Azimuth 2 - Session 11 - Porgorag's Light

General Summary


After the battle, the group investigated the lost shrine and used some healing magics. Romsca went to heal Mortimr, but he berated her for not healing herself first. In response, Gertrude healed Romsca. Meanwhile, Romulus tied his Ring of Delving to cords of string and dropped it into the opening beneath the pool of water to learn it was around three hundred feet deep.   The group discussed what to do next. They wanted to talk to Godsguard Ankhan, Haugon, and Oknar Jod. There were still questions in their minds, like how the demons were able to get the needed supplies for their spell. Gathering together, Ilmendwyth led them back out of the sewers and up to the city streets around dawn.  
Church of Zenethia
They reached the Church of Zenethia and saw Ankhan casting a communion spell. She asked, “What is the purpose of the green ring?” but the spell was unsuccessful.   The party approached and told Ankhan the demons in the sewers had been dealt with, but there was still much befouled water. Gertrude and Romulus told her the demons had attempted a spell of desecration in the shrine, and Chaka showed a sketch of how far the protective barrier had shrunk around the dais. Ankhan had spent the night searching through her predecessor’s notes and journals while looking for information on the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring, and she thought she might have come across notes regarding the spring as well.   Ankhan felt the green ring may be a new creation. It did not seem to be a Divine Relic from the First Age, an Arcane Artifact from the Second Age, or be attached to the Zenethian Items. She directed the party to her predecessor, Argilla, son of Kla, who was retired in New Keeleon. He was a student of history and an artist, and he had access to more historical tomes over his career.   Ankhan called the shrine the Spring of the Natant Yew. She had seen it from outside the locked metal gate once as a young student and again more recently as part of her duties. She said it was a holy place that demons shouldn’t be able to enter, and she was concerned. Romsca offered the Darksteel Foundry’s services to replace the broken gate to the shrine, saying that darksteel would prevent future acid damage. Ankhan thanked her, but her concern was more about the protective energy dwindling.   Ankhan led the group to the backroom office of her predecessor, Argilla, which was a messy space with discarded art materials and dusty journals. On the wall was one of his pieces, titled “Peace be with Yew,” showing a twilight scene of the yew tree and the city of Porgorag. Chaka asked to take an empty container of a vibrant green paint, and Ankhan granted it to him.   The group searched through the journals. While investigating, Romsca asked if Ankhan had been able to secure carriages. She said she had not been able to, and mentioned the carriages were to transport some of the city’s orphans to New Keeleon. The group discussed taken the orphans with them on their own way to the city, and Demitri suggested they bring it up with Captain Ruslan.   Romsca found a section of Argilla’s notes regarding the Spring of the Natant Yew. He had written the phrase, “If the yew’s protection is broken, show Gaia’s love where Porgorag’s light speaks,” but no one knew what the phrasing meant.   Following this clue, they returned to the main area of the church. Thinking “where Porgorag’s light speaks” might refer to Ankhan and the church, Arwin investigated the pulpit, but found no symbols or iconography there. Romulus took some berries from the yew tree and placed them on the podium. With Ilmendwyth’s assistance, he said a prayer to Gaia and used druidcraft to sprout the berries.   The light coming from the church’s entrance changed in hue to a darker, more earthy color, and it gathered around the large statue of Joseppe, the Shadow Mage. The arm of the statue shifted, seemingly motioning to the pulpit. A hidden panel moved inward and revealed an old looking scroll made of birch bark and capped with amber. Both Ankhan and Gertrude made the sign of Zenethia, while Mortimr scoffed.   Romulus handed the scroll to Ankhan. It was a spell scroll seemingly intended to reinforce the barrier in the Gaia shrine. Ankhan gathered some supplies, and the group prepared to head back to the sewers.   Arwin and Mortimr elected to stay behind, having other tasks they wanted to do. Demitri suggested that extra evidence gathered against Coinguard Gim Gorod would aid their cause. Mortimr said they could go to Gim Gorod's residence. With the plan to meet at the Oknar Offices, the two groups departed the church.  
Spring of the Natant Yew
They returned to the shrine beneath the city while avoiding any additional combat. Ankhan investigated the area and anointed the broken shrine.   Ankhan asked if one of the party’s clerics would be more comfortable attempting to cast the spell contained in the scroll. Romsca offered but could not read the Draconic writing. Demitri said he would help to translate. Ankhan and Gertrude helped funnel the divine energies, Romulus cast an enhancing spell on Rosmca, and she began to read.   The runes shone with vibrant green energy, and the birch bark scroll broke apart to dust. With a pulse, the barrier rapidly expanded outwards, filling the entirety of the chamber in radiant, holy white light. The corrupted water was shunted out of the radius, and the pool of water was left pristine. However, the shadow energy did not return. Seemingly, it had been a onetime protection. Ankhan said she would need to be more attendant to this shrine in the future.   Taking the time to first clean up the area of the shrine, Romsca hugged Demitri before leaving. During the trek back, Ankhan told Gertrude she had characterful friends and was jealous Gertrude was able to get out and make a difference. Gertrude said, “It is never boring, but every once in a while, you want to wring somebody’s neck. But it is fun.”  
Second Square
Meanwhile, Arwin and Mortimr reached Second Square.   Arwin entered the Tin Tradepost and was assisted by a young attendant. He purchased a grappling hook and a lead mess kit.   Mortimr separated some samples of the herbs, oil, and incense they retrieved from the shrine, and then sold the remainder for gold. He returned to Kelwin's Magical Toys and Concocted Wonders and retrieved his custom order: a black and red mask with moveable parts built in the visage of a monstrous face. He also gave Kelwin extra gold “for the wheel tax”. Kelwin told him they might be leaving soon, as there was a ship at the docks headed to the Santeem Republic soon.   While they talked, Arwin noticed a small bell appear from the cart’s undercarriage but did not see what had placed it.   Nearby, Arwin noticed Coinguard Gim Gorod and Coletta headed towards the Hero Hunters Facility. It was too far to hear their conversation, but the coinguard looked uncomfortable and paranoid. Arwin and Mortimr chose to investigate the coinguard’s residence while he was occupied at the Hero Hunters.  
Gim Gorod's Residence
Mortimr led them to Gim Gorod’s manor. Outside were two Queenguard soldiers. Mortimr put on his Tarterian Traders pin and approached, but as they got close, they could tell from the mannerisms and ill-fitting armor that these two were merely posing as Queensguard.   Mortimr told them he was there to see the coinguard, and they rudely told him he wasn’t there. Mortimr tried to display his lapel pin, but the guard seemed to not know who he was. Mortimr used a threat of getting the guards in trouble to intimidate them into delivering a message. Mortimr told them to tell the coinguard, “The man from the Traders is looking for him. The next time I stop by, he better fucking be here.”   Arwin and Mortimr took the long way around to the alley behind the manor. They saw motion in the servant’s area, but with the level of activity in the early morning, they didn’t feel they could safely climb the fence and try to enter.   They returned to the front and Mortimr also gave a written letter to the guards, which read, “The package is not secure. You were supposed to be responsible. Meet me at the Glistening Hog Tavern at 10pm. Come alone.”   Leaving the letter with the guards, Mortimr took off the pin and they headed northwards to meet back up with the larger group.
Related Time
3 Adroth 5A 352