Sun 30th Jan 2022 08:17

Entry #2: In and out of the lair...

by Aleksey Dotsk the seer

• Ulfreth is goblin - says they are mining caves, looking for things.
• Franklin questions the prisoners, who said they were brought on to be slaves.
• We see a symbol on the guy in tunic and he is with Zentarim. He won't tell us what he's up to.
• While we are talking about Zentarim, Ulfreth the goblin sneaks off, right as Alexsky was about to interogate him.
We decide to leave the Zentarim prisoner for the time being as we will want to interogate him on the way out.
We let out one group of prisoners and start on the cage with the zentarim.
Chaab with Zentarim was scouting, had reports of activity with cult of dragon and he was investigating.
I ended up letting the Zentarim out so that others could get out. I searched table and hobgoblin on way out and grab his shield which has a dragon scale in it.
I got 31 gold on way out.
We all flee the goblin tunnels as we hear a lot more goblins coming.
I try to free 'Erb on my way out but unfortunately don't have the strength.
I run out taking the rear, pushing the farmers forward. As we gather at the entrance, I see Franklin leaning over his cartography tools trying to figure out where we are. In an attempt to give him more time, I throw a lit torch into a bundle of nearby sticks, throw a flask of oil on it, and it goes up in flames.
Franklin points us in the right direction and we dash forward.
We go back to farm, people are grateful. We take a long rest and I take the time to look over the shield with the dragonscale. Nothing magical about shield and also nothing about the sword as well.
(we gained 75 XP for rescuing people)
Take a long rest, though we are woken at 3AM by noises outside. We exit and see goblins or other creatures with torches.
We move to the left of the barn, dashing up. I'm first along with Uttu, and see a goblin carrying a torch, trying to light the barn on fire. I also notice another goblin behind the tree.
Aleksey gets between goblin with torch and the barn, kills him with a swing of my scepter.
I get hit with an arrow from a goblin behind a tree.
Jean Marie goes to east of barn and sees another goblin with a torch. He proceeds to throw his torch at the goblin and hits, killing it.
Draxon and Franklin ready an action to shoot goblin behind the tree.
Two arrows come towarrds Jean Marie and one hits.
I dash around corner to get closer to Jean Marie, who proceeds to move and take cover behind a nearby tree, and throws one of the goblin torches far to the south so that they can't get to it.
Draxon readies an action to cover the northern part of the barn.
Franklin dashes forward past Draxon.
One of the newly revealed Goblins, appears to be the leader, yells at me as he fires a crossbow bolt in my direction, hitting a vital organ and causing me to collapse.
A goblin lights on fire a pile of straw.
Draxon throws his javelin at a goblin that emerges, but the goblin fires back.
Jean Marie charges out from behind the tree and attempts to tackle/restrain a goblin that is holding a torch, breaking the goblin's arm.
Draxon cleaves a goblin in two with his great axe and moves forward.
Franklin fires his shortbow but misses, and falls back.
Draxon is hit with a shortbow and prepares to rage.
Jean Marie dashes away and blocks other goblin from setting fire to bar.
Alexsey is falling closer to death given the blood loss.
Arrow hits Franklin for 7
Jean Marie throws his net over the one goblin, and hits goblin with his scimitar.
Franklin stabilizes Alexsey, and proceeds to lean over me to give me cover.
Jean Marie drags netted goblin to tree
Franklin attempted to drag alexsey…
Goblins gang up on Jean Marie and he is now unconcious.
Jean Marie bounces back, shakes off the injury.
Draxon attacks goblin
Uttu does a dance on pouch and Franlin realizes she is saying to open it. Inside is a healing potion and franlin takes it out and gives it to Aleksey.
Goblin gets out of the net.
I run forward and hide at the corner of the building.
Jean Marie targets leader with scimitar, and hits, but the goblin steps out of the way and forces his underlining to take the hit.
Aleksey screams at the goblin leader that took him out and he fires sacred flame and hits him for 15 damage to the goblin.
Jean Marie and Draxon finish the job and take out the goblin.
Aleksey uses create water to cause rain on the haystack.

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