Red Fang Chapter 40

“It’s no good, the boat’s stuck,” Dallon said throwing the rope into the shallow water. “They’re gaining on us and we’re not going anywhere.”

Sweat poured from Toli’s brow as he gave the rope one last pull before giving up and letting the rope fall slack. “Leith, how far away are they?”   Leith stood up in the prow, his feet braced on the gunwale and peered over the reeds. He could just make out the first of the masts weaving its way behind a stand of willows.   “Too close,” Leith said pointing with the tip of Leon’s bow. “I think I see a second boat not far behind the other. We can’t outrun them, not like this.”   Toli swore and slapped the water. They had been at it since dawn, pulling the boat through the shallow waters hunting for the deeper stretch that they all knew must have been near, but now the boat was stuck and refusing to budge.  Boris, give it up,” Toli said. “It’s not going anywhere.”      
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The Thousand Lakes
Nestled in the shadow of the Intraana mountain range is a vast land of marsh and forest. Rivers pour in from both the north and south flooding the region until it's more lake than land and yet it is home to more life than any outsider could imagine. Hidden among the reed beds are villages and farms, not all sited on dry land, some float. The villages of the marsh elves drift with the seasons, following the migrations of birds and fish, ignored by the humans as long as they don't get too close. A human king claims dominion and is ready to shed blood to prove it, not his but those of his men, marching them into the swamp to kill and needlessly die. But there are still places where people can hide from tyrants and create homes and communities of their own.
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