Dyson Sphere Alpha

First ever Dyson Sphere constructed by the Hyperion Federation, located relatively close to the homeworlds of the various HF species at the time (near Tiact, Ukots, Leoseus and Leonogo Major).    The Dyson sphere took almost 150 years to build, a project of a scale that was beyond any individual's comprehension and a massive display of power. Even though the HF would construct more spheres later, Alpha would remain a highly valuable historical site for many years to come. Like most HF Dyson spheres, it was made habitable on the exterior, which was arguably the most difficult part of the project. At the time, QEN technology did not exist so they had to spend enormous amounts of energy and resources just to keep the sphere cool enough to be habitable. After its invention, the sheer improvement in efficiency meant that the sphere was quickly converted to use QEN based heat management rather than classical heat management systems.   It always had a highly diverse population of most species that exist under the federation. It was constructed with a large number of exotic alien biomes from various worlds, actually managing to match those conditions near perfectly. It used to have a population well into the trillions; with advances in technology this figure was improved substantially, now housing 6 quadrillion souls.
Megastructure, Dyson Sphere
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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