Sun 30th Apr 2023 08:23

Entry #22: escape from Sokol Keep

by Aleksey Dotsk the seer

After the battle, the guard captain comes up to me and says she knows who I am, and pulls out a WANTED poster. Fortunately, she tells me she won't turn us in, since we fought valiently with the BlackFist guards, and Jean Marie healed their compatriot.
A kid crawls out from under Jean Marie's bed and says he works for Leila, who hired us to come to the island. He (Rorin) says she needs to see us tonight. I proceed upstairs and wake up a very grumpy Jean Marie, then let Odd know. We all head over with Rorin, to the manor, with a Black Fist guard tailing us.
Entering the manor, Jean Marie goes up to a figure wh ois asking for us to sort out some contractual issues with us and Leila, and clearly they don't want the Black Fist there. So Jean Marie tosses the Black Fist out of the door. When we turn around, the figure turns into the Elvish Harper Agent. She says she has a way for us to get off the island, but unfortunately Jean Marie forgot his items and needed to go back to the tower. Odd heads out and sees the guard start to blow a horn, but Odd stops him, and the guard follows him as he goes to the outhouse to pee. The guard hears us moving around, and comes back, then goes to run toward the rest of the guards. I slow him with my Bewilder spell, and he is soon pursued by Odd.
When Odd returns, he tells us that he had a fight with the guard and knocked him out, placing him in the outhouse.
Jean Marie goes with Lesandra back to the lighthouse, and she casts Dimensional Door (I must learn this from her!) and they walk through it, up to Jean Marie's gear. But once they get up there, they get their stuff and climb down. We head toward the manor's main gates, Franklin picks the gate, oils the hinges, and we silently open the door.
Lesandra leads us to a row boat, and after we convince Draxon to get in the boat, we row away. Unfortunately, due to our weariness we arrive late at the ship, called the Hayden.
When we arrive at the docks, after a long rest on the ship, we see another ship and cloaked figure carrying containers into a nearby ship. I send Uttu to look but he doesn't see anything unusual.
The next day we wake up and speak with Lesandra. She gives us 2,000 GP (400 each) and a Convivial Chalice and Proprioception Stone. She says she is taking us to Melvaunt.

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