Sun 21st May 2023 06:05

Entry #23 - Escape to Melvaunt

by Aleksey Dotsk the seer

We arrive at night at Phlan, and we are all so exhausted we go to sleep for a long rest. E are awaken in the morning by heavy steps and lighthouse horns. Next thing we know we are setting off.
The crew consists of Halflings, Orcs, Dwarves, a Goblin, female half-elf. They indicate it will take us an entire day to get to Melvaunt.
I spend a lot of the time recovering from my near-death experience, reflecting on the past few days. Then I go to Draxon to ease his sea sickness, and then finally speak with Ulisandra.
She says the town is run as an oligarchy, run by Nashers and other noble families. There are Zentarim in the town as well. Most prominent families are Lehadran, Nasher, and Drul.
We soon hear the signal for lunch and I move to the dining hall. Someone recommends a place called Dells Lane or Floating Fire for drinks.
Taking a closer look at Odd's idol, it does have a faint Divination magic with Celestial origin. I tell Odd that he will need to attune to the idol in order to use its magical abilities. After a few hours, he is now attuned but doesn't know what it does yet.
Speaking to the crew, they come from the land of Turmish, from the far south. Odd trades his sword for a dread helm from one of the crew.
We arrive at Melevaunt, and it is clear this is an industrial town, cut-throat, and ruled by money.
Morning on the ship, we start to dock. The City is walled and has an iron lighthouse. There is the breakwater inn, floating fighter, a large temple called the purpole porpoise, and Than. There is a swap shop. Olisandra heads off for the library. As she leaves, we see people with red cowls, red gloves with spikes, pulling along slaves. There seems to be an incredibly large slave market here. Not my kind of place, and I suspect my companions may also have some strong feelings about this place. Out of the pot and into the fire? Only time will tell.
We decide to go to the inn first, before we head out elsewhere. The inn has music playing and has a pleasant atmosphere. We see someone in the corner in a gray robe with another gentleman in scale armor, with a holy symbol of Tyr. Another has a symbol of the Triad; looks to be a cleric. Another appears to be a wizard with deep royal purple cape with skull & cross bones. Next to him is some kind of barrel construct.
Looks to be an interesting cast of characters in this high scale place. However, we quickly learn that the security and comfort of this place is rather costly, at 6gp a night. None of us are wealthy, and I've left much of my wealth back in my home town, so most of us decide to talk to Franklin to see if he can help us find a cheaper place to stay, which is still safe.

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