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The Kelderwastes constitute a giant jungle province of Southern Magnamund. There is little to not travel through the Kelderwastes as they are populated by the remains of the Agarashi, and any number of smaller followers. The only settlment of any size is the village of Mydnight, on the Island of Sheasu. Originally this settlement was populated by refugees of naval attacks in the surrounding seas, now it acts as a point of trade for those exploring the Kalderwastes.

Kalderwastes Location

Magnamund World Map
This map serves as the base map for all other maps in this game setting. It is a world map that shows the continents of both Northern and Southern Magnamund, separated by the Tentarias Sea.


The Kelderwastes are a giant and untamed jungle. It ranges across miles and miles of land, populated by all manner of large beasts.


The Kelderwaste are eternally hot and humid. The winter montsh bring some respite, but only from the humidity and not the heat.

Fauna & Flora

The Keldrath, a race of tool-wielding humanoid reptiles, are the rumored rulers of the Kelderwastes. Though, the existence of these creatures is not a certainy, as many assert that they are a primitive race of Gourgaz. Regardless, if they do exist, they are not organized or deal with outsiders.

The 'wastes also include a fair amount of undead. Those that die here often rise as undead for an unknown reason.
Official Language
Mythenish Language
Sommlending Language

Included Locations


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