Easter Eggs in Legends of the Dragonguard | World Anvil

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Easter Eggs

There may be potential story spoilers in this article!
Here's a list of all the easter eggs and references within Legends of the Dragonguard. Read at your own risk, there may be spoilers to the story! This is also an ever expanding list as more stuff is worldbuilt onto this whole thing.

Movies / TV

  • How to Train Your Dragon
  • The Shadescale dragon was inspired by the Night Fury.
  • Toothless & Hiccup
  • Sabretail and Zella both have prosthetics.
  • Sabretail's left tail fin is painted red, after the battle of Rayhaven and is a reference to Toothless.
  • Hookfang & Snotlout
  • Thornfire and Ivis duo inspired by this duo.
  • The Dragon Prince: Mystery of Aarovos
  • Rayhaven was inspired by the city of Lux Aurea.


  • Day of Dragons
  • Forgotten Forest location is a reference to the map named Forgotten Forest.
  • Grand Tree is a reference to the World Tree on the Forgotten Forest map.
  • The area around Rayhaven was inspired by the Grand Falls aera on the Forgotten Forest map.
  • Airigold was originally going to be a dragon character in a game Nulcheck and his friends wanted to make.
  • The Shadescale dragon species was going to be a type of dragon in the game Nulcheck and his friends wanted to make back in 2013.


  • The Dragonguard's theme song was inspired by A Cup of Liber-Tea from Helldivers 2, and Arrival to Earth from Transformers.


  • Anaq's name is Yup'ik for "feces".
  • The telescoping Shortlance was inspired by an online creator who 3D printed one.

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