Sun 13th Feb 2022 01:35

Entry #6 - a riot begins

by Aleksey Dotsk the seer

The zents had taken over Phlan recently. A warlord took it over and his grandson died during a freak construction accident during the renovation of the castle. Anabar (the warlord) had no bride, so the knit-commander of the black fists, Lord Commander Ector Brahms, was made lord regent. His grasp on the throne has been tenuous at best. Still head of the shrinking blackfist. Declared martial law on the city. Recently there was a riot at a temple that was converted from Lanthander to Bain.
As we look up to the north and east we see the blackened husk of a temple that is being re-dedicated to Lathander. Trade has been stopped due to martial law. Wages plumetted, costs sky-rocketed, all construction stopped. Black fist has been arresting the thieves guild folks on site (called The Welcomers).
As we look down the alley, we see a crowd of people before a stone gate. In front of them is a line of Black Fist guards.
Jean-Marie climbs up one of the nearby buildings and looks out over everyone. He proceeds to go up close to the wall, around the crowd, to cut down some of the hanging Welcomers (thieves). I circle around the building to the left to see if I can get behind the guards. Draxon approaches with Franklin on his shoulders, and engages in conversation with a half-orc towards the back, who says they also don't know exactly what is going on but want to make sure he and the one he is protecting (a cleric of Lathander) that everyone is safe. Franklin attempts to talk to her in thieves cant but she can't understand him.
As I make my way around the building, I see Zavender, our Harper friend, peeking around the corner of the building where I was going to do the same. He tells me people are upset about loved ones being kidnapped and held in secret.
The blackfist woman in charge tries to tell the crowd that there is no secret prison, but the people don't believe her.
Jean Marie attempts to spring past the easternmost guard to get to the wall. Unfortunatley the guard hits him as he passes with his billy club. Jean-Marie still makes it to the wall, jumps, and makes it up the wall about 15 feet.
As this all happens, a very dapper man comes out the front door in regal chainmail armor.
Jean-Marie continues to climb up 30 feet.
The dapper man moves forward through the guards, and I can tell through his body language that he ordered the guards to move forward. And slowly forward they move. I see Anders who emerges from a hidden spot and rushes up himself. The guards throw pots that are giving off smoke and start advancing. Some people flee screaming.
Jean-Marie unfortunately makes a few mistakes climbing and completely loses his grip, falling to the ground.
Franklin attempts to climb the windowsill but couldn't get a good hold.
As soon as I see the guards advancing, and see the eagerness in some of the guards faces, I recall a vision I had of guards advancing on my late Brother (Pavel's father), and I find my legs moving forward of their own accord; rage building in my veins. I jump up on the boulder next to the gates and scream at the advancing guards.

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