Sun 12th Mar 2023 04:51

Entry #20 - Grim's guilt assured - attack from the sea!

by Aleksey Dotsk the seer

Having just convinced the Sokol noble that Grim is guilty, he now tells us he wants us to stay on the island, pending trial, to watch out for undead.
The Blackfist take Grim off the island, but they left two guards here. Once Griv leaves, the lighthouse comes back on! So there was a connection between bringing justice to Egan's killer, afterall. The Gnome assigned to get the light working again clears out of the lighthouse as well. Before he goes I ask him about how he will signal to get off the island, so we know hot to get off if need be.
Of the two guards left on the island, one is a 90-some year old hill dwarf and thother is a human. I asked them if they were at the riot downtown. They give a description of us, in particular Jean Marie and Odd.
Before heading into sleep, I spend some time studying the Comprehend Languages scroll so I can keep that spell in my book. Unfortunately it costs me my last remaining money, but I feel this will be a useful spell to us. While studying, I read through the ancient tome that we found. It speculates about the temple to lord dagon. The author is Phalioss of Tyre. It is an account from centuries ago of the Cult of the moon sea, talks about Elminster as an opponent to Solmaster with the Cult of the Dragon. Lots of ties with the Cult working in Vasa, and it mentions Algshan Nathaile, priest of Bane. Was a couple of hundred years ago. The Cult was trying to enlist dragons to turn into Draco-liches. Mentions a temple of the ancients in the far north.
After resting another day, the following night we hear a sudden horn blast, then a knock on the door. I put on my armor and head downstairs, and it's a kid asking for us, saying there is a woman who arrived via ship. Next thing we know, Sea Span drop from the walls and attack! I let the kid past me and then cast sanctuary on myself, blocking the doorway. I hear a strange noise, then a bell, but it passes. I think I was just psionically attacked! Odd and the others are still upstairs. Draxon goes beserk and throws a glowing axe at the sea spawn, misses, but he axe come right back to his hand! He never ceases to amaze me! Odd shoots them from the window and I hear Franklin shooting from ehind me. The Sea Spawn start to climb the wall of the tower! I cast anticipation on Jean Marie, Draxon, and Franklin. Two sea Spawns climb the tower, Jean Marie balays down. Next thing we know, a yann-an-oed comes into view! We hear a hoot, then all of a sudden Jean Marie and I find ourselves compelled to hoot in return, and we feel we are being tracked!
The battle continues! Jean Marie kicks a seaspawn off the wall as he is cimbing down. I reach out my scepter and send a streak of light out towards the Krua-toa, hitting it square, enveloping it in a radiant light. After that action I once again cast Sanctuary on self. Odd continues to shoot at the seaspawn. I feel the Kua-toa try to invade my mind, but I shake it off. But it distracts me enough that next thing I know, one of his tentacles swings out and hits me, wrapping me in its slimy embrace. I see Jean Marie drop from the sky and land on his feet, attacking the nearest seaspawn. Unfortunately, they continue to attack me, and one gets lucky. I hear noise coming from the yann-an-oed and feel rumbling beneath my feet. I see an arrow shoot out from an upstairs window (Odd likely), hitting it square in the head. I get lifted in the air, and hear this voice in my head about returning what is not ours. The jade from the ancient shrine perhaps? Seeing Jean Marie injured, I cast prayer of healing on he, then myself, as well as another guard I see was injured. I somehow manage to squirm out of the tentacle, falling out of the air and landing on my feet. I see Jean Marie continue attacking, driving off a seaspawn with his shortsword. More arrows coming from Odd and Franklin. Jean Marie uses command on a creature and hits it as it flees. More shooting, and I pray to Savras to grant me one more spell to heal my comrade. I turn around and cure Jean Marie's wounds. Odd keeps firing at the giant frog creature.
We hear a horn and bell at the top of the lighthouse. Some fool guard is calling for help! I hear Odd curse and run up after him. I again hear a voice in my head asking us to return the jade. Unfortunately, I don't have the jade on me, as I left it in my backpack, which is in the lighthouse. Draxon continues to throw his axe. I see that the cleric Sea Spawn has cast Shield of faith on one of his allies. Our party continues to attack. After a volley of arrows from Odd, the giant frog creature is finally taken down! We take out the remaining seaspawn, and when only the cleric is left, the BlackFist guards finally come out to join the fray.
I thought it was over, but next thing I know I hear Odd scream out "there are more on the wall!. I turn to see Jean Marie yell out and run into the darkness. I search the downed cleric and see a driftwood staff with a rusted pincher at the top, has piece of paper with written letters on it that he had used for a spell, pouch of old components, find chunk of jade, as well as 12 GP. More seaspawn climb over the walls, and I run into the building to get my backpack, in case I need to give them the jade.
The jade... I had hoped to sell it to pay for more healing potions for my compatriots, but I may have been too reckless in my desecration of what I thought was a long dead god. Perhaps, even the evil gods should be respected? I will always fight on the side of good, and if that means disrespecting some evil, dark god, I don't mind doing so. But if these creatures are after the jade and using that to track us, am I putting innocents at risk by holding onto this jade? I certainly don't want to do that. But perhaps I can get this jade to the Church of Bane, and put them in the crosshairs of the Sea Spawn and Lord Dagoth? That may also put innocents at risk. Our best play, in order to protect the innocent, may be to return the jade and continue in our investigation of the Cult of the Dragon. But we still must determine how to get past the corrupt Black Fist and Church of Bane, who have both placed gold on our heads.

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