Sun 9th Jul 2023 07:25

Entry #24 - the trade bazaar

by Aleksey Dotsk the seer

Franklin connects us with a Half-ling family he knows. In particular is a younger halfing named Trixie. We ask her about more affordable places to stay. She says the floating ___ is a dockside place but would also be expensive. She said there are cheaper places near the docks we could get. Witch's brew is moderately priced place, The pining pixie has hellhound. JM got a room for all of us for 76gp for a week, to act as a base of operations for us. Franklin offered him some money but he refused; very generous of Jean Marie!
Odd decides he wants to take a walk to the northwest part of town. I decide to join him, but I have no idea why he wants to take such a walk through this smog-ridden town. I notice that all of the buildings here are constructed out of stone, probably because of the number of open flames throughout town. As we are walking north we do hear the buzz of a crowd, and we soon see a very large open market. We also, unfortunately, see a slave market in the northeast corner. This is not a town for me. Based on my knowledge of history, I see individuals that are dressed in half plate armor, made out of materials that is iron-crystalline substance. Many of them also have poorly route iron rings on their hands, and based on my time in the court and on the Damaran gates, I recognize them as the warlock knights of vasa.
As we continue to the northwest, we see more construction-related buildings. It is getting hillier, but many of the hills have been converted into smelters. Based on what we hear from chatter on the street, the high harvest time is coming up in a few days. Including a parade.
We work our way back to the trading station, just in time for it to open. I put out the convivial chalice to see if anyone will trade something for it. We see riding saddles, wavy dagger, flasks of oil,… I use detect magic wand and see a number of blue auras indicating magical items. A woman with blue hair has many items that have auras, definitely fey related. Illusion magic coming off of her wrist, and she herself also has an aura that is fey related. There is another person who has a primeval aura, a barbarian.
A woman in the trading hub, was talking about her family's mines filled with Orcs, and wanting them removed. I see paladin of Tyr, cleric of Illmater with leather armor very aged person. The paladin asked me who I was with, and I asked him what he meant. He said that he asked because of groups like cult of the dragon, they apparently detected…

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