Jungles of chult The Sexiles Adventures in Chult Timeline
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The Sexiles Adventures in Chult

  • 1465

    15 /10

    The Old Ways

    The Gnolls of Crudmere hold a council about their future, to continue the new ways of peace and security championed by their Chieftan Pheno, or return to The Old Ways as urged by Rega.   The council ends violently, Pheno is overthrown and the peoples of Crudmere fractured and scattered as Rega's revolution takes over. Pheno is forced to walk into Lake Luo, death in exile.

  • 1466

    20 /3

    Dinosaur Triathlon (Open)
    Sporting Event / Competition

    The adventurers that would come to be known as The Sexiles take part in the illustrious Dinosaur Racing of Port Nyanzaru. Pheno and Hina Hiroto take the gold, whilst Nugget becomes a wanted criminal, leading to his arrest.

    Port Nyanzaru
  • 1466

    23 /3

    Battle in Tiryki Anchorage

    The group comes together to battle a zombie incursion in the Tiryki Anchorage, near the home of Tarlok. Alongside the city watch, they defend the Dinosaur Pens including that of Moose, and Jark manages to free Nugget from the clutches of the Merchant Prince Ifan Talro'a.

    Tiryki Anchorage
  • 1466

    24 /3

    The First Expedition

    Discussing their various needs, the six decide to band together, and adventure into the Jungle, looking for clues about the various things affecting their homes and lives. They hire Eku as their guide, who waves the fee in return for the group helping her fight the evil in M'Bala. Wortle however decides to flee the city without them, being under pressure from Jessamine. He takes a seperate guide with him, heading West. The remaining five buy their supplies, and also take a fee to escort a priest, Undril Silvertusk to the Order of the Gauntlet encampment along the River Soshenstar.

    Port Nyanzaru
  • 1466

    1 /4

    3 /4

    River Crossing & Wortle's Recovery
    Discovery, Exploration

    Their first week in the jungle goes well, and knowing that Undead are more likely found South of the River Soshenstar, the group make a difficult crossing. A few days later, they find Wortle, bound to a statue of Ubtao, having been betrayed by his companion. They are ambushed by Yuan-Ti, the snake-people of Chult, but manage to drive them off. They seemed to be trying to obtain the Mask of Ubtao which Wortle wore, though they could not get it off of him.

    River Soshenstar
  • 1466

    5 /4

    The House of the Man & Crocodile
    Discovery, Exploration

    The group discover that the Order of the Gauntlet has abandoned their encampment at Camp Righteous, and headed further upriver to Camp Vengeance. While investigating the ancient statue of the House of Man & Crocodile, they are attacked by Batiri Goblins, who want to force them into finding the treasure of the dungeon for them, something which will save their tribe. Tarlok fireballs most of them and then gets kicked by a Unicorn. Eku lets them explore the dungeon alone, stating they must respect Chult to reveal it's secrets for themselves. They brave the traps and solve the puzzles, finding much treasure, a magic crocodile cloak, and an immovable rod.

    Camp Righteous
  • 1466

    7 /4

    Friends from Dungrunglung
    Life, Organisation Association

    Hina Hiroto meets some fellow Grung from his village, Dungrunglung. They are exploring the Western jungle on the same quest as him, discover the cause of the rise in undead.

    River Soshenstar
  • 1466

    8 /4

    The Goliath and the Giant

    A portion of the Jungle has been flash frozen, in an isolated winterscape. Within this, the group find a Goliath named Bearkiller, here hunting the Frost Giant that killed his family. They find and destroy the giant, and Bearkiller heads on his way.

  • 1466

    9 /4

    Siege of Camp Vengeance
    Military action

    After a miscommunication, the group are held prisoner by the Order of the Gauntlet and taken to Camp Vengeance. It's in a poor state, the forces here won't last long. A former member of the Order is found there, having gone perhaps a little mad in the Jungle, Noland however does assist the group in fighting off the sudden appearance of shadow creatures, and they earn the respect of the order.   During the night however, the undead lay siege to the camp, Jark floods the whole camp using his magical crocodile cloak, washing many undead away, but in the confusion, Nugget spots that Captain Salhana kills off the inept Commander Breakbone.   The defence is valiant, they destroy an intelligent undead creature with a Bronze Mask, who challenges them to confront his Master.   Believing the camp to be doomed, the group, with Noland, flee South

    Camp Vengeance
  • 1466

    12 /4

    Ascension Towards M'Bala
    Discovery, Exploration

    Eku seems lost, for the first time in the Jungle, as they pass the Northern point of the Aldani Basin. The group manage to ascend a cliff face, battling natural beasts, and discovering the remains of the troop of exploring Pirates from Jahaka Anchorage. Nugget claims some new weaponry.   Once on the way to M'Bala, Eku grows more confused, clearly affected by some magic. Jark, under the advice from Jessamine, learning Eku has lead other groups here, attempts to kill her, unsuccessfully.

    Aldani Basin
  • 1466

    13 /4

    The Death of Noland
    Life, Death

    Noland is killed by Nanny Pu'Pu, battling her flesh and bone construct, he is thrown down her well, and she rips his throat out. He burned with inner light.

  • 1466

    13 /4

    14 /4

    The Hag of M'Bala
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Eku appears completely under some curse originating on the plateau of M'Bala. The group have no choice but to let her leave, heading back to Port Nyanzaru, presumably to find another party to bring here.   They find an old woman, alone, in a hut on the outskirts of the ruined city. She is revealed to be a Hag, Nanny Pu'Pu, a woman of great evil. A confrontation ends with the death of Noland, and Tarlok having to accept a ritualistic procedure from Nanny, whilst the others are trapped in a shadowrealm, facing torturous trials. Nanny takes Tarlok's eye. and let's him into her realm to aid his allies. They finally escape, and flee her.   Upon their return to the site the next day, with their new companion Sindri, Hina receives a vision from a now restored Eku. They had somehow broken the Hag's curse, Eku returned, and killed Nanny, though she warned that would not be a true end for her.

  • 1466

    13 /4 14:00

    Tarlok's Deal
    Life, Supernatural

    Tarlok makes a deal with Nanny Pu'Pu to save his comrades, and gain a new source of power. Nanny takes his eye.

  • 1466

    13 /4 21:00

    Meeting by the Pyre
    Life, Milestone

    Late in the evening, the group meet an Albino Dwarf named Sindri, cremating his comrades who had fallen in battle. Sindri is on a quest to Port Nyanzaru, and so joins with the group as they plan their way back there.

  • 1466

    14 /4

    Death of Nanny
    Life, Death

    Nanny Pu'Pu is beheaded by Eku

  • 1466

    14 /4 16:00

    Revelations of Ubtao
    Discovery, Exploration

    Eku leaves a hint to the group to find the truth of Chult, seek the old M'Bala Palace Grounds. They descend into the dungeon and find the story of the old God Ubtao, his battle against Dendar, and the Trickster Gods of Omu. A guardian Sphinx that shows them the past, and the future, a barren lifeless land that the Death Curse has overcome. While in the past they retrieve the Mask of Ubtao and bring it to the present.   The Guardian grants them one boon, knowledge of any one thing they might name. The group ask about Omu, and they learn much of it's history and fall.

  • 1466

    18 /4

    Return to Camp Vengeance

    The group retrace their journey back from M'Bala, and find that Camp Vengeance had indeed been overrun. Many of the Order of the Gauntlet had perished, including Undril Silvertusk, whose body they found under the corpse of an undead tyrannosaurus.   Sindri uses his druidic magic to light a funeral pyre, and regrow the jungle over the whole camp.   By fortune they meet some travelling Tabaxi hunters, Running Claw & Light Sands, and they make their way back North, following again the River Soshenstar.

    Camp Vengeance
  • 1466

    6 /5

    Defence of the Grippli Villiage
    Military action

    Taking a finishing boat, The Fin & Tonic, towards the mouth of the River Soshenstar, the group stop at the Grippli Fishing Outpost whilst the boat undergoes repairs. The Grippli Tribemother begs them to aid the Grippli, as their spawning pools have been taken over by Yuan-Ti.   Together with Krylyk and Crabriella, who were patrolling the coasts on their own quest, they defend the spawning pools in the Grippli Villiage, and track the Yuan-Ti back to a temple in the Jungle. They prevent the Snake-people from completing a sacrificial ritual that would allow them access to a tomb.

    Grippli Villiage
  • 1466

    6 /5 23:00

    Grippli Celebrations
    Cultural event

    Hina Hiroto, Pheno, Jark, Tarlok, Krylyk and Crabriella are honourarily given membership to the Grippli tribe as thanks.   Krylyk and Crabriella stay with them, keeping an eye on the temple and any further Yuan-Ti attacks.

    Grippli Villiage
  • 1466

    7 /5

    10 /5

    Return to Port Nyanzaru

    With The Fin & Tonic requiring more repairs, the group starts the rek back along the coast towards Port Nyanzaru. They are joined by one of the crew members, Eryk, starting his adventuring career, at the encouragement of the boat's captain, Kwalu O'Besi.

  • 1466

    7 /5

    The Sexiles; Loners with Boners
    Era beginning/end

    The group discuss their past and their future. They officially name themselves The Sexiles.   In a far away dimension, a man referred to only as "DM" took 3d6 psychic damage.

    More reading
    The Sexiles
  • 1466

    10 /5

    Time in the City

    The Sexiles rest and heal and take some time out in Port Nyanzaru. They make use of the Public Bathhouse, The Thundering Lizard tavern, and Kaya's House of Repose inn, as well as shopping in the Red Bazaar, Grand Souk and Jewel Market.

    Port Nyanzaru
  • 1466

    11 /5

    Tarlok's Apothecary
    Criminal Activity

    Tarlok discovers that his Apothecary has been sabotaged with a magical rune trap and zombies stuffed in his locker. Neighbours claim they saw small Goblin figures breaking in one night

    More reading
    Tarlok's Apothecary
  • 1466

    11 /5

    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Hina discovers his racing Triceratops Moose has been suspiciously injured in a race he was winning, and further to that is affected by some poison. They discover the poison is from illegal pigments used in the paint that the stable boy Ballo was using to try to recreate Moose's golden warpaint. With Sindri's aid, Moose is on the way to recovery.

  • 1466

    11 /5

    The Stubbornness of Dwarves
    Life, Relocation

    Sindri, seeking aid for his people back in Eldrsvir, finds his kinsman, Musharib. Musharib is highly critical of many potential mercenaries and adventurers, preferring for only true Dwarves to make the attempt to reclaim Hrakhamar, the ancient seat of Dwarven power in Chult.   A Shield Dwarf jungle guide, Hew Hackinstone is also present, encouraging brave adventurers to join him in killing the Dragon of Wyrmheart Mine. Having failed in his first expeditions, there is a bitter rivalry between the two Dwarves.

  • 1466

    12 /5

    17 /5

    Kiburi Festival
    Cultural event

    The Kiburi Festival, celebrating the many varieties of free peoples that form the population of Port Nyanzaru begins, featuring parades, street parties, and Arena events. The festival is officially opened by the Merchant Prince  Kwayothé.

    Port Nyanzaru
  • 1466

    12 /5 10:00

    Sexiles Arena Victories
    Sporting Event / Competition

    The Sexiles compete in several events in the Grand Coliseum. They take great victories in the Egg Chase and Pterodactyl Ptag. Pheno is unsettled by his poor performance in the Dino-back Archery, gold medal instead going to Ray the Fisherman. Hina Hiroto took on Bearkiller in 1 on 1 combat, in a very close fight that was narrowly won by the Goliath. In the Joust competition, Tarlok (riding a wild-shaped Sindri) defeats Artez Senna using subtle magics, but is defeated in turn by Su'Asan "The Wolf", and his cheating is noticed by Arena Grandmaster Gutsac Gritz, who throws him out. To no-one's suprise, the Joust is won by Tiryk, son of Ekene-Afa.

    Grand Coliseum
  • 1466

    12 /5 22:00


    Jark has been approached by Smoking Mirror, an agent of the Merchant Prince Jessamine. Jark brings an offer to the rest of The Sexiles, and a meeting is set up in Kaya's House of Repose.   Jessamine is very careful by nature, she and her assassins encircle the Sexiles, who become defensive. Jessamine wants to see the Mask of Ubtao that was retrieved from M'Bala Palace Grounds as it matches the one she had given to Wortle, but the Sexiles are suspicious. A brief but tense fight ends with Jessamine examining the mask, and hading it back, she offers the group a job, to find the rest of the Artifacts of Ubtao.   It is revealed that Jark has been working for Jessamine all along.

    More reading
    Mask of Ubtao
  • 1466

    13 /5

    The House of Uwanja
    Civil action

    The Sexiles are hired by the Merchant Prince Wakanga O'Tamu to investigate the dark magic happening in the Uwanja Villa and put a stop to it.   He sends the group with his agent, Kristoff Kallahn, who had been watching the Villa, which belongs to a wizard, M'Kufu Uwanja. M'Kufu had been dealing in dark secrets of necromancy, and his house was trapped and defended. Kristoff however turned out to be a fake, a copy by some changling shapeshifter, who seemingly worked for some other Master entirely. He too wanted M'Kufu's ritual stopped, for his own ends.   M'Kufu's ritual goes awry, he is transformed into a horrifying monster of bone and death, which the Sexiles destroy thanks to the Mace of Disruption wielded by Pheno.   Wakanga awards them with magical items and the Villa to use as their own base of operations. M'Kufu's infant son, and ritual book are given to Wakanga's care.

    Sexiles HQ
  • 1466

    13 /5

    14 /5

    The Yuan-Ti take back the Mouth of the Soshenstar
    Military action

    The Yuan-Ti attack the Grippli Villiage again, in greater numbers, taking back the temple that The Sexiles had defended, and retrieving an artefact, an Yklwa shortspear. They aggressivly push the Grippli back to their Fishing Outpost and overrun it. Some flee aboard The Fin & Tonic, Krylyk leads others to safety along the coastline.

    Grippli Villiage
  • 1466

    13 /5 17:00

    Return of the Mask
    Life, Milestone

    Jark recieves word from Smoking Mirror that Ymezra, daughter of Jessamine is in danger. Smoking Mirror however has already been gravely injured, and the figure disguised as him was the figure in the Bronze Mask, the same they had fought and killed in Camp Vengeance.   Jark rescues the girl, and together with The Sexiles gets her safely to Jessamine. Jessamine executes Smoking Mirror for his failure.   It turns out many of Jessamine's agents had been targeted, she reveals the Bronze Mask had tasked her in finding the Artifacts of Ubtao for him, and in return he would ensure she and her daughter would be spared from the Death Curse. Instead, jessamine was acting to find and secure the Artefacts, either to keep them from him, or to use them against him. She pays the Sexiles to take on this task, knowing her time is running out, and the Bronze Mask is still in the city, along with the shapeshifter who had been Kristoff Kallahn.   Jark leaves the Sexiles to become Ymezra's guardian.

    Harbour Ward
  • 1466

    16 /5

    A Sinking Feeling
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Fin & Tonic limps back into the bay, listing heavily. Eryk along with Pheno Sindri and Hina Hiroto swim out to save them. Some Grippli are also aboard, but are killed by swarming carnivorous fish. Eryk manages to save his old crewmates and captain.    The boat had been attacked outside the Grippli Fishing Outpost by Yuan-Ti, and many Grippli had fled.

  • 1466

    17 /5

    When is a Kobold not a Kobold?

    When it's A Jar. Gub-Gub is discovered hiding in the Sexiles HQ after the clean up crew under Jusdean spot his magical jar switching places.

    Sexiles HQ
  • 1466

    17 /5 12:00

    The Lore of Lurue

    Most of The Sexiles, along with Gub-Gub, are drawn into a book found within their Villa, the Lore of Larue. They find themselves inside the Feywild, encountering and battling many creatures of that strange realm. They join a Fairy, Cèelidh on her quest to thwart a Nintranian Lich Queen, aid the mighty Treant Feynor, defeat the evil Hunters of Malar, restore the great Queen of Beasts Lurue, and lay the foundations of the city of Silverymoon.

    More reading
    Lore of Larue
  • 1466

    18 /5

    The Death Curse
    Plague / Epidemic

    The Death Curse heightens, previously only a rumour, or something only the rich had to worry about when it comes to resurrection magic, but now half of Port Nyanzaru feel it gripping their souls, a dread upon their lives.   With little word coming from Goldenthrone, the people descended into rioting, gathering in groups and marching on the Merchant's Ward, Goldenthrone and the temples of the city. The city watch were stretched to the brink containing the frenzy.

    More reading
    Death Curse
  • 1466

    18 /5 12:00

    Religious event

    Amidst the chaos of the panicked city, priests from the Temple of Savras summon Pheno and The Sexiles to meet with Grandfather Zitembe urgently. The head priest of the temple reveals the last Prophesy  shown to him by Savras, a series of riddles and warnings. Upon these reveletions, and restoring Pheno's vitality, Grandfather Zitembe dies of the effects of the Death Curse.

    Temple of Savras
    More reading
    Zitembe's Prophesy
  • 1466

    18 /5 19:00

    Criminal Activity

    Adeno is broken out of imprisonment by Pheno with the aid of the rest of The Sexiles, using the distraction of the Death Curse stretching the City Watch thin.   Nugget uses the opportunity to lower the great harbour chain, freeing many ships attempting to flee the city, including Ortimay Swift on the Brazen Pegasus.

    Fort Nyanzaru
  • 1466

    18 /5 21:00

    The Night of Omens
    Civil action

    Port Nyanzaru descends into riots and chaos. Initially the city folk had gathered around Goldenthrone, the Merchant Prince's Villas, Temple of Savras and Hall of Gold, demanding answers for their fears regarding the sudden Death Curse emergence. Arrests were made and instigators of violence taken to Fort Nyanzaru, but this incited further mob mentality as a group gathered outside the base of the City Watch, demanding release of their relatives.   At stages through the day, the sky bore ominous messages, "1 hour" sparked speculation and immediate concern, but the hour passed without event. "The end is nigh, break your chains" however sparked instantaneous panic across the city. Combined with many other ill portents, whispers of fears, and the scared mentality of the mob, and that seemingly no word had come from the Government, organised protests became frenzied riots, looting, burning, fleeing the city. Numerous vessels attempted sailing out of the Harbour, made possible by the lowering of the chain of Fort Nyanzaru by The Sexiles.   Eventually relative peace was restored by the priests of Waukeen in the Hall of Gold, maintaining a magical aura of calmness over the whole city.   A final skywritten message read "Don't listen to clouds", but this was swiftly banished by conjured winds, and the damage had been done. Far from being real portents of doom, these messages were in fact the acts of Sindri attempting to communicate with his allies, and distract the Watch from the Sexile's prison break...

    Port Nyanzaru
  • 1466

    19 /5

    Adeno's Trail
    Discovery, Exploration

    Using a Feywild Acorn to teleport from the outskirts of Port Nyanzaru to the River Olung to the South, Adeno guides The Sexiles to where he and some other Gnolls had been tracking those loyal to Rega. The group encounter a group of Druids hunting a Flail Snail. They defend the gentle beast, and capturing one of the druids, learn that the nearby Nangalore contains a certain prized Berry...

    River Olung
    Flail Snail
  • 1466

    21 /5

    The Queen's Garden
    Military: Skirmish

    The Sexiles tracked Rega's Gnolls to Nangalore, where they were hunting for Artifacts on behalf of the Yuan-Ti. Exploring the garden, they battle the dangerous flora, along with deadly beast and zombies, but the main danger is a monster that turns others to stone, the Queen Zalkoré. Through carvings they learn her story and that of Thiru-Taya, her love.   Pheno finds his son, Phenoah, who has been turned to stone, but they retrive the Boots of Ubtao from his body, and slay the rebel Gnolls found here.   Hina  finds some Chwinga who bestow blessings on some of the group.   Late in the evening, the Queen seeks them out, beckoning them to enter her chambers. nervously they follow, and manage to persuade her they are her lpyal subjects, unlike the people of Omu who took her throne, they promise to hunt these usurpers for her, and she allows them to leave, but not before Nugget steals the berry of her prized Black Lotus.

  • 1466

    25 /5

    The Eye of Tarlok's Soul
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    As The Sexiles head towards Crudmere along the shores of Lake Luo, they are taken into a foul dream realm by The Sewn Sisters, seeking to reclaim the power they had invested in Tarlok. Tarlok passes through their trials, and they battle the Hags, Tarlok calling on Nanny Pu'Pu to aid them, as her spirit had been hiding in the back of his mind ever since their deal in M'Bala. The Hags are defeated, two of them pulling the spine from the third one before the Sexiles could kill them, and teleporting away.

    Lake Luo
  • 1466

    25 /5 1200:00

    Death of Peggy Deadbells
    Life, Death

    Peggy Deadbells is killed, as her sisters rip her spine out before The Sexiles can kill them.

    Lake Luo