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Azanam is a sparsely populated kingdom populate by the Kundi peoples. They live in numerous small villages spread across the land, making them difficult to deal with as a centralized people. Each village workds as a individual tribes, with all tribes negotiating any actions that must be taken as a nation.

Azanam's Location

Magnamund World Map
This map serves as the base map for all other maps in this game setting. It is a world map that shows the continents of both Northern and Southern Magnamund, separated by the Tentarias Sea.


Millenia ago, Azanam was the home of multiple tribes of cannibalistic humans. When Agarash cut a swath across Southern Magnamund, in 4906 BMS, he wiped out the human tribes of Azanam. This lead to the rule of the pacifistic Kundi. They remained isolated for years, living peacefully among the trees.

In MS 5056, Azanam was pivotal in assisting Grey Star in his quest for the Moonstone .  Their assistance ultimately lead to the recovery of the Moonstone and the The Death of Shasarak the Wytch-King  .

Demography and Population

The "nation" of Azanam is populated by the Kundi, and those fortunate enough to count themselves as honored visitors.

Foreign Relations

Azanam maintains no official connections with any other countries.

Agriculture & Industry

The citizens of Azanam take part in susbsistance farming, with most small towns maintaining fields. Each family of Kundi often manage a small garden.

Azawood trees grow naturally all across Azanam.

Trade & Transport

Emissaries and visitors from other realms are not invited into Azanam. The minimal trading happens at a small number of trading posts run by the more adventurous Kundi.
Geopolitical, Tribe
Major Exports
Azanam holds a number of rare herbs, minerals, and spices that it uses to trade with guests. They strictly control the collection of Azawood trees and do not normally include them in trade.
Neighboring Nations
Related Species


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