Dragonspire Geographic Location in Legends of the Dragonguard | World Anvil

Summer Camp (prep) event is going on right now!


Dragonspire sits within the northern-mid section of the Shatterscale Mountains, just slightly north of the Shatterscale Pass. The mountain comes to a thin, jagged peak, and a cave carved out below is where most of the ancient dragonkin live.


Extremely steep rocky slopes are impossible for most animals to climb. Only a few trees and flowers can grow on these steep slopes. A cave sits at the base of the spire itself. The cave is relatively large and is where most ancient dragonkin live. Only animals that can fly are capable of reaching the cave. Drakes can get to the cave, but it is exceptionally difficult for them.   A small stream emerges from behind the summit from ice and snow melt. It wraps around into the valley, where it merges with the northern valley river and drains into the Shatterscale Rift.


Just above the middle section of the Shatterscale Mountains, Dragonspire is usually pretty cold throughout the year. The springs and summers are cool and not as warm as it is down in the valley.

Fauna & Flora

A few trees, grasses, and flowers grow on the steep rocky slopes.
Location under

On the Map

The planet Azlov.


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