Sun 3rd Apr 2022 11:41

The battle of Phlan continues

by Aleksey Dotsk the seer

We continue to fight in the street with the Black Fist guards. Jean Marie, after tangling up a guard in his net, scales back up the wall, reaches the top, and cuts off the rope holding one of the hanging thief bodies. He runs into a nearby doorway at the top, closes the door, and works his way down the guard tower.
Meanwhile, Draxon rages out on the nearby guards as they swarm overtop of him, he has a pile of unconcious guards at his feet.
I throw one of my last remaining oil flasks, and is shot in the back by a crossbow from the paripets, and fall over unconcious. I wake up enough to prevent them from taking me inside, and manage to get enough energy to attempt to use bewilderment, with Uttu's help, to distract the guard and break free. Unfortunately this fails and I find a club to the head knocks me unconcious yet again.
Franklin is busy firing flaming arrows at the guards.
Odd also fires his bow at the guards, and he hears them yell at him for injuring the guards.

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