Sun 30th Jan 2022 08:17

Entry #1: Our journey further into The Cave of the Foulwater Goblin Tribe

by Aleksey Dotsk the seer

Our friend the Barbaran has decided to feed a goblin to the wolves again to ensure they are fed. Guess he has a softspot for our four-legged friends.
Franklin pauses to listen before determining which way to go. All he can hear are the wolves chowing down, and quiet throughout the cave.
This gives me an idea and I mention to Franklin, since he is skilled with animal handling, to see if we can use these wolves to our advantage and perhaps, become their friends, and use them against the goblins themselves. Franklin haunches down and watches Draxon feed the wolves, and he says the wolves appear to be a wild card. We discuss possibly releasing them in one of the tunnels. We also recall hearing that the goblins may have other raiding parties returning. So Draxon proceeds with placing some snare traps setup.
Franklin decides to go to the northern door to open it. After using the key, the door unlocks and we proceed forward.
We again see claw marks on the walls of the cave.
A new room opens up, that is lit up by lanterns this time and is much better furnished than the previous rooms. We see a long table with gold, weapons, half-eaten food. We see some decapitated heads. We also see a few cages with some humans in them. They appear to be farmers. One of the cages has younger kids in it.
There is a guy in a tunic in a cage.
As we walk in, a little girls in a cage shouts out "they are hiding", and we prepare for batttle with more goblins.
One emerges from hiding and attacks Franklin with a scimitar (6 points slashing), getting a good strike on him, then flees.
Franklin returns fire and gets a square shot in his upper shoulder, piercing through his leather armor, causing blood to pour out.
A large humanoid (a bugbear), dressed in orange and with a goblin mask, shouts out, whips out a javelin, throws it towards Draxon, but he trips and breaks his javelin, yet still roars and runs towards us.
Arrow shoots out and hits Jean-Marie (3 damage), who proceeds to laugh at the hit.
A new goblin emerges with a short bow but again misfires (these suckers are unlucky!) at me, but is so far away he ends of shooting himself in the leg.
Draxon runs forward shouting at the little goblin, intimidating him to a point where he is trembling and soils his trousers. Taking his greataxe in both hands, he splits the goblin in two.
I point towards the torch behind Draxon and gesture, creating a head of a dragon in the flames, opening it's mouth, and distracting the BugBear (and use Damaran shared success to help Jean Marie). At this time Jean-marie runs forward, screaming in draconic that he will cut his head off, waving his scimitar, and he comes down and slashes across his chest. He follows up with a dagger strike in the ribs.
Another arrow fires at Jean-Marie, who bats it out of the air.
Franklin runs forward for cage, with my friend Uttu on his shoulder. He shouts over to the humans in the cage that he is coming over to help them.
Gorunk counter attacks against Jean-Marie and hits him with a morningstar, and he falls over unconcious.
Another arrow goes for Franklin and misses.
Another goblin emerges and fires arrow at Draxon, but Draxon shakes it off (3 damage) in his rage. His greataxe attack glances off his shield, as does his follow-up hand axe attack.
I run up to Jean-marie, lay my hands on him, and heal his wounds. Arrow comes at me but I just raise my shield and it glances off.
Uttu jumps off Franklin's shoulder and moves to the north to see if she can spot the goblin to the north.
Franklin fires at Gorunk and hits him, and he follows up with another shot/hit.
I see that Jean-Marie attempts to use his net to tangle Garuunk's feet, but he must still be disoriented as the bugbear simply steps away from the net.
Another arrow fired towards me but I dodge out of the way.
Draxon's next attack with the greataxe again fails, but he gets a critical with the handaxe, which decapitates Garuunk.
I run towards the southeastern goblin and project images into his head of his past and future death, and he collapses as he screams at the top of his lungs and dies with a gurgle.
Franklin fires at the second to last goblin and he dies.
The last goblin surrenders to me and must determine what we do next.

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