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Klarno is arguably the most violent nation in Southern Magnamund.   The people of Klarnos are a warrior culture with little repsect for any diplomacy but that of the sword.  They are capable of mercantilism and mining, but only so much that it supports their perpetucal wars.

Klarnos's location

Magnamund World Map
This map serves as the base map for all other maps in this game setting. It is a world map that shows the continents of both Northern and Southern Magnamund, separated by the Tentarias Sea.


Klarnos celebrates military might on both a national and an individual level.  Any citizen, male or female, that is not ready to lay down their life will find themselves under constant harassment.  The juvenile social games of oneupmanship and threat determine social status.


This history of Klarnos is a saga of military endeavors.  A massive army of Nael warriors displaced from other nations literally carved a country out ofthe Klarn Mountains and highlands.  They proclaimed themselves a sovereign nation through right of arms.

Klarnos had led dozens of raids and invasions into neighboring lands and have been repeatedly rebuffed.  This has been mostly due to the lack of cohesive organizations within Klarnos itself.  This limits their ability on battlefield, as well as their ability to sustain their military operations.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
1 orla (silver/steel alloy coin) = 2 gold crowns
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities


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