Sun 25th Sep 2022 10:37

Entry #11 - out of the tunnels - finally rest!

by Aleksey Dotsk the seer

These labyrinths below the City are quite fascinating. Continuing on, we find a statute of a woman holding a bowl. Odd seemed to recognize this statue and pushed it back to reveal a passageway! This passageway led into a marble hallway with a low ceiling. We came to a hall with 12' high ceilings, with 4 rough-edged patterened pillars supporting it, and see similar motifs going along the stonework. It's lit up by torchlight, but as we look around we see a lot of crates that line the wall, and on top of them are bolts of fabric.
Leena Desina appears and takes us into a different part of the building that has white marble, with chests to our left and right that we can use.
Considering that we are utterly exhausted at this point, we all pass out for a nice long rest. I'm awakened by wood scuffling on the floor, and based on the amount of light, I'm guessing it's around noon. We see a woman half-orc with greyish skin. She is moving some of the furniture up against the wall. She places a tablecloth down. Maybe it's breakfast time! It has been a very long time without a good meal. Sure enough, the table is slowly set and the smell of food is a welcome scent to our noses. Though apparently it isn't enough to rouse the loudly snoring Jean Marie.
I walk to the table and engage with Zagga Mitsk, Lenah's bodyguard. I learn that the blackfist patrols havee been doubled, confirming that they are indeed looking for us. Believe it or not, the riots were only yesterday! The Lord Protector is set to give a speech about the incident later today.
Speaking with Thaldi, she was captured by a rival tribe who took her captive, took her to the east and sold her for weapons. Sold to Warlock Knights. Who sold her to Zentarim, and then she escaped. She said that the Zentarims are still here and brought her to work in the stoneyards. Slavery, in Phlan! This is an outrage! Illirens, Dalrens is the local Zentarim Is the one who bought her. I give Thaldi information about the Moss farm, and suggest she travel there and tell Moss that we sent her, asking that they give her a horse for her journey back to the plains. Perhaps we will meet up again, once we are out of this current predicament.
Odd and I go to the apothecary, Fillistrom Wunderkundoodle, to resupply potions. He is a long time family friend, and upon seeing me, proceeds to offer me two potions of healing and a pearl on loan (with an IOU of course!), and gives me a flask of oil. I asked him to let Pavel know that I'm ok but can't visit. He also said he will pay for spell components. I asked him to speak with Aleksey to let him know that I'm ok but won't be seeing him soon as the BF guards are after me.
Jean Marie goes and sells his armor, and searches out someone to buy leather studded armor from
Franklin goes to harbor, and attempts to fence/sell that dragon-scale shield I picked up. The first shopkeeper wouldn't buy it, but he did find some Kobolds near the harbor whom he sold it to for 40gp.
Upon returning to our safeharnor at Lenah's, we were presentted a note from our Harper friend, who said he has left town for the moment, and conveyed that an associate of his will be coming into town, staying at the laughing goblin inn. Ovashera Lightsong is who we should ask for.
At this point, we have a lot of options before us. We could do any of the following things:
1. Take the sample of the necromancy potion to someone to analyze.
2. Ask around about Illirens Dalrens, the zentarim who is buying slaves.
3. Meet our Harper friend's associate at the Laughing Goblin Inn. Ask more about the Cult of the Dragon activities.
4. Investigate the ancient building with gargolyes located in the labyrynth
5. Go back to labyriynth and see if we can open the sarcophogus
6. Track down Thaedly and see if she made it back to the plains and needs help.

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