Sun 27th Feb 2022 03:01

Entry 0.5 - the party forms then splits

by Aleksey Dotsk the seer

Phlan used to be ruled by council of 10. Zhents invaded and occupied city. Kabal Danaran disolved Council and named himself hereditary ruler of Phlan. His son, then grandson have sat on throne. Earlier this year his grandson, whose name was Anabar, died during renovations of the castle. This is one of the largest Castles in Faerun. The knight guard leader took over and he took an iron fisted approach. Pulled economy down. Merchants are upset. City under martial law. - There have been new strangers, new activity, new black market due to economy colapsing. People selling dragon items and lore on black market. New for Plan. So people are wondering why this has been going on.
As my nephew (Pavel) relates the story, his church has reached out to him about everything goin gon in Phlan and wanted him to keep an eye on the comings and goings of new people, as they have been hearing that something big is going down in Phlan, and if there is suffering they may need to send more folks out to help. He wwalked into Madame's Tea Kettle bar after a long day's work in Phlan, working on restoring his father's herbal garden and rebuilding his house. Unpon entering he sees a group of oddly assorted characters, including two folks with blue skin, playing music by the bar, and this large barbarian making very odd sounds out of his throat. Pavel sits down at a table where some of the new faces are gathering around a hooded man. He notices he wears a silver pin in the shape of a harp; a sure sign that he is indeed a member of the Harpers organization, a force for good in Toril.
The hooded stranger said the harpers came across someone who was trying to purchase a green dragon egg. He said his associate would lead the group to someplace outside city where transaction would take place. He want ed the group to pose as buyers to determine who is doing this. They suspect another org may be responsible for this and harpers are trying to figure it out.
The group is led to a barn by a halfing name Anders. The trade goes down, items are placed on the ground for exchange, and the buyers of the egg say that the sellers (the adventures) must stay put for 5 minutes to allow the buyers to vacate the area. Next thing the group knows a net falls from the rafters of the barn and the group is surrounded!
The attackers include a few Orcs and human brigands that are missing their right ear. The adventurers are triumphant! They learn that the orcs were with the local thieves guild. They must have been hired by the sellers, but the question is if the thieves guild was a part of this deal or not (seems not).
The new party heads back to the inn and take a multi-day long rest. We take the egg back to the hooded stranger and he says the dragon egg is a fake. He says to come back another day.

Upon being served brunch one day, they suddenly hear screaming outside! A woman (Milivent Moss) is on the ground saying her family is gone. That goblins (about 40) have kidnapped them. The group proceeds to the farm to see how they can help.
The party follows the tracks into the woods, are attacked. This is where I, Aleksey Dotsk, join up with the party and my nephew (Pavel) returns home to assist his family. The group eventually finds the goblin cave. Upon arrives, they see someone, a human figure, speaking with a hobgoblin. The human eventually teleports out (must be a powerful spell caster!). We head forward and see scrapes along the walls of the caves.

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