Mon 23rd May 2022 12:13

Entry #7: the riot escalates

by Aleksey Dotsk the seer

Jean Marie, having just fallen around 30 feet, is now on the ground and not moving! I am trying to send Uttu over to him so I can heal him, but I don't know if Uttu will get there in time.
The guards continue advancing, and there are these folks in grey robes with missing ears throughout the crowd! I believe they are with The Welcomers. I notice a woman in grey and red robes, similar to my nephew's, and she waves around a flag. I surmise that she is a Damaran woman, and this may be an older Damaran flag.
The guards beneath me, at the edge of the boulder, are reaching up at me, but I manage to dodge out of the way. I yell at them that they won't kill another Damaran like they did my brother, and I lash out with my quarterstaff, hitting one of them with a good shot across the jaw.
I see Franklin shoot an arrow at a guard at the base of the boulder I'm on, but it unfortunately bounces off the shield. I see a crossbow bolt fired from somewhere above me, likely from the Castle parapets. That means the guards have crossbowman up there!
I see Draxxon yell and charge into the line of guards, knocking one of them over on their ass. The other backs away.
I can also see Jean-Marie try to get up, and a guard behind him tries to hit jean Marie in the back of the head but somehow injured himself.
I see a guard swipe at Draxxon's foot but he is able to get out of the way.
I pull out a flask, rip off a piece of cloth from my undershirt, stuff it in the flask and light it on fire and throw it at the guard at my feet. He falls unconcious with a scream.
Franklin grabs a nearby basket.
I see Jean Marie resisting the guards as they try to manacle him.
Draxxon's rage is building as guards pile on him, and I see him knee a guard in the face and a spray of blood go up.
I hear this neighing coming from the end of the alleyway we entered in on.
One of the guards attempts to put out the fire of his buddy with his waterskin, and tries to help his buddy, but it's an oil fire so it doesn't help much.
Jean Marie pulls out his net and restrains one of the guards near him.
We hear the voice of an elderly Damaran woman waving a flag, and she is shouting for independence and Damaran sovereignty and inspires us all with her actions.
I take my flask, hack off the top and spray the oil on two of the soldiers, and then use control flames to spread the flames from the one on the ground to the two nearest guards. As soon as I do this I hear a crossbow bolt fired and bounce off my armor.
I see Franklin open a barrel of tar, dip in his sword
The guard Jean Marie has tangled up is trying to get free but is still restrained.
Draxxon rages out and smashes the nose of a nearby guard and he goes down.
The tide seems to be turning against the black guard and the gates now open, and more guards start to pour out.
Meanwhile, the neighing was from a horse that was pulling a cart, and the cart tipped over near the alley as it comes into this plaza area. Franklin lights the fallen cart area on fire with a barrel of tar.

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