Sun 20th Nov 2022 03:56

Entry #16: into the depths of the island

by Aleksey Dotsk the seer

The remaining hands flee, and of course Jean Marie chase after them. Up ahead, there is an alcove up the wall about 7 feet. Odd climbs up and into it, finds piles of human bones.
Going further down the passageway, we see a brass door, slightly ajar. We move on, going slightly downhill. We see more alcoves lining the walls. There are vertical standing pieces of armor decorated with shells.
I sit down to start my "detect magic ritual", to determine if there is something more to these "statues" than meets the eye, when I am disrupted by exclamations from my companions; the armor has woken up! Turns out Odd reached in to grab a shell and triggered some kind of spell on these golem. And they are now attacking us!
Jean Marie entangles one in his net and dashes away to knock it prone. Draxon shouts and shatters another one. I run up to one attacking Odd and taunt and batter it, allowing Odd to do more damage. Unfortunately, when it attacks me next, it gets past my shield for a gut punch. Jean Marie continues to attack one on the ground. Franklin attacks with his bow and then with his rapier. Odd and I miss entirely with our next attacks. I use portent to avoid its next attack. The last one reaches out and grapples me. Franklin takes the last one out. I search around and find the sigil shell for the construct. Hopefully I can sell it .
Moving forward, there is a pond we attempt to walk around but it's very slippery. I freeze the water and use my staff to push myself along. Draxon doesn't have as much luck. He slips and falls into the huge crater in the middle. Jean Marie jumps in after him and pulls him up. I use control water to help them to the shore, and Franklin and I continue around the edge. And unfortunately I slip in but can swim out. We all get to the closed door but the locks are seized, with dried blood on the handles. Draxon and Jean Marie charge the door, Odd uses a crowbar with no luck, until finally Jean Marie plows through himeslf and we get through, seeing two doors on the right.
(The name of the spirit with us is Harae)

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