Thu 4th Aug 2022 07:48

Entry #9: confined to a nice jail cell - jailbreak#2?

by Aleksey Dotsk the seer

We are now located in a nice cell with a desk and nice feather bed, with two braziers. I was sitting at the desk drawing, and hear voices approach that sounds familiar. Draxon apparently doesn't know how to alter his voice at all. I see a tall middle aged man with a strong jaw and pointed nose, clothed in a white fur and silk mantle, underneath is a black cotton sircoat. Across his shoulder is a chain. I see three other apparent guards, though I recognize the mannerisms of some. And they are escorting a tblaxi that I recognize.
The guard with the white fur speadks and said someone has requested an audience with us. I look to Draxon to gauge his motives/plan. This person has said that the lord commander wants to chat with us, and they ask me if we agree to do so willingly. I confer with Jean Marie through the window and ask him to look at the big guard. He recognizes Draxon and I suggest we agree to this audience with the "lord commander". The Church of Bane priests approach JM's cell with manacles, and have a crossbow aimed at him, ready to go. We both allow them to manacle us. We are in turn tethered to each other by a chain.
The Bane church rep has also said she will be coming with us, escorting us. Eventually she is talked out of this.
We follow our friends down, and I aid Franklin's scouting by using control flames to brighten any torches we see down the hallway.
We emerge outside and walk past the guards to the north of the plaza area, and run, making a break for the nearest well that we can find to climb down.

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