Azimuth 2 - Session 08 - Disparate Pieces

General Summary


Demitri and Arwin returned to Porgorag Plaza. Demitri wanted to go to speak with Oknar Jod, however he decided against it after thinking more on the coinguard’s letters and the events of the day.   Demitri had concerns with the black box’s contents, which showed some reaction to fire. If the box could interact with fire elemental energies, Demitri brought up that maybe there was a connection to the Fire Spire Sands and the ordeal the Zenethian Heroes went through there.   Arwin and Demitri concluded if they were to try and nail the coinguard, they felt they needed "overwhelming evidence". Demitri was also unsure if the oknar was in on whatever the coinguard was doing. Arwin felt the oknar seemed true in his concerns for the city, but didn’t know for sure. They chose to head back to the Darksteel Foundry and regroup, as there were still many questions.  
At the Foundry, Arwin noted an orc figure standing near the center of the gathered crowd in a dark cloak. He snuck close to them and engaged in a tense conversation that seemed ready to switch to a brawl at any moment.   The orc said he was there to make sure "the crowd doesn’t get too rowdy, make a mistake," but he was intently watching the Darksteel Foundry. It seeemed he was using the growing crowd as cover for whatever task he was on. He told Arwin he formerly worked for the crown, but now worked for something "a bit more faithful" with the rebellion in the west. He called the growing unrest an "awakening" and alluded to seeing Chedae, The Heaven's Light. He said if Arwin wanted answers, he should seek out the rebellion’s leader, Lulakor.   After a promised threat from Arwin, the orc departed. Arwin rejoined Demitri and went inside the Foundry to the others.  
At this same time, in the central yard of the Foundry, Romsca waited with the black box as the rest of the party, Captain Ruslan, and Godsguard Ankhan approached. She called over Mortimr and shared the key she made was the same design and shape as his Tarterian Traders pin. Using Moritmr’s lapel pin, she was able to open the locking mechanism of the black box without activating any trap.   Captain Ruslan and the party started asking questions about the key. Mortimr said that he used to previously work for the Tarterian Traders. He also said the box had been a "source of personal pain."   Godsguard Ankhan dispelled the abjuration magic protecting the box, and Mortimr immediately opened it. Inside was a large two-foot-wide ring, seemingly made of green glass, and a written note. Romulus recognized the material it was made of, and Chaka cast Identify on the ring as well and learned some of its properties.  
Residuum   Residuum is an extremely rare material, and there are some veins across Azimuth. It is created from the interaction of divine energies and the Material Plane. This is normally created in incredibly small quantities, but can be created in larger amounts by a sufficiently large divine or deific interaction.   Raw Residuum is green and crystalline. It can be used as replacement for material components in spells. Raw Residuum can be purified into a glass-like substance called Refined Residuum. Items crafted from Refined Residuum are easier to enchant with stronger magics.
Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring   The ring is constructed of Refined Residuum. It is a two-foot-wide ring with eight protrusions on either side of it. There are no symbols or designs that can be seen on the item.   The ring absorbs all elemental-based magic, spells, and spell-like abilities. The ring pulls all divine-based magics, spells, and spell-like abilities and sends this energy elsewhere. So voracious is the pulling effect, that it can pull more energies from an individual, which can cause damage.   Magics and abilities that pull from places other than the Elemental Planes are seemingly not affected.
Note from the Black Box   Azariel – Sorry for the roundabout way of getting this to you. The Harolaud was lost, sailed too close to a fount. Then the hands I hired decided to make things difficult for a time, too. If my studies prove true, this will allow us to circumvent one of the Keys, or at least replace the broken one. Keep the piece of that broken Key I left with you, and this ring, away from more founts until all three of us are ready; we do not know what may happen should they interact and we cannot repeat the mistakes of Red Lake. We must finish this work, for Nabat. – Maalik
  Arwin and Demitri rejoined them and saw the ring for the first time. With the talk of transferring of divine energies, Demitri was reminded of the Zenethian Heroes, where the soul of Trip, the One Who Fell, was transferred to the influence of Esturk, The World's End. Romsca felt they were unequipped to handle an item like this.   Mortimr set the ring on the ground of the courtyard and blasted it with his magic. The spell was absorbed through the ring violently. The godsguard was too close and divine energies were pulled from her as well, causing physical damage. Mortimr rushed to her and Romsca rushed to the ring. Mortimr helped Ankhan up, and she said to Gertrude that the pulling sensation she felt from the ring was the exact same feeling as when she first felt the fading of Chedae’s light, but "a lot more intense."   Romulus smacked Mortimr, who turned immediately ready to throw a spell at the minotaur, saying, "Don’t fucking touch me!" As the argument flared, Ilmendwyth said they should not test the limits of the ring without knowing more about it first. He suggested they return it to box in the meantime.   As this was happening, Arwin revealed the contents of his back quiver, pulling out a bundle of twenty masterwork arrows. The arrowhead of each was a hewn and cut raw residuum crystal. Arwin asked to see the ring. Though Ilmendwyth agreed, Romsca denied him, saying, "Just because you know of it doesn’t mean you’re going to do something that I trust." Romsca put the ring back into the black box and locked it, keeping the key for herself.   Mortimr felt a compulsion to reopen the box. He unlocked it, grabbed onto the ring, and intently stared at it. In response, Ilmendwyth and Romsca pulled him away, and Gertrude moved between the box and Mortimr.   After he was released, Mortimr left the group and went to their shared room in the residence facilities. Arwin left the group as well, saying, "I’m disappointed in all of you today." To Romsca, he said, "Just be aware, the rebellion is watching your every move."   Ilmendwyth asked Ankhan if the Church of Zenethia had a place to store an item such as the ring. She said the church does, however she was hesitant having an item that "reacts so negatively to divine energies being anywhere near the church." She also said with the coinguard’s current influence in the city, she wouldn’t be able to guarantee he couldn’t gain access to it.   The party debated what should be done. Romsca was hesitant that the party should keep it, saying, "I’m not a hero, I’m not a mercenary, I’m just the blacksmith here, and I’m not even a good one."   Demitri said, "Well I’m a mercenary. Give it to me." Romsca gave the black box and the duplicate key to him.  
The conversation turned to the problem of the sewers. Romulus asked what Ankhan could share about demons. She gave some information she knew about demons, their origins, and how they could stay in the Material Plane.   According to Ankhan, the greatest weakness of demons was removing what anchored them to the Material Plane. She said that if demons are in the sewers, that meant either the corruption of the Demon’s Blood Marshes somehow stretched this far, or more likely, something was anchoring them here.  
Fiends   Fiends can be separated into two general groups; Demons and Devils. Both are sourced largely from demiplanes adjacent to Nadiria, the Plane of Darkness. These planes are The Hells (Devils) and The Abyss (Demons). Esturk, The World’s End, has historically relied largely on demon forces in his attacks on Azimuth.   Demons need a strong anchoring presence to allow them to remain in the Material Plane. Esturk has been this force in The Great War and the Tarterian War. A strong source of demonic corruption could allow demons to subsist, like in the Demons' Blood Marshes or Keeleon Castle.   Fiends operate on a hierarchy of power. A strong enough demon could anchor smaller demons. A magical effect designed to do so, such as a spell circle, could also anchor demons.
  Romulus and Ilmendwyth wanted to still head into the sewers, however several party members were tired and spent. They chose to rest and wake up early, before sunrise, and head into the sewers. Ankhan headed back to the church to "do a bit of my own research." Captain Ruslan joined the party as they grabbed a meal from the residence facilities mess hall and returned to the group room set aside for them.  
Romsca gathered food and gave Mortimr’s lapel pin back to him with an apology. She sat across from Arwin and asked why he was disappointed in her, and they argued until silence filled the room. Ilmendwyth left and went "bird watching" outside.   As the party ate in strained silence, Ruslan attempted to break some of the tension. He shared information about himself and how he came to be on this caravan. He said he hoped they would still be willing to assist with the aid caravan, but he would understand if they needed to take time to help the city. He seemed to be trying to get the party to share details about themselves in return.   Demitri asked Mortimr what his connection to the Tarterian Traders was. After a drink, Mortimr revealed his real name. He and his brother, Borli, had moved to Kievs about a year ago to work for the Tarterian Traders. Recently, Borli saw a suspicious hand off where a man with a hand tattoo “made a dark deal” involving a similar black box. After Mortimr reported it to his supervisor, Borli was killed, and his head was sent to Mortimr in a crate. After, Mortimr fled northwards.   They discussed what the ring could be and what they saw when the godsguard was hurt. Gertrude repeated what the godsguard had said, that the initial blocking of Chedae felt like "a wave from the south". The note in the box had mentioned Red Lake, a prominent lake in central Tarteria. Gertrude repeated the prophecy she’d gotten from Naran: "the winds of the west shall heal the squall in the south."   They asked many questions, but there were too many unknowns and moving parts. The phrase "the four are now three" kept catching on Demitri’s mind. Did this refer to the elemental planes? Or the Great Beasts they heard of from the sea shanty on their way here? They couldn’t be sure, and they did not have the means to find answers here.   With a plan to wake early and head to the sewers, the party gradually went to an uneasy sleep.
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2 Adroth 5A 352 to 3 Adroth 5A 352