Thu 4th Aug 2022 07:43

Entry #8: Jailbreak attempt

by Aleksey Dotsk the seer

The protest continues, a cart gets overturned, more guards come out, Draxon goes beserk, I continue to throw molotov cocktails at the guards, and then one manages to drag me off the rock and knocks me unconscious.
Next thing I know I wake up in a jail cell, gagged, with my hands tied behind me, without any of my possessions. Next to me I see Jean-Marie. Guards came in, along with a larger half-orc cleric of Bane, and tried to get us to talk. Jean-Marie refused, but I had a few comments with the guards, and it's clear that they believed we were sent from the rulers of Damara, as a part of the Damaran court. I sensed they were hesitant to put us to death because of this, so I decided to go with this and start this as a ruse. However, we still refused to give our names, and so the Half -Orc threatened to take us to the rack. That didn't intimidate us, so we were eventually dragged to the torture chamber, despite our resistance. Once in the room, a scribe of some sort joined us, along with other guards. All but the half-orc, scibe and another guard or two stayed. At this time I had remarks with our friend the half-orc, trying to taunt him to make a mistake. He cast command on both of us, presumably to get us ready to put on the rack. Jean marie resisted, but pretended not to have, and he then attacked. We both took out one guard and proceeded to attack the half-orc, who, miraculously, kept missing with his attacks (or we resisted). I used my final prayer slot to cast a most powerful spell, which would have killed a typical guard for sure, but all we did is give this half-orc a bloody nose! Sensing we could barely damage him, and would eventually be killed, we decided to parlay again. Jean Marie convinced him to allow us to be taken to a separate room and be tried with the church! This at least buys us time so we went with it. Unfortunately they confiscated all of our gold. The price of future freedom, I suppose. I just hope our new friends can some how break us free.

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