Tue 1st Nov 2022 12:11

Entry #12 - finding the Harper agent

by Aleksey Dotsk the seer

I'm the first to wake up. I go to Lenah and ask her about what the Lord Protector said yesterday. He apparently was there with 50-60 guards, flew in on his hipogrygh, letting people know that he was quite upset about the riot, he has heard of the concerns, but the rule of law must be respected, and is asking for nothing less.
High Harvest time is only a few days away.
After being given a letter from our old Harper friend, we are now tasked with finding his replacement in Phlan, who is located at a nearby Inn. At the same time, Jean Marie and I are informed that we now have a bounty on our heads from the Church of Bane! I hope we don't meet that powerful dark cleric again, as I'm not sure we are ready to face him.
Before heading out, Draxon reveals that he often has dreams of dragons. He dreamed in this case multiple dragons attacking the shoreline, burning a city, and a 5-headed dragon.
We head for the Inn to find our new Harper contact, riding in a wagon that Leena secured for us. We come to the docks and to a well-worn bar that has a wooden statue of a laughing goblin. Behind this is a thin human female who is polishing tankards.
We sit down for some lovely cabbage soup. I see odd looking up in the second floor, and following his gaze I see a woman wearing a blue dress who is staring at them. Elvish woman named Olisara Lightsong. She somehow messages Odd that she indicated that a few of us should go up and talk to her. We go up a few at a time into a separate room.
She says Cult of the Dragon active again locally, in some towns on the sword coast they have had raids of coastal towns. We are still trying to determine their motivation. She said in this case the Harpers are kind of working with Zentarim to figure out what the cult is up to.
She has two missions for us:
1. We may have noticed that across the bay is an island with a lighthouse. That lighthouse has not been operational for a good 5 or 6 days, which is concerning. Someone who manages light house and the person who manages the blackfist has gone missing. A stronghold apparently is there that helped to defend against dragons. wants us to see if there are any texts there that would help us get further information on dragons here. I'm sure there is a temple to Tyr, and the Harpers would be interested in getting such relics… stronghold run by house sokol (noble family). Traditionally a group of blackfist are there to provide support, but they are missing.
2. City of Elstan across Moonsea, was raided by ghost pirates. The Harpers want to get information from people in town to figure out what the motivation of the pirate ship is. Has been impacting trade on the moonsea. They are concerned about the pirates and their violence.
We decide to go with #2 since Draxon doesn't yet like boats, and our sailor, Jean Marie, advises us not to go hunting for pirates yet as we are not sailors. As far as how we will get there, we leave this to Jean Marie. We unfortunately only have 3 days until the BF replenish their troops over there.
The administrative office for house sokol is near the bar, and we need permission from the house to travel to the island. She gives us a document that will show that we are to deliver provisions to the stronghold.

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