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Telshos is a land destoryed by the hubris of its past leadership. The land consists of vast deserts and wastelands punctuated by smaller settlements. The destruction of the land has reshaped the culture of it inhabitants. Telchos is now an isolationist nation, wishing little to do with the rest of the world. It is the home of an honored warrior tradition, and peaceful internal rulership. These have both helped it weather the storm of this harsh land.

Telchos' Location

Magnamund World Map
This map serves as the base map for all other maps in this game setting. It is a world map that shows the continents of both Northern and Southern Magnamund, separated by the Tentarias Sea.


Telchos is organized by tribe, with some tribes having as few as 50 members and some as many as 500. The leadership of the country is made up collectively by the Wise Ones of each tribe that are present in Telchos for the monthly governmental meetings. By law, each Wise One has an even voice. In practice, older or more powerful and influential Wise Ones have more say. Wise Ones are exclusively female.


The natives of Telchos consider their ability to survive in the harsh environment as the chief determinant of someone's status. This evaluation is not exclusively based on combat ability, but by knowledge, survival skills, and anything else that helps one survive.

This leads to some condescension towards those Telchoi that live in the cities with tribesfolk considering them soft. The city dwelling Telchoi often consider the tribesfok backward and incapable of "surviving" in an urban environment.

In addition, Telchos and the Telchoi people in general consider woment to be teh wiser sex. All Wise Ones, and magical practitioners among the Telchoi are women.


Telchos was once a lush land, or rainwaters and forests. The original Wise Ones of the tribes sought to use magic to increase their wealth. An unknown Wise One spoke to the councils warning against this course of action, but they perevered. They used a ritual provided by Agarash to bring the mineral and material wealth to the surface.

This effectively wrecked the soil and ecosystem of Telchos, rendering the environment they know today. The tribes roamed the deserts and the cast out the old Wise Ones.

... or be left behind.

Geopolitical, Co-rulership
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities


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