail and Emberland. An expansive mountain range separates Ravia and Emberland, with only one passageway connecting the two continents. Ravia is primarily a lush prairie and forests, the northernmost section being a tundra and the Ravian side of the Shatterscale Mountains.


It is primarily lush prairie and forests, with an expansive mountain range and tundra in the north.


The climate is slightly colder than temperate in general, with the mountains in the north being colder.

Fauna & Flora

Plenty of flora and fauna reside in the meadows and forests of Ravia. There is very little that lives in the Shatterscale Mountains.

Natural Resources

Ravia has a good supply of natural resources, including wood, stone, and ore. The sea also provides various resources.
Location under

On the Map

The planet Azlov.


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