Sun 26th Mar 2023 07:03

Entry #21: the relentless attack from the sea

by Aleksey Dotsk the seer

The battle against the seapawn continues.
Draxon, in his beserker rage, takes out two seapawn, while I run out and get the piece of jade from Franklin, and mention to Draxon that we are being attacked because of the jade. Unfortunately, he is in his berserker rage and I'm not sure he has heard me. I turn around to help Jean Marie, and am attacked by two Seaspawn. I fend off the first one and then find myself falling into blacknessā€¦
When I awaken, with the sweet taste of a healing potion in my mouth, I see Jean Marie talking to himself, and Franklin leaning over me. I run over to Draxon, dig out his piece of jade, wave then at the seaspawn and shout, "is this what you want?!" After hearing their hissing, I drop the jade pieces to the ground. Jean Marie runs over, picks them up, and hands them out to the sea span. As one runs over to take them, Draxon cleaves it in half with his axe, as Jean Marie yells "Stand down!!" and I yell "let them pass!". In his battle rage, Draxon doesn't hear or seem to care. He continues to cut down the seaspawn that are coming near, not letting them escape with the jade, as more and more keep climbing out of the sea. I start to worry that more of us may die unless this battle is stopped.
Meanwhile, I see Odd upstairs in the tower speaking with a Blackfist guard, bringing him close to the window and then drawing his sword on him. But they then move out of view.
Eventually, as Jena Marie and I distract Draxon, a few sea spawn make it past him to get the pieces of jade, and we hear their footsteps recede into the dark, rainy night. A very angry, still raging Draxon has words with Jean Marie and I, for our efforts to distract and trip him up. After promising him to work it out over some beer, we recede to the lighthouse for what hopefully is a long rest. This experience of falling unconscious, and coming so near to death, has shaken me.

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