SC24 Prep in Legends of the Dragonguard | World Anvil

Summer Camp (prep) event is going on right now!

SC24 Prep

The start of June kicks off a month of preparation for the Summer Camp event in July! And this will be my first Summer Camp event!  


I decided to pledge to achieve the Gold Badge during the 2024 Summer Camp event. Even though this is my first summer camp event, I have many ideas for the Legends of the Dragonguard, as it is a new thing I started working on just earlier this year, at the end of March. Let's just hope it's enough for 24 prompts; I'm probably underestimating this event, haha.   I did not want to pledge to achieve the Diamond Badge, just in case if I am not able to answer all 32 prompts. I did not want a difficult goal, and the Gold Badge leaves me some breathing room. If it's anything I've learned from development stuff, is to under-promise and over-deliver. While I have not specifically pledged to achieve the Diamond Badge, I will still strive for it and answer as many prompts as I can.    



Change is a powerful thing, and several changes are happening within the world.  

  • The Wyrm of Chaos is found to still exist, along with other Anicnet Dragonkin, and he causes chaos.
  • Vexx is trying to change the world through corruption and fear.
  • Vexx had the wings and tail fins of a dragon torn off, as he was being problematic for him. The dragon has to live with being flightless.
  • Some of the dragonguards found this dragon before Vexx could do anything more to him. They brought the dragon back to Rayhaven where Zella managed to create prosthetic wings and tail fins. This dragon came to be known as Sabretail, and now has to learn how to use the prosthetics.
  • A cultist group that believes dragons should not have been assimilated into society, is trying to change society's viewpoint on dragons.
  • Refuge

    There are plenty of places of refuge on Azlov for all sorts of things.  

  • Dragonspire is where most of the Ancient Dragonkin live.
  • Rayhaven is the home town of most of the main characters. The way the landscape is kind of makes it a safe haven (hence why "haven" is in the name). Also a place of refuge for Sabretail in a way, because of what happened to him.
  • I'm sure there's dragon sanctuaries through the world, for wild ones and companion ones for a place to rest while traveling.
  • World Hole is a massive cave in the ocean, and is most likely a sancurary for many dragonkin.
  • Frostcrest Caverns is a refuge for animals in the unforgiving frozen desert landscape of Frostcrest.
  • Music is probably another refuge for the characters. I'd like this as music is my expertise.
  • Belief

    Believe in yourself!   Along with Change, Belief is also a powerful thing. A lot of these also have elements that coincide with the Change theme.

  • A cultist group that believes dragons should not have been assimilated into society, is trying to change society's viewpoint on dragons.
  • It's a common belief that Ancient Dragonkin aren't around anymore; turns out some still are!
  • Decay


  • Vexx and the cultist group he's in cahoots with becomes more unhinged throughout the story; moral decay.
  • Recently thought about some disease, inspired by real life things, that takes control over organisms; essentially a sciencetific way of explaining a "zombie". Anyone want to pet a zombie dragon?
    Inspired by Ophiocordyceps unilateralis, which is a fungus that takes control over ants.
    SC24 pledge
    by World Anvil


    World Anvil has also provided some assignments along side with revealing themes each week. Some may call these, Assignments, Side Quests, or just Homework, but I decided to call them "Strikes". After all, the Dragonguard is a military-like alliance.
    Week 1
    Fill out each week's theme
    I won't check this off untill we get all of them.   Pledge
    (Initially Completed)   Fill out the pledge and upload it.
    — Yup! Did it.   Categories & Tags
    (Completed 06-13-2024)   Well it's just in time that I literally just finished tagging my articles. I used the Glossary Method by Satrium. You can take a look at how I set things up on the Tag Overview page.   However, with these new pages for event stuff on World Anvil, I will have to tag them. I also want to do custom category pages, to have categories be super customized, so I have to still do that.   Update Meta
    (Completed 06-27-2024)   I just created this world earlier this year, back at the end of March. So the meta is fairly up to date. But to be fair, I wasn't fully sure what to write down, and it could use some updating. I have gone through and slightly updated some parts of it, but it could probably be expanded more. Now with some more ideas brewing, I have a slightly better idea of what to write for the meta. I decided to not check this one off and instead use a blue chevron to distinguish it.

    Week 2
    Find a Community
    (Initially Completed)   Well I'm already apart of the World Anvil discord, so I guess that counts! I also have my own discord server for Legends of the Dragonguard. I'll also probably share stuff on my Kofi page / twitter and other social sites. I guess that means I can check this one off?   Oh, and as of June 15th, I found out about Substack, so I started a thing there!   I'll probably use it a lot for the Summer Camp event, as there will be a lot of prompts to write for, and I can go further in depth with the lore on Substack. Or at least that's what I'm planning to do, we'll see how it goes, idk.   Styling
    (Completed 06-13-2024)   I'm making this strike its own thing; more about the layout and design of stuff. I've got the CSS strike below for the actual styling.   I've been making my own custom category pages and with that comes certain layouts for differnt category pages. I haven't checked this one off because I'm still working on those pages.   CSS
    (Initially Completed)   The timing! Like the Categories & Tags strike, I literally just finished doing this. I spent the past month or so making my 100% very own custom theme. So I guess this one can be checked off right away.

    Week 3
    Bank of Inspirations
    (Initially Completed)   I'm putting Assignments 2 & 3 into this one strike as they are fairly similar and I put inspirational things from any source into the places listed below.   I've done this from the start. I've got a few places where I save stuff for inspirations; they're also linked on the world meta page. Somethings you can't see because they're in my World Anvil Notebook, such as quotes.   I've also already created my own World Map.  
  • Digital Asset Manager
  • DeviantArt Collection
  • Pinterest Board
  • Music Playlist
  •   Review Inspirations
    (Initially Completed)   Well I still got some stuff that I need to upload to the asset manager, so I'll be reviewing inspirations in general anyway. I guess I can check this one off?

    Week 4
    Optimize your Environment
    (Initially Completed)   I mean, all I really need is my PC and World Anvil. I do grab snacks when I work every other weekend since I work at a grocery store. If I do listen to music while working on worldbuilding, it's usually been an 11 hour video of Skyrim music that I have bookmarked.   I did recently start using a little notebook just for quickly writing stuff down and thinking about how they connect. Although I might move this to an online whiteboard just because I cannot write fast.   So, I guess I'll just initially check this one off.     Review Homepage
    (Completed 06-25-2024)   Despite this being a recent thing I just started earlier in 2024, there are a few changes I want to make to the homepage that I just haven't yet. One of which is making images for the big 3 buttons. I'll probably use some AI generated thing for now.   Update Intro & Profile
    (Completed 06-26-2024)   I've been keeping my profile fairly up to date since I've joined World Anvil earlier this year. Maybe I can add a bit more to it, like more than just one "featured article" or something? idk.   The World Guide page could use some updating, even though I just updated back on June 18th. There's still more I can do with the top half.

    Cover image: by World Anvil


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