Red Fang Chapter 24

Elise held the cloak tightly around her robes as she took the north gate and the steep road down to the town. The afternoon sun was warm despite the shortening days and as the path turned, she got a view of the town and the hundreds of boats moored up at the quayside. More were at anchor on the river or busy ferrying soldiers and their equipment from the far bank to the town.

She took the path to the market, staring wide-eyed at the hundreds of people filling the streets. She wanted to smile and say hello to everyone she passed but did her best to go unnoticed aware that if they discovered who she was that there would be trouble.   Soldiers loitered outside the market pubs, singing and shouting as they drank to celebrate their safe return. A few fights spilt out onto the streets and crowds gathered to cheer them on while the town guards watched from a distance unwilling to get involved.   Elise sidestepped the worst of it and asked a young soldier walking with his family if he happened to know of a mercenary company known as The Red Fang.      
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The Thousand Lakes
Nestled in the shadow of the Intraana mountain range is a vast land of marsh and forest. Rivers pour in from both the north and south flooding the region until it's more lake than land and yet it is home to more life than any outsider could imagine. Hidden among the reed beds are villages and farms, not all sited on dry land, some float. The villages of the marsh elves drift with the seasons, following the migrations of birds and fish, ignored by the humans as long as they don't get too close. A human king claims dominion and is ready to shed blood to prove it, not his but those of his men, marching them into the swamp to kill and needlessly die. But there are still places where people can hide from tyrants and create homes and communities of their own.
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