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Doomlands of Naaros

The doomlands of Naaros include the lands around the ruined and broken city of Naaros. There are rumors that there may be unclaimed treasures within the city, but to access them means crossing the Doomlands. There are predators here that awaken after long cycles, and prowl the wastelands.

Naaros' Location

Magnamund World Map
This map serves as the base map for all other maps in this game setting. It is a world map that shows the continents of both Northern and Southern Magnamund, separated by the Tentarias Sea.


The land and sky are almost a uniform grey. The hills have been flattened by the cataclysmic magics used here millenia ago. There are no mountains, and former lakebeds are now just depressions. The remains of buildings, and the city of Naaros dot the landscape.


The dust of the land swirls up into the atmosphere, and the exposed magma heats the skies and leads to an oppressive humidity. The rains come and go quickly pelting the dusty landscape into muddy quagmires, before retreating.

Fauna & Flora

An unknown number of Agarashi slumber underneath the surface of the Dooomlands of Naaros. Sometimes they awaken and take their vengence on the neighboring human lands, but these awakenings have happened less and less often over the millenia since Agarash was slain.
Included Locations


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