Tue 8th Aug 2023 08:47

Entry #28 - Next morning, next pursuit for the purse

by Aleksey Dotsk the seer

The next morning, we get a knock on the door, and someone offers to maintain our weapons. We gather downstairs and we tell Odd what happened the night before, between Odd's encounter with the Selune worshiper, Jean Marie's informant meeting. We see the knights on their way out, that Mage with the acquisitions group is still here. On their way out the Knights say farewell… Afterwards, we decide to head back to the orphanage during the day, and I propose to cast Locate Object once we get there.
We arrive and see all kinds of kids, from 6-18, coming in and out of this building. Jean Marie just walks in and starts wandering around, looking to see if he recognizes the kid that cut her purse. The madame of the house stop him, and they have an argument about what she is doing with these kids. He keeps walking and she blows some kind of silent whistle. While I see him walking, I cast Locate Object and sense it outside of the Orphanage, further to the South. I tell Jean Marie, but he goes upstairs. He sees a 12-yr old with a bowl cut who runs to the window, and he yells so that Odd and I can hear. Apparently the madame has also called the guards. The kid stops at the window and yells for Anastasia. Odd throws his marble at him… Odd and Jean Marie see a rope hanging down. Jean Marie take a shot at him with an unarmed strike and hits him in the hip and manages to grapple him. The kid pulls out a dagger and stabs Jean Marie in the forearm, and manages to escape his grapple. But Jean Marie manages to catch him again, and Odd hits him in the head with the ball bearing, and keeps doing it to the poor kid. The kid proceeds to start groveling at Jean Marie's feet, saying he gave all of the money to "her". After he starts crying, Jean Marie intimidates him and says he will protect the kid if he tells him who has his money. He also says he will give the kid half of the money.
I still run in the direction of the purse, dashing, and come up to a fence. The object I'm seeking, the purse, is on the other side of the fence. So I then dash back to Odd and Jean Marie. On my return, I see two guards heading towards the Orphanage and I cast bewilder on one of them without his knowledge. They continue talking with a woman out front of the Orphanage.
We shall see what happens with the intimidated purse-snatcher and the guards about to enter the Orphanage!

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