Fort Guljebb (Gool-JEB)

Fort Guljebb was a forward scouting base employed by the Pact of the Blessèd during the War of the Six, located near the base of the Haaros in northwestern Unenshuut near its border with Kiva and Ustraria. It was one of around fifteen such forts of varying size used as launch bases or bases of operations for larger forces, or simple lookout camps established along the Unenshuut border, and one of four classed as being in the 'Northwest Theater' of the war.   Of all the forts and the domains for which they were responsible, Fort Guljebb was considered the runt of the litter and a highly undesirable assignment. Due to it also being an experiment in how far inside Unenshuut the Pact could reach, it was also seen as incredibly risky, barely accessible, and not expected to survive -- only made viable by how little strategic importance it was expected to have compared to other forts in other theaters. It was abandoned halfway through its initial construction and left derelict until being put to use again, but was not given adequate provisions, manpower (or talent), or supplies for its success.


Initial construction began as part of a flurry of fort-building activity conducted by the Pact of the Blessèd in mid-986AC. Once the levels of activity in each of the theaters became clearer and the Northwest Theater was not seen to be one of them, construction slowed before finally drawing to a complete halt in late 986AC.   Renewed interest in the fort came in the Season of Opening, 987AC. The 'Guljebb Detachment'  was formed under Eba-Mulir Joksha Oakwill and consisted of fifty soldiers and other personnel, including Kaavius Springfist and Unliore Jrei'ein. Due to intelligence reporting Accord occupation in the Northwest Theater, the detachment was sent around the Haaros into Kiva in order to reach the fort -- essentially the long way around. Over twenty soldiers/personnel, including Oakwill himself, would die in the attempt or desert and Unliore was left as the ranking officer to get them the rest of the way.   Once there, increasingly strained supplies and spotty communication would combine with spurts of unexpected combat to create a largely losing battle; confirmation of incorrect intelligence regarding the nearby Accord occupation on which the mission had been based did not improve morale. In the season before the Widow's Siege, they were called to abandon the fort and make the journey east to the main theaters; thus it has not been inhabited since the Season of Opening, 989AC.

Season of Waiting, 986

Founding Date
Season of Closing, 986
Military, Camp
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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