Ardenfell Geographic Location in Legends of the Dragonguard | World Anvil

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Ardenfell (ɑr•dɛn•fɛl)

Ardenfell is the furthest south western continent on Azlov, and is south of Ravia. Rayhaven and the Forgotten Forest are located in the south east on the continent. A salt flat mine is located in the northwest corner, near Dragon's Tail.


There is a large forest hiding a small mountain ridge, and other areas include large open plains. There are very high cliffsides along the south east coast, where Rayhaven is located.

Ecosystem Cycles

Only a few native species of wildlife permanently live in the Forgotten Forest, as they do not need their internal compass for migrations. The confusing forest traps plenty of outside wildlife for these few native species to feed on. One such local fauna is a species of Drake, only found in the Forgotten Forest.   Elsewhere on the continent, wildlife does tend migrate towards the west.

Localized Phenomena

The Forgotten Forest and it's small mountain ridges have an unusual amount of metals and ores in them, which throws off compasses and wildlife, giving the forest it's name. The density of the trees makes it hard to see the sun's position, so it can be difficult to figure out your heading.


Mostly a temperate climate.

Fauna & Flora

Many trees, and animals. The Grand Tree, an extremely large oak tree, is located between Rayhaven and the Forgotten Forest. The Forgotten Forest also has mostly low ground cover and moss. Most of the wildlife is actually from outside of the forest, who get trapped here because their internal compass and instincts get thrown off by the small mountain ridge. Only a few species, one of which is drake, are native to this forest.

Natural Resources

Wood, and various metal ores can be found on this continent. In the northern side of the continent, near Dragon's Tail, there is a salt flat where salt is mined.
Location under
Included Locations

On the Map

The planet Azlov.


  • The name partially came from a random name generator while I was editing the map here on World Anvil.
  • This was the second continent area to be named, right after Dragon's Tail.


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