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History of Gaggers

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    1 /3

    Thundren and Nundro arrive at Wave Echo cave
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    1 /3

    Agatha Kicks Sister Garele
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    1 /3

    Gobey Joins the Redbrands

    Gobey gets dragged by a group of bugbears for a job with the Redbrands. Gobey leaves the cragmaws thinking he will find a better future here. He does not want to cause harm to no one so he declines most requests to hurt people.

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    1 /3

    Gond Sends Honse out to Look for His Family
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    1 /3

    Phalux Runs away From Yornith
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    1 /3

    Mirna, Nirisa, and Nars get captured by the Redbrands
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    1 /3

    Pippy Finds the Redbrand Hideout
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    1 /3

    Halia Orders for the Hunting of Mining Gear Heading to Phandalin

    Halia ordered Nezznar to tell the Cragmaw to hunt down any shipments of mining gear to phandalin. Nezznar listens. She does this because she knows Gundren will be traveling from Neverwinter to Phandalin to the Wave Echo Cave. She needs to get rid of Gundren and arranges an assassination of Thundren. Nezznar then goes and Tells King Grol to take care of it. King Grol agrees.

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    1 /3

    Iarno and The Redbrands are Ordered to Stay within Phandalin and Continue to Terrorize the Town
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    1 /3

    Gundren hires a Group of Adventurers to Escort a Wagon of his Mining Gear to Phandalin

    Gundren requests his cousin Amber to deliver and escort a wagon filled with tools to Barthrens Provision, a store within Phandalin. He also hires Gogo Thornt an ex criminal halfling trying to turn a new leaf but in need of some coin. He also hired on last adventurer Isac Gringle , a human warrior who wants to make as much money as possible to restore his village of Thundertree.

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    1 /3

    Sildar & Gundren get Attacked by Cragmaws Guided by Yimeek
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    2 /3

    Gond gets killed by his brother Malefor
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    2 /3

    Gogo meets Narth
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    2 /3

    The Protest Against Harbin Webster

    Harbin gets notice that the Woodcarver Drednarver, died and his kids and wife got kidnapped by the Redbrand , Harbin is desperate as this was a huge event. citizens are protesting in front of Harbin and he knows if he provokes the Redbrands even further it can lead to more deaths. He announces that it is in everyone's best intersest to not pursue the redbrands as more citizens will suffer.

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    2 /3

    Gogo meets Linnene
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    3 /3

    Hamun Kost Sets up Camp at Old Owl Well to FInd Artifacts
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    3 /3

    Halia Tells the Redbrands to Cause a lot of Trouble to the New Adventurers Within Phandalin
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    3 /3

    Isac and Gogo Meet Sildar
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    3 /3

    Sister Garele Returns Injured from Agathas Lair
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    3 /3

    Isac, Gogo, & Amber get Ambushed by the Cragmaws
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    3 /3

    Gundren arrives at Phandalin and Goes to Wave Echo Cave
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    4 /3

    Isac meets Sister Garele and Accepts her Quest to go to Agathas Lair
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    4 /3

    Gogo & Isac get Ambushed by Redbrands

    Isac went to go back to Stonehill Inn when he ran into Gogo then got ambushed by Redbrand . Redbrand Ruffians attack them, they want to kill off Gogo. Isac and Gogo end up killing a ruffian and capturing the other one, Gogo finds out that Glasstaff is the one leading the Redbrand. Gogo lets him go and heads back to the Inn with Isac.

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    4 /3

    Amber meets Elsa & Daren Edermath.

    mber wakes up at Stonehill Inn and speaks to the barmaid Elsa Runaia while having breakfast. She tells amber about an ex adventurer known as Daren Edermath who lives in the Edermath Orchards. Amber then finds out that Gundren is safe and there is nothing for her to worry about. Amber proceeds to visit Daren, at his orchards, and he tells her about the group of bandits in town known as the Redbrand He insists that the townmaster Webster is a coward for not intervening and reveals the leader of the Redbrand known as Glasstaff, and the location of the Redbrands known as Tresendar Manor. Amber goes back to the Stonehill Inn then finds out that Isac and Gogo got ambushed by a group of Redbrands on the streets

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    4 /3

    Rumple orders his men to Attack the Adventurers and After Deafeat Threatens Harbin Webster

    Rumple sends two of his strongest rebellion members to scout around Phandalin and attack some random people to make it look like Iarno is really in charge. Rumple later in the night overhears that his men died while fighting, and one was left naked and attacked. They were described as adventurers and one has a great description of Gogo Thornt. Rumple furious, goes to the town master Webster and threatens him to make sure these adventures either leave or not attack the redbrands as this could ruin his plans. Webster scared agrees to go find out where the adventurers are.

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    5 /3

    Isac & Gogo visit Quelliene & Pippy
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    6 /3

    Nundro Oficially Betrays his Brothers and Kills Thundren
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    6 /3

    The Party Storms Trescendar Manor (Redbrand Hideout)

    Pippy, Isac, Gogo, Sildar, & Amber storm the base of Redbrands.

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    6 /3

    Gogo gets offered to join the Harpers but Declines
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    7 /3

    Iarno Escapes and Amber, Gogo, Isac & Sildar are celebrated as heroes of Phandalin
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    7 /3

    Iarno heads to Neverwinter. Halia Packs her things and leaves Phandalin
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    7 /3

    Gundren Hires Phalux & Honse to Help out the Adventurers
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    7 /3

    Phandalin Is Freed!
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    7 /3

    Pippy joins the Party
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    8 /3

    Hamun Kost Finds The First Artifact
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    8 /3

    Gogo, Isac, Pippy, and Amber meet Phalux
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    8 /3

    Amber, Gogo, Pippy and Isac head to Connyberry to Speak to Agatha the Banshee
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    8 /3

    Pippy gets his first kill defending a comatose Gogo
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    8 /3

    Edermath gives Amber a Quest to Join the Order of the Guantlet
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    8 /3

    Gogo trains Pippy on the art of Combat
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    9 /3

    Gogo Falls into a Coma
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    10 /3

    Halia Warns Iarno to Get Out of Phandalin
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    10 /3

    Halia Warns Gundren to Not Pursue the Wave Echo Cave
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    10 /3

    Klaarg Demotes Yimeek. Yimeek vows to take over the Cragmaws
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    10 /3

    Nezznar arrives at Wave Echo Cave and meets up with Nundro.

    Nezznar finally arrives at the wave Echo Cave. He meets with Nundro and tells him to play prisoner just in case the adventures survive any future trials. Nundro agrees

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    10 /3

    Isac and Phalux Eifel Tower an old lady for 10GP
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    10 /3

    Halia Calls for the Attack on Phandalin Through the Cragmaws
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    10 /3

    Aurthum Hears about A Half Orc Spotted by Conyberry
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    10 /3

    Pippy and Gogo ring the bell summoning Agatha
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    11 /3

    Pippy, Isac, Honse, Phalux, Gogo, and Amber secure the book for Sister Garele from Agatha
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    Amber, Gogo, Pippy, and Isac meet Honse
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    11 /3

    Hamun Kost Gets Killed By The Gaggers
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    11 /3

    Gogo and Honse Fight

    Pippy with excitement from waking up Gogo runs into Honse. who gets upset and picks a fight with Pippy. Gogo defends Pippy and before a brawl breaks out the inkeeper Woodsman tells them to take it outside which they do. Pippy and Honse who is a lot taller than Gogo fight, Honse knocks down Pippy and before knocking him out completely he gives Gogo his hand and says he loves to see someone protecting their family.

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    11 /3

    Pippy gets Kidnapped by Agatha
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    11 /3

    Isac beats Phalux in a Rizz off and wins the heart of Agatha
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    12 /3

    Nezznar hires a Sniper to take out The Gaggers
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    12 /3

    Nezznar Meets Rumple and Isac
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    13 /3

    Honse Dies

    Honse is killed by the red wizard Hamun Kost and is buried in Old Owl Well

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    13 /3

    The Gaggers fight a Red Wizard of Thay Named Hamun Kost
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    13 /3

    Rumple and Iarno flee from their Hideout and Head to The Wave Echo Cave
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    13 /3

    Isac stays at Old Owl Well to Mourn the death of Honse
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    Aurhtum saves Gogo, Pippy, and Amber from a Pack of Wolves and joins the Party
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    14 /3

    Gobey Defects From The Crgmaws
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    15 /3

    The Party makes their way back to Phandalin
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    15 /3

    Gundren gets Kidnapped and Is Taken to Cragmaw Castle
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    15 /3

    Phalux wakes up beside a Hobgoblin and his Asshole hurting
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    15 /3

    Walter White Makes His 1st Appearance
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    17 /3

    The Attack on Phandalin
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    16 /3

    A sniper attacks the party which was hired by The Black Spider
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    17 /3

    Amber Burns Down Stonhill Inn
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    17 /3

    Quelline Alderleaf Dies. Pippy's Rage Awakens.
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    17 /3

    Aurthum and Phalux Meet Gobey
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    17 /3

    Phalux and Aurthum Meet
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    17 /3

    Elsa Reaching the City of Lelion and looks straight for work
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    Amber joins the Order of The Guantlets
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    Sildar arrives at the Cragmaw hideout and Gets Captured and Tortured by Yimeek
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    17 /3

    Phalux, Aurthum and Gobey head to Cragmaw Hideout to Save Gundren
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    18 /3

    Harbin Webster Declares 3/15 Phandalin Day
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    18 /3

    Phalux fucks an Orc to get information on Wyvern Tor
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    18 /3

    Pippy and Gogo Clear the Mess of Their Farm and Bury Quelline.
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    18 /3

    Mirna, Nirisa, and Nars Decide to pack their things and Move out of Phandalin
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    18 /3

    Isac says final goodbyes to Honse and Heads Toward Phandalin
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    19 /3

    Gobey, Aurthum and Phalux Try to take down Cragmaw Hideout by Themselves and Fail

    Gobey barely makes it out alive and Aurthum and Phalux Survive Barely but get captured by Yimeek

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    20 /3

    Isac Arrives at Phandalin

    Isac finally arrives at Phandalin to see everything is in ruin. He gets information on where the rest of his party is and he finds out the location of where he has to be. He heads towards to Cragmaw Hideout

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    20 /3

    Toblin Stonhill heads To Neverwinter to take out a loan for the rebuild of his Inn
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    20 /3

    Pippy, Gogo, Amber Meetup with Gogo and Go toward The Cragmaw Hideout
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    21 /3

    King Grol Tortures Gundren at Cragmaw Castle

    Gundren arrives to Cragmaw Castle where the leader King Grol tortures him out of the location for the Map to the Wave Echo Cave, the Dwarf is resistant and resists 7 full days of torture until he gives up the location of the Wave Echo Cave. This pained him since he knew he would be putting his brothers in danger . He was given a day of rest and thought he was going to be executed.

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    21 /3

    Elsa gets a job as a maid in Leilion
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    21 /3

    Amber, Pippy, Gogo Arrive at Cragmaw Hideout and save Aurthum Phalux and Sildar

    Gundren arrives to Cragmaw Castle where the leader King Grol tortures him out of the location for the Map to the Wave Echo Cave, the Dwarf is resistant and resists 7 full days of torture until he gives up the location of the Wave Echo Cave. This pained him since he knew he would be putting his brothers in danger . He was given a day of rest and thought he was going to be executed.

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    22 /3

    The Ambush at Cragmaw Hideout
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    22 /3

    King Grol Puts Gundren in A Cell to Starve to Death

    King Grol asked Gundren who else was knows about the location of the cave or even its exisistance and Gundren refuses to give any sort of information. This upsets King Grol even more and continues his torture. Gundren Persists and does not reveal a thing this pushed King Grol to let Gundren rot in his Cell for the remainder of his life.

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    23 /3

    Phalux Pipes Sister Garele

    After a couple of days of reconstruction and taking care of the villagers the adventurers Isac, and Phalux come and pay a visit to her. Phalux tells her about a new way of clerics and people of the cloth how they are able to have intercourse with each other. Phalux bangs her on the alter.

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    23 /3

    Harbin Webster Goes to Neverwinter to try to Get Financial Aid for the attacks but Fails
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    23 /3

    Elanor Leaves Yorinth to Search for Phalux
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    23 /3

    Yimeek heads to Conyberry to try to Recruit People to join his Gang

    Yimeek is heading to south to Connyberry and goes to try to get a crew with the money from Phalux and Aurthum to help him with crime.

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    24 /3

    Barthren gets upset at Amber due to lack of Manners
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    25 /3

    Halia hires a doppleganger to attack and kill the Adventurers

    Halia feels its best to go to the Wave Echo Cave and gets a doppleganger to stay here in Cragmaw castle and follow the adventureres until they arrive. This is a precautionary way to prevent her from not knowing where they are. If the adventurers some how defeat King Grol then she will know and can leave the Wave Echo Cave.

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    25 /3

    Zeldron takes a job form the Duke of Yorinth

    Zeldron is tasked to safely recover and secure Elanor as she ran away from home recently. Zeldron accepts as he is in need of money.

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    25 /3

    Halia arrives at Cragmaw Castle

    Halia arrives at King Grol's Cragmaw Castle to learn what King Grol got out of Gundren, Halia knowing who knows tells King Grol to expect a visit by a group of adventurers and to not fail in killing them.

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    25 /3

    The party heads to Wyvern Tor to Look for Gundren
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    25 /3

    Isac Gringle fights Brughor Axe Biter to The Death
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    26 /3

    Aurhtum Awakens his Historical Rage

    After resting in the woods the party decides to go to Old Owl Well one last time since it is so close to where they are, as they can pay respect to Honse. Aurthum goes into a rage state after seeing his son dead. his Blind rage forces the party to sit him down and make sure he chills. The party stays at Old Owl Well for the day.

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    28 /3

    Party Heads to Thundertree
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    29 /3

    The Party meet with Reindoth and Negotiate a Deal with HIm.

    Reindoth negotiates a deal with the party that if they get rid of both the cultists and the dragon Venomfang that he will tell them the wherabouts of Cragmaw castle. The party agrees and rests at Reindoths.

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    29 /3

    Harbin fails in acquiring funding to rebuild Phandalin People are Upset at him

    Harbin returns to Phandalin and reveals to the people that he was unable to acquire any funding for people and the people were both pissed an skeptical for not bringing anything back. People continued to rebuild and Phandalin was at relative peace.

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    30 /3

    The party takes on the cult and VenomFang!
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    30 /3

    Mormesk is bothered by multiple Bugbears, Nezznar makes a deal with Mormesk and they Chill

    Mormesk killed a bunch of Nezznars bugbears who thought they can take his treasure for their own. Ever since then no more of the Black Spiders henchmen would never mess with Mormesk again. Nezznar is told that multiple of his bugbears have been dying, upon investigation it is revealed that There is a wraith, Nezznar brokers a deal with the Wraith that he will not mess with any of his possesions. The Wraith and Nezznar chill and they do not fight each other

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    1 /4

    Gobey Dies
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    1 /4

    Sildar Dies
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    2 /4

    Sister Garele Finally Finishes Decyphering the Book

    After dechyphering the book that Amber gave it turns out that Agatha was either unaware or tricked the party and gave the wrong book, the book was actually something more mysterious, a revealation that the coming of the Dragon Queen Tiamat was about to make their return. Alarmed, she reported this to the Harpers who immediately summoned her to Waterdeep.

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    2 /4

    Phalux Tamed and Befriended a Wolf. Named it Waaku
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    2 /4

    The Party Head to Phandalin to restock on supplies and Head to Cragmaw Castle
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    3 /4

    Phalux and Isac Have a Rizz off for Linnene Graywind. Isac gets kicked out Linnene falls in love with Phalux
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    3 /4

    Amber gets Promoted to Chevall
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    3 /4

    Elanor gets Captured by Goblins and Is held at Cragmaw Castle
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    5 /4

    6 /4

    The Party Storm Cragmaw Castle
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    6 /4

    Phalux and Elanor get Escorted back to Yorinth. Phalux will be charged with Resisting Arrest. Duke hates him for Fucking his Daughter
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    6 /4

    Isac, Gogo, Zeldron, and Gundren Die
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    6 /4

    Berun comes across a wounded wolf. This wolf is Waaku
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    6 /4

    Halia begins her Final Preperations for The Mine of Phandelver

    Halia hears word that the adventurers have been extremely hurt from King Grol. Halia is happy about that so she leaves the wave echo cave and leaves another doppleganger in her place and tells Nezznar preperations are almost complete, she kills the prisoner Thundren and heads to Neverwinter to complete preparations to get the mine ready to go. Halia meets a groveling Rumple and Iarno, and she hires them to protect the entrence of the Wave Echo Cave.

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    7 /4

    Maldron Visits Agatha for Guidance

    Agatha gets visited by some theifling looking for a chalice named Maldron, she decides to see the demon within him and accidentally summons a part of it. She quickly uses most of her energy to contain it and tells Maldron to come back to her when he is a bit stronger for his body to fully contain it.

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    7 /4

    Maldron joins the Party
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    7 /4

    Agatha Revives Isac Gringle

    The squad heads to Agathas Lair. which is close by. There agatha is speaking to a theifling named Maldron Aatha sees Isac and isntantly begins to revive him using all her power. Isac is brought back to the world with little memory of his past. Isac is revived.

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    8 /4

    Mirna hears rumors about a dragon being driven away at Thundertree she goes to investigate
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    8 /4

    Amber and Pippy find Yimeek in the Streets of Conyberry and Chased Him down and Tortured Him

    when they spot Yemik. A chase ensues and eventually Amber and Pippy catch up. Amber is pissed and cuts off one of yemiks toes and brands him. She also cut off yemiks ear. She then lets Yemik go.  After spending some time away Yimeek has to go back to the market to buy more food, there he spots the halfling Pippy who he recognizes. As pippy and amber were shopping in Connyberry they spot Yemeek. A chase ensues where Pippy eventually cathces up to him. Amber is pissed and cuts off one of yemiks toes and brands him. She also cut off yemiks ear. She then lets Yemik go. Yimeek vows to get revenge on Amber and goes back to the Cragmaw Castle to see what remains.

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    9 /4

    The party mourns over Gogo's Death, His Funeral is held In Phandalin

    The Squad mourns over Gogo's death. Amber and Pippy cry. Isac has a beautiful speach about Gogo and death. Pippy looks up to Isac for this.

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    10 /4

    14 /4

    The Party takes on The Wave Echo Cave
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    10 /4

    Amber kills Iarno "Glasstaff"
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    10 /4

    Halia hears that the party is heading to Wave Echo Cave, She Makes Haste to Get There
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    10 /4

    Pippy Kills Rumple
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    12 /4

    Elsa and Toblin make a deal to Co-own the next version of Stonehill Inn
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    12 /4

    Nars Begs Edermath to Train him Edermath agrees
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    12 /4

    Mirna makes it back to Thundertree

    Mirna goes to Thundertree after many years and see it is desolate and empty, she cleans up her grandfathers alchemy shop and decides she will slowly make a home out of the place, she wants to locate Isac so she heads back to Phandalin to ask about his whereabouts.

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    12 /4

    Yimeek arrives at Cragmaw Castle

    Arriving there he sees the whole place has been completely brought into ruins even further and what remains are the skeletons of many goblin bones and hobgoblin bones. Yimeek sees the only thing that remained was Lhupo who extracted the surviving pet of his to become a lot stronger. There they both share an awkward stare then they share each others story, Lhupo wants revenge on Aurthum and Phalux while Yimeek wants revenge on Amber and Pippy. They both make a plan to recruit as many more goblins as possible and regrow.

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    12 /4

    Ge’Orge F’loyd is Turned into a Frog and Cursed to Stay that way for 3 Months
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    13 /4

    Phalux arrives to Yorinth. Gets Put into a Prison Cell
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    13 /4

    Sister Garele Gives the Book that the Party Help Get it Turns out it is the wrong book but a prophecy
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    14 /4

    Halia starts a riot against Harbin Webster. He is forced to Resign as Mayor and a New Mayor has to Be picked
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    15 /4

    Nundro Attempted to Clear the Mine & Hired Miners

    Nundro got straight to work and hired a bunch of the old phandalin miners to get this mine up and running, first thing they had to do was creature control. He hired a group of Zentharim adventureres and killed every creature there. The only creature they could not kill was a spectator, 3 adventurers died and Nundro negotiated with it and said as soon as he can find this "Maldron" to help free him he will get Maldron. In reality Nundro will wait until he becomes a nuicanse and hire a really powerful group to kill the specatator.

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    15 /4

    Mirna and Isac leave Phandalin and head to Thundertree to begin its rebuilding

    Isac with the new funds goes to Thundertree to reconstruct. Before however there is a big celebration in Phandalin where he meets with Mirna Drednar the woodcarvers wife. There she asks to join Isac in Thundertree to help the rebuild he agrees and after rest they head to Thundertree.

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    16 /4

    Aurthum Finds Thrud

    Aurthum after months and months of searching finally found his wife in Phandalin

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    16 /4

    Halia Protests for Re-election of Mayor of Phandalin.

    Halia protests and people agree with her. People join the protest and with the backing of Nundro. Mayor Harbin Webster steps down as Mayor and announces election

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    16 /4

    Elsa wanted to Ask Amber for A Loan. Amber Refused.

    Elsa a barmaid that used to work at Toblin Inn wanted to get some money so she invested in the reconstruction on the inn and asked Amber for loan money but she refused

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    16 /4

    Daren Edermath takes Pippy as His Apprentice

    Daren Edermath goes to Pippy and tells him how he looked up to his mother and promised her to take care of you one day when he inevitably wanted to become an adventurer. Daren trains Pippy in the art of sword combat and invites him to live with him.

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    17 /4

    Rockseeker Corp Begin operation of Mine. Narth Stonecrusher gets hired
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    17 /4

    Linnene Enquires about Phalux as she wants to marry him
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    18 /4

    Midir heads on a voyage to Jigow in the Continent of Wildmount

    Midir currently at Neverwinter heads to ship going towards the Kyrn Dynasty a political group of Eldrich knights. The journey will take month and and a tenday to arrive. the location is the region of Xhorhas in the city of Jigow. Midir wants to become an Elrich Knight and knows that going to Wildmount is the best way to do it

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    18 /4

    Daren enlists Pippy and Nars into Faerun Warriors Tournament Qualifying Division
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    18 /4

    Pippy meets Nars. Pippy almost kills Nars

    Edermath introcues Narth and has both apprentices fight each other. Pippy almost kills Narth and pisses off edermath as Pippy was clearly overpowered.

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    18 /4

    Narth Finds Honse Etchings In Wave Echo Cave

    Narth went to Barthrens Provisions to get some supply and there he meets up with Aurthum and Thrud there he tells them about the job and how grateful he is for the oppurtunity and since Aurthum is his boss now he respects him. He tells aurthum about some dedication etchings on the wall and Aurthum recognizes that those markings are Honse's. Aurthum requests Narth to make etchings of the wall and gives it to Aurthum.

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    18 /4

    Reindoth Finishes his Research In Thundertree
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    18 /4

    Isac & Mirna Create New Thundertree
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    19 /4

    Election Day for Mayor of Phandalin

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    19 /4

    Isac Constructs Statues of Gobey and Sildar in Thundertree
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    19 /4

    Zerod Arrives at Conyberry

    After Zerod/Maldron escaped from Wave Echo Cave, Maldrons body was extremely damaged, Zerod decided to go to Conyberry to get medical attention. He is treated very poorly in Conyberry but he steals healing supplies and heals himself.

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    20 /4

    Phalux and Elanor Go To Neverwinter Orchestra

    Phalux is granted special parole with Elanor, she convinced her dad to allow it, Phalux goes to a trip to Neverwinter with her and Cuckodious. He watches a symphony with her and has VIP passes. He goes to the back and speaks to a violinist Mirisa Drednar. She tells him about her life and he and her bond they exchange names and she agrees to play for him at any time he wants.

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    20 /4

    Halia is Elected as Phandalins Mayor

    Election results are in and there is now a vacant role of mayor within the council of Phandalin. She gets Nundro to pay for everyones homes that way people will want to vote for them.

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    20 /4

    Sister Garele Visits Isac to Enquire more about the Book

    After all celebrations came to the close she finally requests to see Isac as she overhears that he married Agatha. Mirna the secretary tells Isac and Sister Garele says to investigate the book Sister Garele tells Isac that the book she requested the party all that time ago was not the one she requested and was the incorrect one. She translated that book and it was a profecy that spelled the end of world. She wants to know if Isac knew more about it but he did not so she asked if he could ask Agatha who is Isac's wife. Isac accepts and hands the building plans to the main builder and heads to Agathas Lair.   While working on the planning for the new building Mirna tells Isac that Sister Garele wants to speak with him. Isac agrees to speak with her. Sister Garele tells Isac that the book she requested the party all that time ago was not the one she requested and was the incorrect one. She translated that book and it was a profecy that spelled the end of world. She wants to know if Isac knew more about it but he did not so she asked if he could ask Agatha who is Isac's wife. Isac accepts and hands the building plans to the main builder and heads to Agathas Lair.

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    21 /4

    Woodsman wants to open a lumber mill

    Business is very slow and Connyberry is struggling economically, Woodsman knows it is ideal for a new lumber business to come from Conyberry. but first he must first find a way to convince Agatha to allow for some trees to be cut around her grove. He heard rumors about her getting married to an adventurer that once visited his Inn. He goes to Agatha to find his whereabouts. Agatha tells him that Isac is currently rebuilding Thundertree. Woodsman closes the Inn temporarily and travels to Thundertree.

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    21 /4

    Halia tries to Recruit Amber into Zentharim but Fails. She succeeds in recruiting Aurthum

    Halia visits Amber to squash the beef but does not work out. She then visits Aurthum and successfully converts him into Zentharim. He gets the tattoo on him and he becomes a devout member.

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    22 /4

    Aurthum advises Toblin on Building the Inn. Him and Elsa Begin the Build
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    22 /4

    Berun sets off on his journey to Greenrest
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    22 /4

    Phalux is sentenced to 2 years in Prison
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    23 /4

    Isac takes thee prophecy book from Sister Garele
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    23 /4

    Edermath trains Pippy and Nars for the Faerun warriors tournament
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    23 /4

    Riendoth with his research finds out that the nature near Thundertree has a lot of Draconic Properties.

    In neverwinter academy he finds that nearby Thundertree there is potetial for the bringing of a new dragon. The fey energy points as a great dragon breeding ground. The emerald Enclave tasks him to look for these areas near Thundertree. He decided that it was important to speak to the people of Connyberry, Old Sarandhar, and Thundertree

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    24 /4

    Narth overheard a conversation he should not have

    Narth's group at work found a section of the mine that was made out of precious ore so was unsure if to mine out the ore or if to just buldooze it through so he went to Nundro's office when he overheard a conversation he was having with some hooded figure, he overheard Nundro talking about how necessary will it be to have to take out Amber, knowing he shouldnt be hearing this he quickly runs away.

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    26 /4

    Halia eliminates Narth after failing to Tell amber what he heard

    Halia realizes that the biggest threat to her and her plans is currently Amber as she is the only one that has suspicions on her. She goes to Nundro if he could set up an "accident" involving her. Nundro said he isnt killing more family members. Halia sees that someone was listening in. It was Narth. she goes to follow and then kill Narth but notices He is going to Ambers house so she runs away. She decides that the best thing for her to do is to gather a personal guard under her. She needs to win the election and now with Aurthum that makes one she will look around for warriors to join her to gain influence.   A very frightened Narth comes to visit Amber about what he heard during work, when Narth requested to come inside she freaks him out by forcing him to say it outside in public. Narth thiking he already has said too much decides to head home on his own.

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    26 /4

    Isac turns down woodsman request to open up a lumber mill
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    27 /4

    The Stonehills go to Amber

    Toblin and his family go and visit Amber Sweetgrass, Toblin asks her on reccomendations on the inn in which he will apply.   Dara goes to visit Amber and she tells amber how she has suspsions on Elsa getting coins out of nowhere Judith and her family goes to Amber and Judith asks her about Phalux how she misses him so much.

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    28 /4

    Agatha and Reindoth Discuss the possible Draconic Properties of Neverwinter Forest
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    29 /4

    Berun Arrives at Leilion
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    29 /4

    Halia uses Aurthum to buy the portion of The Stonehill Inn
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    29 /4

    Narth's Funeral is held
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    30 /4

    Pippy and Nars participate in The Farun Warriors Tournament

    Pippy fights two people in the entrence qualifiers of the tournament of power and he beats Nars in the final in which Pippy gets to rank Z.

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    30 /4

    Randall recieves a Loan by Halia
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    30 /4

    Halia Thorton Wins The Election of Phandalin!!

    As predicited Halia and her strong rally won the eleciton of Phandalin, Halia is now the leader of Phandalin. Halia is elected new Mayor and leader of Phandalin, Harbin is a little bit sussed out though because she too was the leader of the people who wanted to re elect the mayor. He congratulates Halia. Sister Garele is disappointed about Halia's win she decides to look into the legitimacy of the election she spends times with her contacts in the Harpers to see what she should do next.

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    30 /4

    Yimeek spots Maldron/Zarod and invites him into the Cragmaws

    Yimeek during a raiding party sees Maldron which is now under Zerods control, Yemik is pissed but recognizes that Maldron is diffrent and they take him in under their ranks.

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    1 /5

    Nars trains to earn his Z ranking
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    1 /5

    King Derid is Visited by Head Druid Rotnog Regarding the Earthmother Temples

    King Derid is visited by the Druid Rotnog, Where she explains how it is almost time for the Moonshaes to consecrate the Earth Mothers Temples. King Derid agrees and sends word for warriors who are capable of getting it done. Just then he remembers that his friend Jericho Oustgard from Yorinth said that he knew a warrior who he owes him a sort of debt. He contacted the Duke to see if he was avaliable and up to get that warrior recruited.

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    1 /5

    Midir enlist to the Kyrn Dynasty
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    2 /5

    Harbin and Amber plan behind closed doors for a Rally against Halia

    Harbin decides to go to Amber to get her involved in politics around town. as a council would fit Phandalin a lot better and he does not like the idea that Halia is the new mayor in town. He will plan a open rally next week to get people into it.

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    2 /5

    Phalux is given a task by the Duke to Earn his Freedom

    Phalux gets summoned by the Duke, do to the nonstop pestering of Elanor and the fact that she is pregnant the duke will give Phalux one chance to redeem himself. The duke is good friends with the king of Alaron, The Duke of Alaron King Derid Kendrick requested to the duke to bring a good warrior of his to help come up with a party to reconsacrate the moonshaes. Duke does not know why or anymore details but Phalux is told to try to get his old party back together. He sends a letter to Pippy, Gogo, Amber, Isac, and Aurthum

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    2 /5

    Isac joins the Harpers through invitation of Sister Garele

    Sister Garele decides it is important to get more powerful influenctial people involved with Phandalin so she will head to Isac to contact him to make him join the Harpers. Isac agrees and he needs the aid of the harpers.

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    3 /5

    Elsa and Amber Beef at the Grocery store

    Amber goes shopping for new clothes when she spots Elsa buying real fancy clothes. Amber knows about the suspicions on how Elsa got the money. She goes and questions her and prods her on Halia and her thoughts on Halia as Amber believes that Halia is up to something really bad. Elsa just deflects and quickly excuses herself.

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    3 /5

    Pippy joins the Order of the Guantlet

    Pippy arrives at Phandalin and gets congratulated by Edermath, he asks him to join the Order of the Guantlet. This is something Pippy accepts.

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    3 /5

    Halia enacts new tax and citizenship laws for Phandalin

    Halia imposes two new laws. 1. Tax reform imposing huge taxes on the rich and low on the poor 2. ID for all citizens required, for entry purposes. Halia knows that taxing the rich will be her enemies and keep her in power and as for the id its a way to control easier when she plans to instill harsher punishment on the citizens.

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    5 /5

    Lu'Stros F'Loyd Joins Amber and Phalux on a boat to Caer Calidyr

    Lu'Stros F'Loyd is looking for Ge'Orge F'loyd in Neverwinter as it is a popular large city, he overhears two adventurers talk to each other about his brother he immediatly follows them onto the boat to Neverwinter   Amber responds and says she will be there at Neverwinter to get on the boat to the moonshaes, Isac apologzies for he is busy building his city, Pippy and Gogo do not reply, Aurthum also apologizes as he just found his wife and wants to spend time with her. He says if things get bad he will go to help out.   Amber goes to a rally and succedes to have an election of different memebers within a council of Phandalin. She then heads to Nevewinter as there is a calling from Phalux to help him on a quest. Phalux and Amber reaquaint. he finds about Gogos death and is primarily caught up with everything She also talks about this Grung that they met named George Floy'd Phalux is very interestd about this. Amber and Phalux board the ship and head to the Moonshaes   Lu'Stros F'Loyd asks about his brother and meets Phalux and Amber, they tell him that his brother has died but then turned into a frog and hopped away. Lu'Stros F'Loyd knows about his brothers curse and knows it wont be for another 2 months before he makes an apperance he decides its best to just stick to the adventures who know him and eventually Lu'Stros F'Loyd will find his brother.

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    6 /5

    Stonehill Inn Reopens!
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    6 /5

    Maldron Steals Linnene's Goods with Yimeek. He is given his Worg Kir

    goblin scout spots a huge Caravan of Weapon Shipments. Yimeek uses this as an oppurtunity to take. He tells Zerod/Maldron and heads to the caravan. to Rob it. They attempt to rob the caravan. Zerod got promoted and Yiemeek was succesful and they go back to Cragmaw Castle with a woman named Angela who was getting raped.

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    6 /5

    Harbin Webster Succeeds in getting a rally going for the election of other members of Phandalin

    she says and agrees on coming up with a 5 person council of President, VP, head of public relations, head of secutiry and Treasruer.   Halia has an idea on who can be the head of security, she knows of a great ex bandit known as James Pellen and gets into contact with him asap. she hears about his son who was left in the Moonshaes and how he should be perfect for recruitment. Halia decides to pursue this Eli Pellen.   As for Treasurer she appoints Nundro. She decides it is okay to give Amber the role of public relations and for VP she will allow an election to be held.

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    7 /5

    Reindoth arrives at the City of Cakodia
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    8 /5

    Linenne Asks Edermath to help out with Stolen goods

    Linnene hears word about her shipment getting stolen so she immediately begs to Edermath to find out why and what happened and to get the shipment. Edermath reluctantly agrees and takes Sister Garele and Pippy with him.   Yimeek sends out Zerod for another run of equipment he hears rumors of a nice Giant Ruby getting shipped, Yimeek sends Zerod and a squad of goblins.   Yimeek sends out Zerod for another run of equipment he hears rumors of a nice Giant Ruby getting shipped, Yimeek sends Zerod and a squad of goblins. Zerod and his Worg get captured by Pippy, Sister Garele and Edermath, They take him into questioning at Phandalin and keep him knocked out.   Daren Edermath gets told by Linnene that her last shipment of equipment got robbed again and it a begginer adventurer group got killed on the way there. Sister Garele got upset at that, her apprentice Lily was there on the shipment. She was not found dead at scene. Garele and Linene pleaded with Daren to help out and figure out wherre the shipment has gone too. Daren reluctantly agrees but only because this will help to develop Pippy. They go and stop Zerod from taking the shipment. Due to the heroics of Pippy Zerod is captured and taken in for questioning.   Pippy gets tasked by Edermath to hide within a wagon and take down anyone who comes inside. Pippy doesnt know what is going on but he has his task and fulfills it greatly. He takes down Zerod in epic fashion and he thinks he is still Maldron, he tries to get an explanation but Zerod passes out. Him, Sister Garele, and Linene go to take him to prison.

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    8 /5

    Toblin meets a Sprite Who is Named Marvin Jarl. Marvin asks Toblin to stay, Toblin agrees

    Marvin finds a place in the mainland called Phandalin he enters the first home in the town which seems to be an inn there he talks to the innkeeper who has never seen a sprite and is impressed he likes the sprite. Marvin tells toblin he can chill with him. Toblin agrees. Marvin will slowly sprinkle dust all over to expose more and more people from the inn and the innkeeper.   He meets a Sprite called Marvin Jarl, the sprite is chilling with him

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    8 /5

    Berun Arrives at Waterdeep
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    10 /5

    Yimeek creates escape tunnel

    Yimeek sees Zerod is missing, he gets goblins to scout the area, he notices that Zerod has been captured he prepared the Cragmaw Castle for the worse and digs and escape tunnel

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    10 /5

    Binzo gets dreams of a Grung who he is destined to meet
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    13 /5

    Reindoth finds a portal in nevewinter Forest
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    14 /5

    King Derid puts out a request for warriors to aid him on the quest
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    15 /5

    Walt carragher makes sexual advances on Nirisa, she stops him and claims love for Phalux
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    15 /5

    Berun Arrives to the Misty Forest
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    15 /5

    King Derid Kendrick Sends Heroes on a Quest

    Phalux and Amber arrive at the mooonsheas they specificallhy arrive at Caer Calidyr. He heads straight for the King. There at the king he tells him that he was able to hire two more adventures and it was Barney and Lydia. Just as the King was telling the party the quest to consecrate the temples. The king notices a Grung was with them. He introduced himself as Lusturous Floy'd and said he followed Amber and Phalux all the way from Neverwinter since they mentioned his lost brother George Floy'd. The king explains that there is 5 temples that the group has to consecrate in order for the Earth Mother to protect the moonshaes for another 100 years. These temples will surface and the coming of them will be noted by the moon. Just as he was explaining this a rouge named Eli tried to break into the castle to steal. There the guards took him to the king. The King saw some good in Eli and offered him freedom in return for completion of his quest. The party is told to head to Lehigh.

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    15 /5

    Binzo Follows Lu'stor's Floyd

    Binzo arrived at Caer Calidyr and went to stay at the inn he looked all day for that Grung he was destined to meet but he found nobody. He was really confused what to do next so he just waited. He was at the bar, and he finally saw the grung but did not see the mark on his forehead athat he would always see in his dreams. He did not want to make the wrong guess so he followed his frog friend for a while. 5/18/1: After following the Grung he realized that he did get the mark as he must have gotten it while he fell behind. Binzo found himself where goblins were attacking he spoke to cleric named amber and he joined her party Binzo joined the gaggers. Eli, Lydia and Binzo go on ahead and take the first group of Goblins, Amber stays to prepare her spells as she will go in with the intent to kill. As she does this a sorcerer asks if she needs help, his name is Naga. Amber accepts and they go together to join the figh

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    15 /5

    Elsa learns how to fight
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    15 /5

    Halia arrives to Caer Calidyr looking for Eli

    Halia heads to Caer Calidyr inn and finds info on Eli she gets some and awaits his eventual arrival. here a bar fight almost erupts as Eli was caught stealing Gp from a civilian, Barney did not like that, Lustorous convinced Barney he was just seeing things. After the little skirmish the chef tells Eli that there is someone in the kitchen that wants to talk to him. Eli does not refuse so he heads into the kitchen where he talks to Halia Thorton. Halia offers him work with the Zentharim and has heard good things about him. Eli refuses as he believes it is best if he gets on good terms with the king. Halia tells him if he ever changes his mind to crush this teleportation stone. Halia will show up wherever he is and bring him back to Neverwinter. Eli takes the stone and she says goodbye. party sleeps.

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    16 /5

    Phalux Meet n Fucks Arleen

    Phalux and Amber head to the markets to do some supply shopping. There in the General store Phalux meets a girl named Arleen and there he takes her out on a date to the park sanctuary in Caer Calidyr. Phalux spends his whole day there and he fucks Arleen. Arleen falls in love with Phalux. Amber catches Phalux fucking at the sanctuary and thinks he is weird for doing that.

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    16 /5

    Eli steals some guap in the Market. L Floyd Lowe's it
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    16 /5

    King Derid Kendrick Hears about the Great Gark's attack on Lehigh, he sends Soldiers
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    16 /5

    The Party saves a gagged and tied Walter White

    The party heads south where they see a gagged walter white. They try to help him out but Barney falls for the Ambush trap that the goblins have set up. They easily get rid and dispatch them.

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    17 /5

    Phalux Dies
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    17 /5

    The Party Fights Goblins Sacrificing the People of Leghigh

    head south and reach Lehigh where there is a huge ritual happening to summon something. These goblins are doing anything they can to subdue their human sacrifices. The party split up and try to attack. This fails horribly. They meet a knight of Caer Calidyr named Eazelle. There Eazelle sacrifices herself. The party is already put into ruin. As Lydia gets shot down, Phalux sacrifices himself to protect Lydias life. Phalux dies protecting a woman and in pursuit of pussy. Amber yells out Phalux name as she hides behind a house. She cries and tells him to get up, he however does not budge. Immediatly afterwards Barney gets captured. Seeing no way out. She leaves along with the snake phalux fucked, Lusturous, Eli, and Lydia. She vowes revenge for Phalux and is deeply saddend by his death. Phalux was with her from the start but now she has to finish this quest alone.

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    17 /5

    Lu'Stors Fl'oy'd gets the mark of the antlers

    They continue to travel south to lehigh when they see a majestic stag in the forest. This Silver stag was beautiful. A bunch of goblins were trying to restrain it. The party helps the stag and the stag kills some goblins. The Stag goes to Lustrous Floyd and gives him a mark of the Antlers.

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    17 /5

    The Mine of Phandelver Begins Production
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    17 /5

    The Trawlindy's Get attacked

    Trawllindy was playing with her toy soldier while a huge thump was at the door. Felicias dad told her to go hide under the bed, in a rush she forgot to take her favoriute toy soldier. she hides under her bed and her mom runs to her and tells her to stay there no matter what never come out unless she says so. So Felicia waited and waited. She slept sobbing and scared as no one came to her. She also missed her toy soldier.   Trawlindy hears footsteps in her house as her door squeaks open, she is scared immidiatly there is a frog she sees she gets scared and cries, The Grung calms her down it is Lusturous. She cries to it asking where her parents are. Makunga dark man comes and shows her, the dead parents. She cries. Eli makes a burial for the parents and tells her that her parents are in a better place. That night she tried to commit suicide but stopped by Amber and Binzo. She looked up to the two. They slept with her the whole night.

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    17 /5

    Isac and Grant Discuss on Plans to create some plantations

    Isac speaks with Grant Thyme and agrees to setup a farm for the Jaku fruit, a Fruit that will net the city 10000 gp per week and the fruit has a chance to give a vitality boost to those who consume it.

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    17 /5

    Woodsman unlocks a trait of his power

    He can speak with animals now

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    17 /5

    Phalux Fucks a Snake

    Phalux encounters snakes. There for some reason Phalux decides to fuck a snake. He does so and impregnates the snake. The snake is trumatized and hates Phalux. Lustorous speaks to the snake and the snake falls in love with Lustorous. The snake follows Lusturous.

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    18 /5

    Barney Dies
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    18 /5

    Sprind is given power. wants to save his family especially his mother who is getting sacrificed by the goblins
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    18 /5

    The party takes over Trawlindy Farm

    They then stumple to Trawlindy Farm in this farm they meet a little girl known as Linda Trawlindy who is crying. The farm looks trashed, Linda cries because her parents died but Eli shows her her parents and Makunga tries to comfort her. They are cruel and Linda hates and resents them a little. Amber had nothing to do with this and tries to make her feel better. Binzo and Amber stay with her and finds her a home. Trawlindy likes Binzo and Amber. Trawliny tried to kill herself but Amber stopped her. Party uses the Trawlindy farm as their HQ

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    18 /5

    Akatosh says Barney will be tested

    Barney gets sacrificed... he dies. Barney's spirit enter Valhalla where warriors go, but there Akatosh the dragon god of time tells barney he will bring barney back to test him and his friends only in the finals moments when they need him most.

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    18 /5

    Amber Beefs with a townsperson because of her past and Makunga acts Black

    somemeone runs to them as a villager needs healing bad. Amber since she is a healer she goes to heal. At the house there is a sick girl and and her parents are begging amber to save their daughter, then they notice her mark from when she was from the brotherhood of iron. they immediatly ask amber to leave but amber refuses it creates a huge scene and makunga threatens to kill them, people have to hold him back. Amber secretly heals her as they argue and fight, they pull out a crossbow on makunga and shoot him, binzo tells makunga to stop and they leave.

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    18 /5

    Rescue Mission for Barney
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    18 /5

    Eli watches Sprind die in front of his eyes
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    19 /5

    Trawlindy goes and live with Elaris Windrider

    Trawlindy wakes up crying, the party tells her that they will have to be going in and out very often so they drop her off to someones house. This woman is Delila Miohn. She took care of Trawlindy and also had a pregnant snake take refuge there. She spends her time helping Delilia and mourning her parents.

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    19 /5

    Nagah Burns down the Great Tree that was holding the economy of Lehigh

    Bro casted a fire spell inside a tree. Like headbust

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    19 /5

    Dara Toblin Contracts the Pixe Sickness

    Dara gets these markings all over her body and gets extremely sick, Toblin is scared and goes to look for Amber for help on healing but she is not there. He goes to Sister Garele who determines it is a sort of magical mark she was exposed to lots of magic. Her body is not used to it. Truth is she got this magic issue from the Pixie who was sent by Jext to get powerful and amass an army of magically controlled humans. For now though, Dara just continues with fevers.

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    21 /5

    Howard is Born
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    21 /5

    Party Consecrates the Temple of Life
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    21 /5

    Amber finds out why the Brotherhood of Iron is hated

    Amber, and Binzo visit the house where the sick daughter was and she wanted to know why the brotherhood of Iron is hated now. She tells them that she left a while ago. It is revealed that the brotherhood of Iron have turned into a mercenary group with no sense of ethic. That while the dad was on a business trip to blackstone the brotherhood would steal goods for their use. It set back his retirement 2 years. He hates the brotherhood of Iron.

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    22 /5

    Makunga meets a Death Knowledge Holder

    Party get woken up early by some girl at the door, she is begging for someone who knows a lot about death, Makugna and Amber are the only ones that come to mind when it comes to the party. Apparently someone died and they want someone to ease the pain for the family. Binzo, Makunga, Eli, and Amber go to the graveyard to ease the pesrons death. The people want to find someone to ressurect the person. Makunga get into a heated arguemtn about it. Someone overhears this and go towards him. This is one of the knowledge holders the one of Fire he fights with makunga and then dismisses him. Party then split up and do their own errands.

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    22 /5

    Trawlindy comforts Howard

    Howard wants to go with Lustrous as he thinks Lustrous is his dad, Lustrous denies him.

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    22 /5

    A Rescue Mission is held for Angela Sweetbottom Maldron is Pardoned
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    22 /5

    Nundro recieves a business invite to a conference in Caer Calidyr
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    24 /5

    The Party Meets Jext and He tells them where the temple of the moon is
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    24 /5

    Lydia Dies From getting Mauled From Wolves
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    24 /5

    Binzo meets Falibhe and Releases the Wolf Spirit
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    24 /5

    The Party Consecrates the Temple of the Moon
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    24 /5

    Nars sees a mystic about his over

    Nars goes to a mystic to try to see why he is having reaccuring nightmares. The mystic tells him that he will go down a dark path if he does not learn to control his emotions so he really focuses on himself and his self worth eventually his nightmare will go away, however if he focuses on his nightmares and insecurities then his nightmare will grow into a reality.

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    25 /5

    Berun Arrives at Boarskye Bridge
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    25 /5

    Halia Teleports Aurhtum to Amber to let her Know She will be head of relations

    Halia arrives at Neverwinter and heads back home to Phandalin to announce her Election. She contacts Nezznar to ensure through magic that elections are rigged and VP will get announced as Throod. Halia brought Aurthum into the Zentharim so it should be easy to influence her. She contacts Aurthum to let Amber know that she is the going to be the head of relations she gives Aurthum a teleportation rune and links it to Eli. He uses it and Teleports to Moonshaes as they are all asleep. He watches the party dillignetly wondering where Phalux is

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    26 /5

    The Party Saves the town of Lelow from the Black Blood Clan

    They are awoken by some desperate woman who comes from lelow and heard that andventurers were at Lehigh. There is a clan of people known as the black Blood Clan and they ransacked the city of Lelow. The party member agrees but only in return of renovations to the farm. Amber asks for a shrine for her goddess. The party heads south to Lelow and see a girl getting chased by two black blood members, they are about to rape her when naga and lustrous gets in the way and fights. Makunga makes his way into the village alone in the darkness of the smoke. Eli fights his mentor one on one Amber mills the reincarnated Honse and slays him into disintegration. The black blood almost take Makunga, Naga and Lustrous but Naga creates a smoke cloud and gets them out. Black bloods fully retreat to their hideout. The party enjoys a meal with the surviving villagers that hail them as champions

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    27 /5

    Black Blood Clan Retreats to Moray
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    27 /5

    Rotnog tells Amber, Eli, Lusturous and Nagah Where the Temple of the Beast is

    Amber and Eli go to the safe house they used to go to and they hear about some Druid names Rotnog looking for them. They head back to the farm where they see Fruogh Rotnog a half orc Druid. She tells them that she located the next temple, the temple of the beast and they are to go there right away. They see a party of goblins on the way there they fight for some Goblin known as the Great Gark. They want to kill the party. The party kill a lot of them but they can’t finish them off.

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    27 /5

    Amber gets Nagah Killed and Eli makes a pact with Halia

    Amber, Lustrous, Eli, and Naha sleep and rest. The smoke of their fire attracts the goblins. During their sleep L. Floyd hears some movement in the bushes, he wakes up amber, Amber tells him to go check it out as she goes back to sleep. Lustrous proceeds to go check it out and it turns out it was an ambush, Lustrous gets knocked out, everybody else gets captured. The goblins try to massacre them but luckily Eli, the only one left consciouss has the stone that Halia gave him. He crushes it causing Halia to Teleport to him. Halia kills the goblins but demands his services as repayment, He agrees. Halia heals amber as she needs her alive. Lets Lustrous and Nagah tend to there own wounds. Tragically Nagah could not sustain, and perishes.

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    27 /5

    Eli joins the Zentharim for one year

    Halia is relaxing drinking coffee when she sees her teleportation rune has been broken. She teleports to Eli and She sees there is hobgoblins and immediatly kills all of them. She tells Eli that he owes her now and expects to be paid in full. She wants 1 years worth of time under here. Eli agrees. She then is surprised to see Amber. she checks on her and heals her. and also she sets and enchantment on her where she can mind control her at will. She curses amber. Eli leaves with Halia and teleports to Neverwinter.

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    27 /5

    Eli meets his father James Pellen
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    28 /5

    The Party Consecrates the Temple of the Beast
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    28 /5

    Makunga dies as a badger
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    28 /5

    Sister Garele Sets a Bounty on the Head of Yimeek

    Sister Garele stops campaigning as she is focusing all her attention on the rehablilitation of Lily. She wants the leader Yimeek killed. She sets a bounty of 500gp for his head.

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    28 /5

    Binzo Awakens His Radiant Soul
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    28 /5

    Lehigh's Economy Beggins to Fail
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    28 /5

    Dounkie joins the party

    hey get home and wake up makunga and binzo and as they’re bout to leave they get a knock on the door. It is DOUNKIE a gnome. DOUNKIE wants to join the group as he’s looking for adventure.

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    28 /5

    Dounkie gets crushed by a giant badger
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    28 /5

    Midir Arrives to Jigow
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    28 /5

    Vyn meets Lustrous

    Amber and lustrous wake up to a dead group of hobgoblins and a dead Naga. Party mourns for Naga the two decide the smarter thing to do would be to return back to farm for makunga and binzo. As the two get back to the farm they meet along the way a ranger named Vyn. vyn notices lustrous and wants to be his friend, he calls him “my froggy friend”. Vyn wants to join wherever lustrous goes.

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    28 /5

    Linnene Dies Passes her Shop to Phalux and her daughter Minghee

    Linnene dies from old age she gives her will half to her daughter Minghee and half to Phalux. Minghee is extremely upset about this as her mom left it to essentially some old flame.

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    28 /5

    Party Meets Zephyr and Aurhtum joins the Party
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    28 /5

    Pippy, Edermath, Maldron, and Curtis go to get revenge
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    29 /5

    Toblin gets sick from the Sprite Sickness
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    30 /5

    elections for the positions of Phandalin Council are announced

    Vice President: Thruud Head of Security: James Pellen Tresurer: Nundro Rockseeker Head of Public Relations: Amber Sweetgrass

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    30 /5

    Nars makes it to Z rank
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    30 /5

    Lu'Stors Fl'oy'd saves some grung from the Yuanti in the forest
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    1 /6

    Amber meets Nundro at some Merchants Meeting

    Amber does some shopping in Caer Calidyr and heads to some guild hall where Nundro is doing business Amber tries to say hi but Nundro is dismissing her quickly and telling her to leave as hes busy, she leaves right away.

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    1 /6

    Eli kills a Mafia member
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    3 /6

    Berun arrives to Eitruel
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    3 /6

    Amber meets her Godess and Revives Phalux

    Party keeps heading north and they find an area with wolves Vyn convinces them to chill out and they do but they say there is an Owl bear in their lair they go and kill that owlbear. Party then stumbles onto a temple to Ambers godess there she has to fight her fears and go in, Amber gets to a room where it upgrades her warhammer. Vyn, Aurthum, and Zephyr, fight a bunch of sentinals as amber is praying to her godesss she gets a wish and the godess grants it She wishes to bring her friend Phalux back from the dead. Amber is really happy and leaves the temple with glee. Party arrives at Blackstone but Amber leaves and goes get rest.

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    3 /6

    Boutou and Lusturous Fight over a Room at an Inn
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    3 /6

    Phalux Meets Howard

    Phalux wakes up he is groggy and unsure what happened last he remembered he was shot and was passing out. Assuming that amber was nearby he head into lehigh, he also smelt really bad so needed a shower. In Lehigh he went to Delilahs house as he heard that his snake he fucked gave birth. He meets Howard and tells him he is his real dad. Howard refuses says its Lustours, Phalux says that he will take howard and train him and he can meet Lustorous if he follows him. Howard agrees and joins

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    3 /6

    Thruud and Maldron help out Judith

    Judith is getting errands for her father done when suddenly there is a water elemental that attacks her in the town by the mine. The mine had a magic outpour and an elemental was formed. Zared and Thrud help save the girl

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    4 /6

    Aurthum Reunites with Gronk

    In the morning Vyn, Aurthum, and Zephyr meet up with Boutou and Lustours. They eventually meetup with Vyn, Zephyr and Aurthum. They visit Aurthums yhounger brother who is a blacksmith. His name is Gronk. They finally get ready and they head to Olafstaad.

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    4 /6

    Vyn, Aurthum, and Zephyr helps out George Orewell

    Vyn, Aurthum and Zephyr see a bunch of protesters yelling "no ore, no more" . They speak to the people and see that they want higher wages of this mine which is owned by a mine tycoon named George Orewell. They go and neogtiate to George. George at first does not care until he hears that Aurthum is an assosciate with Nundro. They sucessfully negotiate for the dwarves and get what they want.

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    4 /6

    Lu'stros and Boutou get Shanked by a Quickling. They almost die and pass out at a Harbor
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    5 /6

    Yimeek establishes a base at Lurkwood
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    5 /6

    Luuko Cholupo trains Pippy

    Edermath invites over an ex adventurer during his hayday to train Pippy, which his name is Luuko Cholupo. He is a human rouge who is about 65 years old. He comes over and Edermath tells him to train pippy. Pippy accepts the training from Luuko Cholupo.Edermath invites over an ex adventurer during his hayday to train Pippy, which his name is Luuko Cholupo. He is a human rouge who is about 65 years old. He comes over and Edermath tells him to train pippy. Pippy accepts the training from Luuko Cholupo.

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    6 /6

    The Black Blood Clan Attack the Village of Kork
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    6 /6

    Gianna lets Go of her Humanity

    Gianna decides to let go of some of her humanity to get stronger she decides to kill herself and ressurect through necromancy. This will get her stronger but a chance of dying. She sucessfully completes the ritual and is much confident in herself.

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    6 /6

    The Cleansing Of Olafstaad

    Vyn, Zephyr, Amber and Binzo head into Olafstaad, They meetup with Aurthum that has been stripped out of his gear. Aurthem tells them that he has been robbed and he is pissed. They speak to the guards who tell them if its the mafia there is nothing they can do. They decide to look for them in the morning. They head to the Inn and they see one of the goons there. They fight him and take him outside where they torture and interrogate him. They then tie him to concrete and throw his body into the water drowning him. Binzo heads to bed after this. They go to then goons hideout and they plan a massacre they cleanse them and kill every single one of them. Lusturous joins not knowing why but does so anyways. They set the whole thing on fire. Guards show up and remember thier faces. Revenge was attained and the party goes to the Inn and rest.

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    6 /6

    Aurthum gets robbed
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    6 /6

    Lustrous gets asked to Help out a monk named Derek Chauvin who is practicing the Way of the Floyd. Lustrous sleeps through the issue though and never deals with it
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    6 /6

    Halia Plans To Take Over Conyberry

    Halias next target would be to infiltrate and take over Conyberry, she recognizes that Conyberry is protected by the banshee Agatha so she needs to send someone trustworthy to see how would she be able to infiltrate Conyberry. She knows she sent a Zentharim member to start to instill influence in Conyberry. A human named Randall woodsman has a loan from the Zentharim and is now a member. He tells him how would she influence that area as much as possible, Randall says nothing can happen until Agatha is still there. Agatha is a banshee that protects Conyberry. She decides to put in the research while handling duties here in Phandalin. She gets info on Agatha and find ways to get to her.

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    7 /6

    Vyn and Rigga the Crow become friends

    Rigga wants crow pussy

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    7 /6

    Fuck Them Kids Protest

    Lusturous, Boutou and Amber go out and they run into a huge protest. Half the people want the adventurers to be hanged for killing children and teens over a robbery. Boutou starts a chant "Fuck them kids". it creates a civil war almost. Amber speaks to the court of Olafstaad where she tries to calm the people down she agrees to go to court and take those involved. They are scheduled to go to court the next day. Rotnog in a cloak goes to Amber and asks her what the hell is their problem they caused such a scene it does not make the king look good knowing that he was involved with the adventureres. It could cause a civil war and a rebellion. Amber says that she apologzises and will take car of it.

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    7 /6

    Agatha gets mad at Randall

    Business is good for Randall but Agatha gets upset as the trees were used as perfect cover for Conyberry. He tells Agatha to chill, Agatha is a bit surprised by this she warns him that if he overdoes it then she will step in and the only reason she isnt is that the lumber mill is actually helping the economy a lot in Conyberry.

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    7 /6

    Nirisa Drednar gets Kidnapped

    Nirisa Drednar finishes one of her performances and as she walks out in the streets getting back to her carraige she gets kidnapped. She travels into the deep of the city. She is being kidnapped by a man named Walt Carrigher. He is a rich merchant who works with dealings of weapons. He is upset at her because she rejected his advances. He says that he will partake in her but first has to handle some business. He will return in in two weeks. He hires two body guards known as the Londor Twins. They are a twin of two level 5 Mercenaries. One a cleric of twilight, the other an oathbreaker.

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    8 /6

    The Party Get Charged for Arson
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    8 /6

    Elsa Begins Training Under Nezznar
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    9 /6

    Party Travels to Jotunspine
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    10 /6

    Berun arrives at the City of Berdusk
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    11 /6

    Isac Gets a Fortune That Something will Destroy His City and the Cause will be something from his past.
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    11 /6

    14 /6

    Party "Consecrates" The Temple of the Sun
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    12 /6

    Phalux Visits the King with Howard

    There Phalux tells him how he awoke at Lehigh and all of his exploits. The king tells Phalux the job is not over yet that there is still two more temples. He sends Phalux to wait for the group at the Temple of death. Phalux boards a shit and heads east to then go southwest to go to the temple of Death in Oman.

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    13 /6

    George Orewell Makes arrangments with The Capo of Olafstaad
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    13 /6

    Zephyr Desecrates the Temple of the Sun
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    13 /6

    The Black Bloon Clan Finalize the Takeover of Kork

    Kork is fully captured and taken and ripped apart. They keep some alive, some are kept captured to use as hostages, the strongest are taken as undead, Gianna make the 5 Kork Heroes. Loto, Maroila, Martin, Wataru, Mop. Gianna fills the outskirts of Kork with specters, and ghosts and undead, she wants that to be the defence of the town.

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    13 /6

    Halia finds out Agathas Weakness

    Halia finds out that Agathas weakness could be with her love of Isac. She currently has no informants in Thundertree so trying to trump both cities makes no sense she believes the best way to get through to Isac is through Amber. Halia tasks Eli to ensure Ambers safety until she says so.

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    14 /6

    Nundro requests Maldron to speak to the specator and get it to leave Nundro also hires him to kill anymore monsters that appear in the mines

    Nundro coming back from business heard that the mine had a little mishap, apparntly there is too much magic leaking because of the green nigga in one of the rooms. The spectator. He wants to get rid of it. He heard maldron is in town so he is going to request him to remove the Spectator. Nundro could request for Halia but he wouldnt want more leverage on him, shes already upset that Nundro did not want to kill Amber.

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    14 /6

    Party Head to Warlsbury to Get the Wherabouts to the final temple
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    14 /6

    Nezznar looks for a Demon to cause trouble to Conyberry
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    16 /6

    An Ice Dancer Elemental Appears by Wave Echo Cave

    Zerod is cooking beans in his cabin with Kir his Worg and his familiar Impy. Suddenly a minor comes gassed to his door and demands for his precesnce as an elemental has formed into the cave and froze up a bunch of guards and is going on a rampage. Zerod runs into the mine where he sees the elemental but he knows it is not from this plane so he tries to reason with it, it is working and the elemental is giving in then guards show up to rienforce maldron, when this happens it startles the elemental and causes it to freeze the ground and attempt to escape. Maldron breaks free from the ice and attempts to make a break for it. Outside he witnesses it engaged in combat with Daren Edermath Zerod masked as Maldron told Edermath he can control the elemental and try to calm it down. Maldron shows he can be trusted by freezing himself and freezing up the wounds of the elemental. Edermath lets him do whatever, and eventually Maldron does calm down the elemental which is a ice dancer elemental. He makes a makeshift freezer to keep it alive in the cave but has to get clearence from Nundro, Nundro gives him one week to figure it out or else he will personally hire adventurers including amber to slay both that elemental and the spectator. Maldron agrees and he hires guards to help him dig out the basement for cooling, he will take a week to do this.   Edermath wants to investigate these magical beings he is witnessing, he hears that an elemental spawned in, he spots a sort of water elemental not sure it is one but he begins in combat one on one with this thing, it is hard fought and it ended up giving him frostbite on his whole left shoulder. He did cause some damage to it. Suddenly out of the tunnel was Zerod, Zerod masked as Maldron told Edermath he can control the elemental and try to calm it down. Maldron shows he can be trusted by freezing himself and freezing up the wounds of the elemental. Edermath lets him do whatever, and eventually Maldron does calm down the elemental which is a ice dancer elemental.

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    17 /6

    The Battle of Warlsbury
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    17 /6

    Curtis gets Tasked to Hunt down Yimeek
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    18 /6

    Berun finally arrives at Greenrest and Asks about the Tome

    Berun speaks to head priest Eadyan Falconmoon and there he finds out that the tome was actually a warning given by a contact from within the cult of the dragon, he is annonomys but can be trusted, (Zephyr's Brother). He apparantley warned about the rise of tiamat, and it was imperative that greenrest was safeguarded. Unfortunitly the leader of Greenrest did not buy in. Berun with this important information, verifying it, needds to immediatly return, he decides to get rest and leave first thing, decides he should travel on horseback, as walking will take too long.

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    19 /6

    Faruk Looking for Food gets Captured by Nepenthe
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    20 /6

    Elsa writes a letter to Amber to Squash any Beef
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    20 /6

    Mello gets lost while on Tour and is deep in the Forest, He Meets Lucha
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    20 /6

    King Grol's Spirit Manifests and Gives Yimeek Power
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    21 /6

    23 /6

    Party "Consecrates" The Temple of Death
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    21 /6

    Isac, Pippy and Nars Saves Nirisa

    Nars is afraid for his sister, since him and Pippy need to go back to neverwinter anyway he asks Pippy if him can accompany him early to go back and see his sister Nars gets pippy and asks him if he can come with him to Neverwinter to see where his sister is at. Pippy agrees they travel to Neverwinter and they go to Mirsisas house they see Isac and Mirna there. Nars says hi to his mom and Pippy says hey to Isac they go inside and investigate, eventually they investigate the whole house and find out it connects to somethings that happened in the opera house, they go and they find info that Nirisa had an altercation with a lucrative business man named Walt Carrigher. They investigate Carrighers boots a shoe store that is owned by him. There they find a clerk who selling them shoes and saying that he will come back. Pippy finds a back entrence to some basement. They call the guards and the guards eventually go down with the party, and they find Nirisa imprisoned, they are held captive by the Londo twins, Lundo, and Lando. They fight him. Isac even manages to cut off Lundos arm off but they all fail and pass out. They wake up to a whole heap of guards notifying them that the twins ran away but they will be on the lookout for them. Pippy gets up and trains with Nars while Isac goes back home with Mirna knowing that NIrisa is now safe.

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    22 /6

    Lu'Stros F'loyd Dies
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    22 /6

    Vyn gets Killed by Zephyr
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    23 /6

    Toblin Continues to Push Legal issue on Nundro

    Toblin continues to push legal council onto Nundro, Nundro wants to settle but Toblin wants the mine to be shut down until they can stop these attacks, he hears about how more soldiers died from the attacks and wants to do something. This puts immense pressure on nundro

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    24 /6

    Binzo Tames the Gorrilas Jimbo and Bobbo

    Binzo finally wakes up and Falibhe tells him that in order for him to get out he has to pay a huge sum of GP as he was in the inn for a really long time. Binzo decides to just sneak out. He sneaks out of Olafstaad inn successefully. He heads to Warlsbury as he heard that is where the adventureres went. He goes down and rests on the way there. He sleeps and is awoken by territorial Gorrilas. He is able to successfully tame these Gorrillas and they sleep.

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    24 /6

    Midir becomes Pie King

    Midir enters the Jigow Pie eating contest, he enters with commander Durth and competes against Manwel, Behg Negah, and Balgron the Fat. It is a tough contest but Midir wins it. He has a tough competition against Balgron the Fat.

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    24 /6

    Harbin Begins the Guild of Phandalin

    Harbin stops moping and decides to begin a guild for Phandalin. He forms is and requests a letter for funding to Halia, has to get approval by the teasurer Nundro and Mayor Halia. He gets approval from Nundro and now awaits approval by Halia

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    24 /6

    The party goes back to Caer Calidyr
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    25 /6

    Binzo helps out Bob Marley

    Binzo heads to the edge of Warlsbury where he meets Bob Marley the boat jamiacan guy. He takes him to warlsbury but because he does not ant to take the gorillas he tells Binzo to get a person in town for him his name is Jim and his friend Lumpo. Binzo agrees. Binzo gets to warlsbury and he takes on the two and witnesses all the damage the battle of warlsbury has caused. There he asks on Amber and the bar tender tells him to head to Oman, Binzo fights the two and accidentally kills Lumpo, Jim gives bob his owed money and Binzo asked Bob if he can row him to Oman. Bob said BUMBACLAATTT that finna take 6 days. Binzo struck a deal to do other work for Bob as there is another invdividual that Bob wants his money from. Binzo and Bob agree and they head to oman it will take binzo till July 1st to get there.

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    26 /6

    Elsa discovers the Labarynth of Elements
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    27 /6

    Beeli contacts Eli to tell him He is alive
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    28 /6

    The Orewell Mine Begins to Dry Up
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    28 /6

    Nundro is Stressed

    Nundro is getting really bombarded with law suits as the ice elemental killed good soldiers and the people want the mine shut down, there is a protest outside of town hall, Halia knows this is bad for her empire she wants to satisfy these people so puts pressure on Nundro, she gets Eli and contacts them and tells him to get Amber back home as soon as possible. Nundro is very restless, Halia is putting a lot of pressure on him

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    28 /6

    Berun arrives to Eitruel
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    28 /6

    Zarod Gets Incarcerated as Angela Sweetbottom Wakes up

    Zarod finished his work on the freezer for the ice dancer but he is strongly out of funds so heads into Phandalin looking for work. In Phandaliin he tells the guard his interest in entering Phandalin guard tells him how Phandalin is very strict with entering and tells him he can get a day pass to visit edermath. He visits Edermath looking for Pippy, Edermath says he will return soon, he says he has no work for Maldron but soon there will be a phandalin guild built. there he can find jobs, while they talk a huge thunder cloud appears in front of the mine, Maldron runs towards there he sees a lightning elemental crature and fights it and struggles, he sees guards die. He gets almost killed and the ice dancer steps in and saves him. the fight is strong the elemental sees how the rest are running he zaps up into a cloud in the air and leaves. Maldron immediatly gets arrested by town guards and Edermath in the name of Sister Garele and Angela. Zarod got improsioned and is being chargesd for murder, kidnap, burguraly, accesosry to rape. He is visited by Nundro who wanrs him and tells him not to cross him and will send a lawyer to help out.

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    29 /6

    Nundro Is Getting Sued By Toblin

    The legal courtdate is set to the 12th of July, he prepares his case agaisnt Nundro and asks for the shut down of the mine until they get rid of the issue, he uses the apperances of all the elementals so far as he hears that there is one of ice that froze multiple people killing them and a lightning one that escaped and whereabouts are still unknown.

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    30 /6

    George Orwell Finds Another Mine

    While looking for a mine he finds a source of magic, he knows magic mining is really risky but he wont tell his employees this, he assigns people to work and hopes that nothing bad happens.

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    30 /6

    Harbin Webster Begins The Construction of the Guild
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    30 /6

    Shinebright Rejects Woodsman

    He goes to speak to this wizard and his name is Shinebright and his apprentice Ahmed Noke, he talks to him and tells him how he can speak to animals and if he wants he can open up some sort of agreement with polymorphed animals and it can be a service where it is an animal translator. Shinebright turns him down because he believes that he has no time for business as much as his research. Ahmed is interested and tells him that one day when he learns the secret to the polymorph he will contact woodsman

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    30 /6

    Sister Garele and Angela Push for a Death Sentence
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    30 /6

    Mar Gets Consumed by Darkness from The Wolf Spirit

    Mar hears word that the party finished his journey, he is happy about this he is relieved that for 100 years the Earthmother will remain dominant among the moonshaes, he goes to pray at the temples spot and notices it is still there when it shouldnt, he walks in and gets consumed by evil from the spirit of the Wolf, he tries to leave a warning but fails, he gets taken to the Shadowfey and is consumed by evil powers, he is there with the spirit of the wolf biding his time for the wolfs seal on the temple to be loosened.

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    30 /6

    Pippy Enters the Fighting Tournament

    Pippy and Nars finally begin the fighting tournament. In the first round Pippy fights against another rouge in a sandy arena. He hides and knocks her out in one hit and kills her. In the second round he fights a fire sorceresr, it is a tough fight but Pippy overcomes this. In the final round he fights Nars, and it is a really hard fought bout but Nars gets the better of Pippy. It is a really even fight and they both end up hospitalized. Pippy and Nars ends up in the hospital where him and Nars run into another fighter from the M catagory, He threatens Nars but Pippy steps up and grabs him. He is impressed by both of them and tells them to meet up with him quick. His name is Vlad

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    30 /6

    Thruud is unable to win her Z ranking as she loses to a wizard in the Finals of the Qualifier tournamnet
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    1 /7

    Thruud Got Lucky!

    Thrud after dissapointing performance, is sad, she heads to home as she sees a rainbow. At the end of the rainbow she sees a leprochan. gives her a lucky coin.

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    2 /7

    Eli infiltrates the Caer Calidyr Castle

    Eli infiltrates by orders of Halia to meet up with Aurthum who finished his quest. Eli takes out a guard at the kings tower and that guard died by a pillow he then kills another guard and kills him he listens in the king Derid Kendricks speech

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    2 /7

    Zarod Gets a visit from his Lawyer and postpones

    Zarod gets a visit by his lawyer. Seemor Hion. There the lawyer and Zarod talk. Zarod reveals to him that he is actually taking over a body which is Maldrons and he is his own entity. The lawyer is interested and tells him he will have to push for the delay to the courts and change the trial to Zerod not Maldron He will get the trial postponed and tells Zarod he will get Pippy as he can testify the truth of this.

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    2 /7

    The Toblins Try to find a cure for the Pixie Disease

    Judith is happy yet terrified but she wants to find a cure the toblins hope to use the money they have from sueing Nundro corp into getting a high priestess in Neverwinter to cure her and restore her without wings and fairy. for now she joins jext and the rest of them

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    2 /7

    The heroes of the Moonshaes get celebrated

    The party arrives at Caer Calidyr and the king congratulated the party, he provided noble houses for Phalux, Aurthum, and Amber, he congratulates the other adventureres, Zephyr, Lucha, Mello, Boutou and tells them they are welcome anytime. He provides them with gold. The adventureres hear a thud and King Derid goes to take a look and sees downed guards. Someone was spying on them. He sounds the alarm and they are nowhere to be found. Amber gets a home in Caer Calidyr. Amber with Phalux, Zephyr, Aurthum, Howard go straight back to Neverwinter through keel boat.

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    2 /7

    Binzo Consecrates the Temple of Death

    7/2/1: Binzo and Bobo and Jimbo head to the temple of death. There he meets with a formorian that traumatizes Binzo, he is getting flashbacks to his past and is getting hurt. The formorian is impressed with how Binzo is still alive and tells him to go get his friend Faruk. Binzo heads to the temple of death and goes in with his gorrilas, there he meets with some lion skeletons. They fight Binzo then heads to the main moonwell chamber, there he sees symbols of Tiamat. He finds a bunch of them and gives him flashbacks to how his dad used to wear it. He tries to cleanse the well but fails as the tiamat symbols prevent him. He gets attacked by the remains of Vyn and Lustorous. He fights hard orders Jimbo and Bobbo to leave. He runs out. At night he meets Faruk who is looking for Nepetnhe they dap each other up as Binzo gives him food and he likes the monkeys. Faruk leaves. Binzo has a tough night.   7/3/1: Binzo goes in and fights Vyn and Lustorous, he gets beat and its good fight but vyn slashes him down. He is barely conscounss and sees how Falibhe and the gorrilas are fighting to defend him. Bobbo is lethally hit. This triggers Binzo he awakens from his state of death and takes down vyn. Binzo takes the goriilas out and then tries to rest and heal them.   7/4/1: Binzo gets rid of the tiamat symbol and consecrates the temples he leaves and then sees the formorian looking for Faruk, Binzo goes back and finds Faruk in the basement of the temple where he looks traumatized, he tells Binzo ********** * ** * ** * *. Binzo goes back to Bob marely and heads out back to Warsbury.

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    3 /7

    Isac arranges to meet Nars to train him

    Mirna and Isac set arrangements for next week to get an apprentice in her son Nars. Isac wants to meet him. Mirna gets a visit by her son Nars and he thanks her for the sword. She hears about how he is officially in the Y rank and he growing quickly and getting noticed as many factions are vying to sign him for their faction. Mirna will try to get him to join the Harpers and have him train under Isac and live in Thundertree. Nars is reluctant as he is offically with Edermath and he is in the Order of the guantlet. He will see with Edermath if he is ready to live in Thundertree and learn something from Isac then move on. Mirna first seeks approval with Isac.

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    3 /7

    Jext reveals his secret

    Jext gets confronted by toblin and toblin asked Jext if it is his fault the daughter turned into a pixie. Jext lies and says that there is a small chance through long term exposure that they can but it can be restored he proposes that all the pixies come out and then he can use them as a tourist attraction to get more money to pay for the treatment of Judith.

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    Elsa is mastering all of Nezznar's Magic
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    Pippy and Zarod discuss the Execution

    Pippy is met by Impy who begs for him to come meet Zarod. Zarod then gets a visit by Pippy and is with him with the Lawyer. Pippy visits Zarod in jail where Zarod is magically repressed. Here Zarod tells Pippy to testify for Maldron during the trial as he will need help and testimony that he is a different being. Pippy agrees and will testify. However pippy does not care for Zarod he cares only for Maldron. He wants to find a way to free Maldron and will fight for the ruling that will benefit Maldron. Pippy leaves Zarod to think.

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    Berun arrives at Boarskye Bridge
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    Yimeek plots the capture of Pippy
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    Woodsman hires Kostas Tsimikas

    Woodsman continues growing his mill and gets lots of success, he takes an apprentice to work under him named Kostas Tsimikas

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    Sister Garele and Angela acquire the evidence required to sentence Maldron to death
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    Nundro Prepares for his trial case
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    Midir Finds out about the secret society in

    Midir finds an ancient arcane secret area in the washroom of the third floor. there he is given an arcane grimoire which lets him casts spells as a fighter. He has access to the teleport spell and spends his time training there.

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    Fruroh Rotnog Studies the Lore on the Moonshaes

    Fruhroh Rotnog is going through doccuments as she has to doccument the temple consecrations for future generations and while reading the prevoius scrolls, she runs into one where she did not read before. She found a scroll that doccuments a time where the temples were not consecfrated. The moonshaes livesd in chaos. It started with animals going crazy, then growing, then destroying, the wolf spirit would rein for 100 years until a warrior monk sealed him away with a Halberd, this would keep the peace every 100 years as long as the wolf spirit was not released and that all of the temples were successdully consecrated