Mon 7th Aug 2023 08:36

Entry #25 - Trade bazaar continued...

by Aleksey Dotsk the seer

I see Jean Marie walk around the market. I believe he is looking to determine intentions. Odd sets down his dread mask and trades it for a magical cleaning stone. He also traded a strength medallion for a telekinetic wand and returning bearing. Draxon bought a few healing potions, and tells Odd that he wants the medallion back, and offers a giant frost giant testicle and gold for it. I offer the ancient shell sigil as well, which she has concern with, given that it came from an evil construct. But she does agree to reduce the price. I buy two flasks of oil for 3sp. Odd also purchases some studded leather armor. I also hire a messenger to give gold (100gp) to Fili in Phaln, to pay him back for the two healing potions he gifted me. I also included a small note letting him know that I am ok.
I tried trading, and wagering with a Tiefling. I offered her a convivial chalice and propriation stone, she offered me an opal and a necklace. I rolled the dice, and we both got 6. This was surprising, as I portended that she would roll a 2, yet she somehow still rolled a 6! This is rather disturbing. Somehow she reversed the fate that I had portended. Since we essentially tied, I traded her the stone for a dark opal.
People continue arriving to trade. I hear the newest talk about killing a Wyvern, and the group includes a Knight of Tyr. I introduce myself and we start chatting a bit about the cult of the Dragon. We setup a time to meet later to chat at our inn. Others arrive in saffron and orange. They have constructs. One is a gnome, offering to trade with us. He pulls forth a bag of holding they will give to us if we track down goblins in the middle of Thar, to determine where they got some poisonous fruit from. We can find them again at the Purple Portals.
Jean Marie heads out, following the mysterious Tiefling trader to the casino, then he follows her to her house. (he later tells us that his purse was stolen by some kids who approached him asking for money. Jean Marie is NOT happy…)
As Odd and I walk back to our inn from the trading hub, we see a giant rat heading towards us! It suddenly turns into a Drow woman. She says that Odd owes them, as he pledged to help them in return for helping his brother. They said to meet back in a month to meet them in the underdark.

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