Sun 30th Jan 2022 08:17

Entry #4: Respite in Phlan

by Aleksey Dotsk the seer

We spend a few days (for free) at the inn, training, buying, etc, and are looking forward to an upcoming community festival within the next 9 days. On this particular morning we are meeting for a lovely breakfast. We notice that the maid helping us is muttering and clearly frustrated by something. But before we have a chance to comment, the door of the Kettle opens and a tall, dour looking human comes in, dressed in black & grey robes. I sense that he Is a member of a local clergy. Middle-aged man with tall black hat. Comes over to table, sits down, and says "I apologize for disturbing you. You seem to be adventurers; are you available for hire. My name is brother Keith, priest of Kelemvor. We are the brothers that tend to the graveyard here in Phlan. "
We agree to hear him out.
He tells us that he has information that there is a possibly a crypt that may have some kind of polymorph green dragon within it, named Alexandria ____. He wants help to inspect the sarcophagus.
We confer as a group and, based on the fact that I detected no deceit or deception, we decide to help Brother Keith. He leads us to Valhingen Graveyard, but on the way we see a large crowd head towards the Castle, but we don't yet have time to determine what that was all about.
When we arrive at the graveyard it is very immaculate and well-maintained. Including the particular crypt we are traveling to. In anticipation, and to determine whether or not this crypt has been defiled, I cast "detect good and evil". Nothing seems amiss, though I am concentrating on this spell for the next 10 minutes.
We enter into the crypt and it is very ornately decorated on the interior, with frescos of a noblewoman in various landscapes.
I sense no good/evil but proceed to sit in corner and start ritual for detect magic. When about 5 minutes later this green gas comes through the vents In the ceiling. As we drop to the floor, we see that there are divets in the paintings that may correspond with gems. I believe this may have to do with the different chromatic dragons. We proceed, as we are coughing, to take the gems and insert them into the walls.
Red ruby, green emerald, black opal, white dimand, blue saphire
Murals: female looking towards snow covered pieak (white diamond - white dragon), one standing in rain (blue saphhire - blue dragon), another in comfortable room near fire (red ruby - red dragon), another holding venomous snake (green emerald), another in laboratory with vials (black opal).
With the last gem going into the wall, the gas has now stopped. A few seconds later a heavy scraping is heard as the sarcophogus slides to the side revealing stairs. Jean Marie throws down his torch and then proceeds down on foot. Brother Keith stays put while we continue on (and the front door has opened up again).
The passageway spirals around, with Jean Marie lighting the wall sconces, and off to the side is an alcove. We see skeletal guards that are standing attention at this area. They are humanoid skeletons with dragon skulls on them. At the back of the alcove is a carved mahogany dais, with huge empty throne. Immediately in front is another skeleton standing at attention. So far they are not responding to our presence. There is magic coming from the throne… As I ask the party if it wants me to identify the magic of the throne, Jean Marie attacks the skeletons, destroying one. Meanwhile Franklin investigates the throne and pedestal himself. Jean Marie moves onto the next skeleton and destroys that. Draxon attempts to pull free the sword from the other skeleton but he can't remove it from its hands. I proceed to place my hand on the throne and cast (identify), to determine why this throne has magical properties. Meanwhile, Jean Marie chops off the dragon head of one of the statutes and places it on his head. Draxon takes out the other one with a swing of his great axe. Having concluded my spell, it is proven out that if we had sat in the throne these skeletons would have awaken. Perhaps they still would have reanimated, even dismantled? Regardless, at this point we are just focusing on opening the throne to see what's underneath it. Draxon tries to pry it open but can't break the lock. Franklin, having determined that there are no additional traps, proceeds to pick the lock. Underneath the throne is tormuline gem and a scroll of comprehend language.
As we are walking away, Jean Marie runs towards the throne and sits down! As I determined, the three skeletons re-animate and now attack us! Savras, may you shine your wisdom on my new friend, Jean Marie. Draxon takes off the arm of one, Franklin shoots with his arrow, and I proceed to cast turn undead, and all three of the skeletons are turned. Jean Marie gets up from the throne and attacks the nearest, turned skeleton, (rolls a crit!) and takes out this skeleton. Draxon follows up with the same. I run forward and cast bewilderment on the skeleton, hitting it with psychic damage and it is now slowed in movement for its next turn. We proceed to take the rest of the skeletons out, fortunately without anyone getting hurt. I will need to prepare in the future for Jean Marie's impulsiveness, and see if I can impart some of Savras' wisdom and patience upon him, to have his impulsiveness be to our advantage.

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