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Eternal Darkness (The Times of Trouble 3rd Cycle)

The timeline of events in the Eternal Darkness Campaign.

  • 1

    The Dream (Kythorn 1st, 1458)
    Celestial / Cosmic

    A mysterious women appears to the group in their dreams warning them the darkness is coming as the dark ones have opened the portal again. They must find the Book of Selu'taar which will help in closing the portal. The group receive a letter from Volo asking for help in Waterdeep.

  • 2

    The Beginning of the Protectors (Kythorn 7th, 1458)

    Cora, Nyx and Valna arrive in Waterdeep and find Volo at the Yawning Portal. Volo asks for help in finding his friend Floon who disappeared after a night of drinking in return for payment and assistance.

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  • 3

    The Rescue of Floon/Cannella joins the group (Kythorn 8th, 1458)

    While Cora, Nyx and Valna are investigating the disappearance of Volo's friend Floon, Volo sends word another Protector had arrive and making their way to meet them. Cannella joins Cora, Nyx and Valna as they break into a warehouse to find Renaer Neverember. Renaer tells the group about the kidnapping and offers a lead on finding Floon. The group is able to rescue Floon from his kidnappers in the sewers.

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  • 4

    History Repeats Itself/The Opening of The Trollskull Manor (Kythorn 9th, 1458)

    For payment for helping Volo, he signs the deed of the Trollskull Manor over to the group. The group learns about a traveling carnival called Frederick's Marvelous Carnival of Wonders is coming to a nearby town. Volo introduces the group to a friend, Mirt, who tells the group about the Times of Troubles where Bane, Myrkul and Shar in the past tried to steal Ao's power. During this time Protectors and Destroyers were created based on those who helped the gods or tried to destroy the gods. A second Times of Troubles occurred about 75 years ago and it was stopped by a group of Guardians. Mirt fears a third Times of Troubles maybe beginning. Mirt tells the group of a mysterious ship called the Serpent's Eye arriving recently in Waterdeep. The group meets Maxeene, a contact of Mirt, which tells them about a sun elf with ties to the ship was dropped off at a manor house. The group investigates the Serpent's Eye and discovers the crew was loading a mysterious cargo.

  • 5

    The Past Returns/Sneatcha Joins The Group (Kythorn 9th & 10th, 1458)

    Following up on a previous lead about Davil Starsong the group watches the Morrell Manor and decides to enter at night. Inside the manor, the group finds the owners had been murdered. While searching the area, Valna hears a voice of an old friend she thought was dead. The party encounters the manor's butler which appears to be under someone's control. The butler tells the group his master is awaiting their arrival in the basement. The party goes to the basement and finds Davil with Valna's old friend Barley. Shackled to a table was Sneatcha who earlier was kidnapped as he entered Waterdeep. Davil offered the group money to walk away and leave Valna. Refusing the offer, the group attacks killing Davil and his bodyguard while Barley escapes. Valna has a vision that she is a key. Later at the Trollskull Manor Renaer tells Valna where he remembers her. Valna's father worked for Renaer's father. Renaer returns a necklace to Valna from her father. Valna finds a key to a safe box at the bank and retrieves it. It contains a map and a note telling Valna to find a sword called Tranquility.

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    Morrell Manor
  • 6

    Searching for Answers/Friac Joins the Group (Kythron 10th, 1458)

    The group investigates an explosion outside the Trollskull Manor. Caught in the explosion were a gnome and two men with Zhentarian tattoos. Nyx, through interviewing with witnesses, discovered it was a clockworks creature which was responsible. The group returns to the Trollskull Manor when the local authorities show up. Magistrate Barnibus Blastwind enters the Trollskull Manor to interview the group over the explosion. During questioning Valna cracks under pressure and places herself at the Morrell Manor. Sneatcha speaks up to defend Valna. Barnibus issues Valna a fine and departs from the Trollskull Manor. Following up on the lead about a clockworks creature, Nyx goes to the temple of Gond. Nyx discovers Nim, a niblewright, had created a clockwork creature which matched the creature on the roof top but Nim doesn’t know where it went. While leaving the temple, Nyx was asked to help a goblin who had been sitting in the temple’s halls of inventions. Nyx discovers the goblin is a Protector and his name is Friac. The party uses a device Nim gave Nyx to track the creature. They find the creature is at the Gralhund Villa. While investigating the villa, the party discovered a group of Zhentarians had attack the villa’s guards. The party breaks in and kills the Zhentarians and Orond Gralhund. Nyx talks to Yalah Gralhund who tells Nyx she does not know why the Zhentarians attack but declared to the city watch when they arrive no investigation is needed.

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    Gralhund Villa
  • 7

    The Lost Treasure Found (Kythorn 11th & 12th, 1458)

    The Trollskull Manor has it grand opening busy with patrons. Volo helps obtain a riding lizard for Nyx and a horse for Valna. Volo introduces Starzuild to Sneatcha who later goes to his room to polish his horn with Starzuild. Barnibus arrives at the Manor to question Valna about what happened last night at Gralhund Manor. Sneatcha shows Nyx some books he took from Gralhund Manor which details Lady Gralhund being an apprentice to Lady Ammalia Casslanter who is the high leader of the Cult of Asmodeus. Volo remarks the Casslanters has a mausoleum in the City of the Dead so the group decides to check out the mausoleum. Nyx using the device to find Nim’s creation gets a hit in the City of the Dead in the Casslanter’s mausoleum. The group enters the mausoleum and finds two dead cult members with the destroyed creature. They find a female cult member still alive. After healing the female she tells the group she is Vaelle Lurval and she was her with her boyfried to obtain the Stone of Glorr but was betrayed by two other cults. Vaelle knows where the cults are and will show the group if they will kill them for her. Valle takes the group to an old windmill where they find the cults passing the Stone of Golorr off to a bone demon. After killing the cultist and the bone demon Nyx obtains the Stone of Golorr. The group returns to the Trollskull Manor where Nyx asks the Stone of Golorr about the treasure. The Stone of Golorr tells Nyx where the trease is and how to open the door. The next day the group travels to the hidden vault and finds the guardian of the treasure. Valna appeal to the guardian’s to return the stolen treasure. The guardian allows the group to return the treasure only if it gets to get a pile of gemstones and a staff. The group agrees and the guardian transforms into a gold dragon and flies off. Valna sends a message to Renaer asking for help with the found treasure.

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    City of the Dead
  • 8

    The Return of the Treasure (Kythorn 12th & 13th, 1458)
    Political event

    After receiving Valna’s message, Renaer shows up at the vault with Mirt. They confirm it was the stolen treasure. Mirt tells the group he will help secure a finder’s fee for finding the stolen treasure. The group agrees and Mirt helps the city guard secure the treasure for its safe return. Valna inquires if Mirt knew her father which Mirt tells Valna he did not know him. Later in the day Mirt arrives at the Trollskull Manor and presents the group with a bank note for the finder’s fee. The party rest for the day as they gear up for a shopping spree during Guildhall Day.

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    Tessalar's Tower
    More reading
    Kythorn 14th Edition
  • 9

    The Ritual at the Guildhall Day Celebration/Shar Returns to the Realms (Kythorn 14th, 1458)
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The party returns to Trollskull Manor after purchasing magical items, and Barnibus Blastwind arrives to check on Valna. Cora tells the group about Iris being captured by the Darkstriders and Fel'rekt, the real operator of Floyd's Side Show. They learn that Fel'rekt was using the captured creatures to lure people into the show, and the animals on the Serpent's Eye may be connected to Fredrick's Marvelous Carnival of Wonders. Nyx, Sneachta, and Valna visit the Temple of Tempus and learn about the Halls of Heroes, which is closed due to the evil influence. They then visit the Halls of Justice to inquire about Eyria but are met with resistance. Nyx goes to see Vaelle Lurval, who tells her about the Cassalanters' special ritual planned for Guildhall Day. Nyx goes to investigate while the rest of the party enters the party using fraudulent copies of the invitation. They notice the guards are confining the families to the courtyard and the wealthy guests are in a different area. The party finds out the Cassalanters has poisoned the guest as part of ritual to bring something through a gate in the temple below the manor house. The party is successful in partially stopping the ritual as something came through but with complications.

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    More reading
    Kythorn 15th Edition
  • 10

    The Discovery of the Cult of the Dragon/Group Gains Permission Into the Halls of Heroes (Kythorn 15th,1458)
    Criminal Activity

    The party visits the House of Heroes to see if they can obtain access to the Halls of Heroes and have Sneatcha restored.  High Sword Bloodhelm agrees to help in exchange for helping Taeros Bladesemmer find his kidnapped daughter Dhanna.  The party finds out Dhanna is lonely and naive and was visiting the Temple of Painful Pleasure with a lover she met.  The party found out the lover was using Dhanna and turned her over to the Cult of the Dragon for ransom.  The party found the cult's hide out and rescued Dhanna.

  • 11

    The 3rd Cycle of the Times of Troubles Begins/Investigating Frederick's Marvelous Carnival of Wonders (Kythorn 16th-18th, 1458)
    Criminal Activity

    The party witnesses the gods falling from the sky and realizes that the time of troubles has begun. They decide to go to Fredrick’s Marvelous Carnival of Wonder and do some reconnaissance. Nyx discovers that the animals are controlled by magical collars and decides to go back to Waterdeep to retrieve dispel magic wands. Meanwhile, Friac goes to the carnival and gets a job helping with the first aid station. Cannella sees a strongman hand off something to a nobleman and Valna goes with him to shop in Saltmarsh. They learn about a haunted house and Friac buys some alchemical goods from the Alchemists’ Guildhall.
      Valna and Cannella follow a man they saw interacting with the strong man and an elderly woman matching their description. Cannella follows the woman to the orphanage while Valna follows the man, who introduces himself as Egan Lassiter, to the carnival. At the carnival, they witness children throwing stones at magical creatures and Egan talks to Frederick, the carnival owner, about the abuse. Frederick puts a collar on Valna and transforms her into an ettin with a polymorph spell. The rest of the party arrives at the carnival and engages in a fight with the strongman and clowns while Cora and Nyx use dispel wands on the magical creatures. They realize the creatures were people and find Valna in ettin form. They turn to leave but are attacked by Mag, who drains Cora's energy before being defeated by Nyx.

  • 12

    The destruction of Frederick's Marvelous Carnival of Wonders (Kythorn 18th,1458)
    Criminal Activity

    The party searching Frederick’s wagon and finding some gold and items. While Cora, Valna, and Nyx rescue the remaining animals, Sneatcha and Friac help the head of the carnival guards, Len, who is being attacked by four wolves. A fireball is then fired from the big top, killing Len and the guards while injuring the wolves. One of the wolves transforms into a female elf, and the other transforms into a male elf. The large wolf runs towards a wagon by the big top, and Sneatcha and Friac follow it. Sneatcha fights a clown and enlarges himself while Friac sees inside the wagon, where he finds a box with drow script on it. The box says, “from my eternal homeland, I rest.” The large wolf transforms into a human male and tells Friac that the box contains the mistress Briza Lueltar, whom they must keep alive. Nyx, Cora, and Valna arrive to help rescue the animals when several fireballs are fired at the wagons. Valna sees a clown with the ringleader on top of a wagon targeting the animal wagons and tries to attack them, but the wagon explodes, knocking them down. They return to the wagon with Sneatcha to find Briza Lueltar, who they debate whether to keep alive or kill. They decide to kill her, and they turn their attention to the human male, Darwin. The party steps outside and sees a group of soldiers arriving at the carnival led by a male gnome, Lord Hoskin Lashti of Saltmarsh. Nyx talks to Hoskin and tells him what happened while Sneatcha and Friac search for the strongman’s wagon but instead find the Wagon of Horrors. They enter it with Cora and Valna and find a torture room.
      Cora, Nyx, Valna, Sneatcha, and Friac continue their quest to find the book of Selu'taar and the missing children. At a mysterious facility, they are captured by men who plan to use their bodies in a display. Nyx rescues them with the help of soldiers. The group then heads to the Lilybrook Orphanage, where Nyx disguises herself as Lady Lorelei Thalavar to retrieve the children. They find one child, Mazel Analith, who is not related to the others. In Saltmarsh, Sneatcha and Friac visit a temple and a curio shop to find weapons against the undead. Meanwhile, Nyx, Cora, and Valna try to lure Lord Lassiter out of the town hall to retrieve the children. They are successful, but Valna becomes disoriented after entering an office in the hall, and the group is suspicious.

  • 13

    Finding the Location of Chael's Final Resting Place/Discovery of Night Mask Smuggling Operation (Kythorn 18th-19th,1458)
    Criminal Activity

    The group met back at their tents outside of Saltmarsh and discussed the unknown person Mazel Analith's father, Saevel Analith, had told him about. Chael Goldleaf, a member of the guardians, had helped Saevel overcome a curse that plagued their family. Mazel told the group he hadn't seen his father in years and that he was placed in Lady Lorelei Thalavar's care.
      While waiting for Nyx to return from Waterdeep with the children, Cora noticed a wolf pacing outside the tent with a note and a druid vestment attached to it from Darwin.
      The group decided to check out the old Gellen house outside of Saltmarsh, where they found the house in poor condition. They explored the area outside the house and discovered raised sections of a garden where some creature had burrowed underneath. Cora discovered that the burrow tracks were from weasels, and she explored the burrow in her weasel form, finding nothing of interest.
      Nyx found a trap door in the floor of the house and the group went down it where they encountered a human male who had information about a ship waiting for special cargo. The group also engaged in battle with blood skeletons in a room marked "danger."
      The party enters a cavern where they are attacked by green slime, but they are able to burn it off before it eats through their armor and flesh. They encounter smugglers in a sea cave and defeat them before finding a ship named Sea Ghost. Friac sneaks onto the ship but is caught by drow and put in a cell after being hit with a Feeblemind spell. The party sneaks aboard the ship and begins searching for Friac. They enter a cabin crew room and are about to enter the cargo hold when the session ends.

  • 14

    The Capture of The Sea Ghost/Discovery of the Night Mask Smuggling Pools of Radiance (Kythorn 19th,1458)
    Criminal Activity

    The party aboard The Sea Ghost search the ship for Friac's gear and the crew's treasure. Sneatcha plants a magical bean in a compost bucket that leads to a void, and pulls out an angry leprechaun who agrees to find Friac. Meanwhile, Astari, a pixie, helps free Friac from the cell, but the leprechaun appears and takes Friac away. The party attacks and kills the drow crew in the cargo hold after using an entangle spell. They find a keg of radiance and discover that the captain was looking for the Emperor of the Waves, who is missing. The parrot in the crew member's quarters sends a coded message to the captain with coordinates, and Sneatcha finds something shiny in the bilge. However, Astari dies in the fight with the drow crew.
      They party decide to investigate the Emperor of the Waves and find the damaged ship sinking. Cora wildshapes into a fish and enters the hull, but is attacked by ghasts and paralyzed, while Sneatcha, Nyx, and Friac deal with a sea creature attacking the ship. Sneatcha rescues Cora and the party escapes, but is attacked by demons before Nyx destroys the ship with the last of her necklace of fireballs charges. The half-orc on the ship survives and shouts something at Sneatcha.

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    The Sea Ghost
  • 15

    Egan Lassiter Assassinated/Entry Into the Halls of Heroes (Kythorn 20th-21st, 1458)
    Criminal Activity

    The party prepares for their journey to the Halls of Heroes. Sneatcha plants beans, causing a foul-smelling gas bubble and a well. Friac and Valna go shopping and visit a tavern, where Friac is propositioned by the bartender. The tavern explodes, and Valna is taken to see the town council member for questioning. She gets into a confrontation with Lord Egan Lassiter and is allowed to leave on the condition of reporting any new information. Valna returns to the camp.
      Sneatcha, Cannella, and Cora return to camp and find Darwin, Lady Thalavar, and Jorg waiting. Valna meets Bjorn, the head of the ship crew. Nyx and Valna interrogate Jorg while Sneatcha is attacked by a Night Mask assassin. The party gains information from Jorg and decides to punish him by cutting out his tongue and hands. Darwin takes Lady Thalavar back to safety. Nyx sneaks into Egan's office and discovers he put a hit on the party. A shadow creature kills Egan, and Nyx takes his ledgers. Friac breaks into Egan's house and is attacked by a shadow demon. The demon teleports Friac to a cabin where he meets Karla. Nyx returns to camp and informs the party about Egan's murder. The party decides to rest before heading to the Halls of Heroes.
      The party arrives in the abandoned village of Grimhollow and seeks entrance to the cemetery to find a relic of Valna's family. They encounter Doombringer Grimhollow, who allows them to enter and directs them to the Halls of Heroes. They are given sun rods to light Sacred Braziers of Balance in the crypt to weaken the undead. They encounter undead in a chamber and use the brazier to defeat them before moving on to encounter wolf spiders in the main corridor. They eventually find another chamber with undead, which they defeat using the brazier.

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  • 16

    Cult of the Dragon Breaks Into the Halls of Heroes/Valna gains Tranquility (Kythorn 21st, 1458)

    The party enters a crypt to retrieve the sword Tranquility. Sneatcha triggers a pressure plate and they are ambushed by skeletons. They defeat the skeletons, destroy a shade, and balance a scale to open a secret door. They encounter cultists and destroy them in combat, finding a brazier and a crypt door that leads to Tranquility. The figure guarding the sword tells Valna to embrace darkness, but she ultimately chooses to wield the sword for good. They battle shadow demons and the figure, and Valna is transported to the shadow plane where she meets Shar's avatar. After a briefly discussion Shar's purpose, Valna is returned to the tomb.

  • 17

    The Cult of the Dragon Attacks Greenest/Kelemvor Killed by Set/Valna and Friac Charged With Grave Robbing (Kythorn 21st-22nd 1458)
    Criminal Activity

    The party leaves a crypt and notices a dragon silhouette in the sky and a fire in the distance. They arrive at the town of Greenest, which is being attacked by kobolds, mercenaries, and a blue dragon. The party helps townspeople and fights the dragon, eventually killing it. They also engage in combat with cultists, including a blue half-dragon, and receive a reward from the town master. Nyx receives a magical dragon's eye gem found in a nearby mine, which may have been the reason for the attack.
      The party thanks Tarbaw for helping them with the blue dragon and returns to Friac to finish harvesting it. They then decide to return to Waterdeep to run some errands. Nyx decides to preserve the dragon's head for the manor while Valna and Cora stay behind. Friac causes mischief in the city and is caught by the city watch, who summons Valna to argue on his behalf. The magistrate drops most charges against Friac but holds Valna for trial on charges lodged against the party by the Temple of Torm. The rest of the party hides from the city watch and Nyx tries to find a way to free Valna, including speaking with the dead priests of Kelevmor who were killed by Cyric.

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  • 18

    Sneatcha Declared the Underground Champion/Discovery of a Conspiracy in the High Order of Torm /Galrik Joins the Group (Kythorn 23rd, 1458)
    Criminal Activity

    Friac is released from prison after Big Hal pays his bail, and they head to Saltmarsh where a fighting tournament is being held in the Underground. Sneatcha and Galrik make it through the first two rounds of the tournament but Sneatcha is defeated by the grand champion golem in the third round. During the tournament, Nyx notices Kalius Honser, a member of the Cult of the Dragon, watching Sneatcha fight. Teywin reveals to Nyx that he is tracking members of the cult, and Kalius is one of them. Nyx and Teywin meet with a member of the High Order of Torm to lie about Sneatcha's capture and get help in clearing Valna's charges.

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    The Underground
  • 19

    Valna Found Not Guilty/The Church Wars Begins/High Sword Bloodhelm Dies In the Attack On The House of Heroes (Kythorn 24th, 1458)

    Valna's trial for multiple crimes, including tomb robbing, murder, stolen goods, and false prophecies is held. The High Order of Torm presents evidence against Valna and her party. Barnibus defends Valna, providing evidence that pokes holes in the prosecution's case. The magistrate ultimately rules in Valna's favor, dismissing all charges against her and the party. Star later arrives at the Trollskull Manor, panicked and looking for Sneatcha. She tells Sneatcha that two men broke into her room and beat her up, looking for him. The party helps Sneatcha fight the men and two mind flayers that emerge from the room. They then hear battle sounds coming from the House of Heroes and rush over to find the High Order of Torm fighting demons. Sneatcha witnesses High Sword Bloodhelm being fatally injured by a demon and vows to find out who the false god is and stop it.

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    House of Heroes
  • 20

    Discovered the Darkstriders are working for the Night Mask for a form of radiance to help control their transformation/magical hull plate found (Kythorn 25th,1458)

    Bjorn informs Nyx about a surviving scroll from the Sea Ghost's captain's quarters which indicates a crate for the former captain is waiting at the Waterdhavian Customs House. Nyx shares the information with the party, and they decide to investigate. Galrik arrives with a note to meet Volo and is introduced to the party by Sneatcha and Nyx. Nefertiti, a follower of Tempus, also joins the group to help after hearing about the temple incident. At the customs house, Nyx retrieves the crate and finds two hull plates that allow ships to fly with a lodestone. The lodestone is missing, and a note directs the captain to meet at an abandoned tavern outside Waterdeep. The party agrees to meet there and is attacked by werewolves. They defeat the werewolves and retrieve the lodestone. Cora and Sneatcha try to track the remaining werewolves but are forced to flee. The party returns to the Trollskull Manor, and Nyx promises to investigate the Darkriders further.

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  • 21

    Stopped Cyric's Curse on the Emory Wood which is connected to the Grandfather tree/Cora finds the Sling of Dire Wind (Kythorn 26th-27th,1458)
    Disaster / Destruction

    Cora that Emory Woods, an elder forest connected to the great tree spirit, is sick and there is a darkness spreading. She requests Cora's help in finding the cause and stopping it. The party agrees to help and takes the Legendary Valor to the forest. On the way, they encounter some mishaps, including Valna's inexperience causing a sick passenger to vomit on a farmer. Upon arrival, they notice sickly animals fleeing the woods and a swirl of dark clouds above. They land the ship and meet Evelyn, the last druid of the Emory tree, who explains that the woods are cursed and dying. Evelyn asks the party to join her to find an ancient treant named Silvebark who may know how to lift the curse.
      Evelyn takes the party to the Emory Woods' heart where they meet a group of sickly treants. All attempts to help them fail until they turn to Cora and say that the Grandfather Tree speaks of her and how she will help. Nyx asks Evelyn if there is anyone who can assist the party once they arrive in Silverbark’s Forest, and Evelyn tells her about her friend Frick. The party encounters a dangerous tree and fights it, and after they win, they camp for the night. They meet Frick the next day, who tells them that Silverbark has been asleep for 150 years and will be grumpy when they wake him up. The party finds mistletoe and sets off to meet Silverbark. During their journey, Sneatcha encounters two pixies who bless him with the gift of invisibility in exchange for some pine cones.
      The party arrives at Silverbark's Grove and meets with Silverbark who tells Cora the only way to remove the curse from the forest is to cleanse it of evil and plant a rare Silver Pine tree. Frick's friends help Cora and Sneatcha find the Silver Pine cone, while Nyx, Valna, and Galrik fight and kill the evil creature and its shadows, and later a dark naga who was seeking a gemstone. The party regroups in the grove, and with Cora's help, the ritual to cleanse the woods is completed, and life returns to the forest. The spirits of the trees reward Cora with the Sling of Dire Wind, and Sneatcha invites Jixie and Prite to join him on his travels.

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    Emory Woods
  • 22

    Going back to Galrik's roots to help Lady Shadowborn against Ebonbane Bane's weapon from coming to the realms (KYTHORN 28TH,1458)

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  • 23

    The destruction of Ebonbane/Return from the Dreaded Plane (KYTHORN 28TH,1458)

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  • 24

    The Group become nobles/Night Masks attempt to kidnap Cora (KYTHORN 29TH,1458)
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  • 25

    The Discovery of the Zhentarian using Kolat Towers as a Base of Operation/Rescue of Thea Tealeaf (KYTHORN 30TH,1458)
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    Kolat Towers
  • 26

    Discovery of Set's Revenge Plan Against Cyric and Shar/Discovery of the Cult of the Dragon's Stolen Treasure Smuggling Operations (Flamerule 1st-2nd, 1458)
  • 27

    Discovered the Cult of the Dragon is moving stolen treasure into a floating cloud giant's castle above Parnast (FLAMERULE 2ND, 1458)
  • 28

    Destruction of the Cult of the Dragon Smuggling Operation/White Dragon Glazhael killed by the group(Flamerule 2ND, 1458)
  • 29

    Discovery of a Fake Temple of Mystra Operated by the Church of Shar to kidnap followers of Mystra (Flamerule 3rd, 1458)
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  • 30

    The Destruction of the Church of Shar at the fake temple/Discovery of the Location of the order of the immortal lotus(FLAMERULE 3RD, 1458)
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  • 31

    Defeated the Order of the Immortal Lotus & Bak Mei/Sneatcha finds the Bullybasher's Gauntlets(FLAMERULE 4TH, 1458)
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  • 32

    The Night Mask commit assassinations in Waterdeep/The Zentarians alliance with the Church of Shar/Valna gains a new mount and Cora gains a new friend(Flamerule 5th, 1458)
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  • 33

    The Darkstrider's failed ambush/Malar's destruction/Galrik receives a new awaken (Flamerule 6th, 1458)
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