World Hole Geographic Location in Legends of the Dragonguard | World Anvil

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World Hole

An enormous cavern, known as the World Hole, sits in the middle of the ocean to the west of Ardenfell. It is a caldera with a shoreline high enough to prevent it from completely filling with water. A massive cave formed from the collapsed volcano and receding magma, creating a large hole in the middle of the ocean. There are three spots within the surface ridge where ocean water falls into the hole.   The World Hole is very far from any major continent, so it takes a long time and is difficult to reach, even for some dragonkin. Seafaring dragonkin and long-distance flyers have no problem reaching the location. It is said that there is an ancient sea serpent that patrols the waters around the World Hole.


An enormous volcano collapsed, forming an unusual caldera. The land didn't completely sink beneath the water, with a coral reef growing as it sank. So, the small amount of land still present forms a barrier that prevents the ocean from filling the caldera and making a traditional atoll.   What the receding magma left behind was an extremely large hole and cave in the middle of the ocean. Three main spots within the ridge are where ocean water falls into the hole, supplying the cavern with a water source.


Tropical on the surface, and also humid within the cave itself.

Fauna & Flora

The World Hole is such a unique geological feature, and given its size and location on the planet, there is a plethora of life within the cavern.
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Crater / Crater Lake / Caldera
Location under

On the Map

The planet Azlov.


  • This feature was inspired by a glitch in Minecraft where a chunk would bug out and not render, leaving a chunk sized "hole" in the world. These chunk errors were sometimes known as "World Holes". [1][2]
  • This feature was also inspired by the Hidden World and it's entrance in How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World. [3]
  • References

    1. An image of a World Hole in Minecraft from Nulcheck; November 20th, 2015. Retrieved May 28th, 2024. A pig was in the chunk while it glitched, causing many pigs to spawn. The image was dubbed "Bacon for Life".
    2. "Chunk Error" — on Minecraft Fandom Wiki; November 13th, 2020.
    3. "Hidden World | Geography" — on HTTYD Fandom Wiki; April 20th, 2024.    


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