Emberland Geographic Location in Legends of the Dragonguard | World Anvil

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Emberland is a large continent located in the north-central region of Azlov. It is connected to Dragon's Tail and to the east of Ravia. An expansive mountain range separates Ravia and Emberland, with only one passageway connecting the two continents. Emberland sits to the west of Drakemyst and Frostcrest.   The most extensive mountain range on Azlov resides along the Ravian-Emberland border, known as the Shatterscale Mountains. The majority of the mountain range runs along the border of Emberland. A cave high in the mountains where most of the Ancient Dragonkin live, known as Dragonspire, is on the Emberland side of the cordillera.   A small chain of volcanoes resides in the far north of the mountain range, near the crystal fields known as the Glistening Meadows. The surrounding area is covered in basalt, and the freshly ejected lava melts the snow, making what's known as Snow Obsidian in the winter.   Most of the human population lives in Arkynshire and Emberland.


An extensive mountain range stretches along the western border. There are plenty of prairies, plains, and some forests. The leeward or eastern side of the mountains is primarily an arid landscape since the western or windward side has more precipitation.   At the base of the mountain range in the north, a large field of crystals is growing on the surface, known as the Glistening Meadows. The air is thick and has an acidic taste, as there are hot springs in this area. Despite being in the far north, it is quite warm in the crystal fields.


The climate varies depending on where you are since Emberland is the second largest continent on Azlov. The mountain range that extends into the north is freezing, except for the location of the Glistening Meadows. Most of the land to the east of the mountains is dry, which is almost half of Emberland. The rest of Emberland is relatively temperate.

Fauna & Flora

Emberland has a plethora of flora and fauna. With a wide array of biomes, even with half of Emberland being an arid landscape, it has relatively diverse life.

Natural Resources

Many resources can be extracted from Emberland, such as wood, stone, ore, and sand. Specific crystals found in the Glistening Meadows are also harvested, though it can be dangerous. Emberland has such an extensive coastline; the ocean also provides many resources too.
Location under

On the Map

The planet Azlov.


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