Tue 8th Aug 2023 08:41

Entry #26 - Regrouping at the Inn, then going separate ways

by Aleksey Dotsk the seer

After the encounter with the giant Rat, Odd and I head back to meet the others at the Inn, after they finish up at the trading post. Jean Marie soon arrives fuming, and tells us about having his purse stolen. Franklin and I offer to help him later on, but he said he has a 9pm meeting first with an informant. Odd bought us two pitchers of some local cider.
After a little while a knight of Tyr, monk of illmater, and a halfling came to our table. This was the group we encountered at the trading post. As they get closer, I start to hear voices, something about the Brules (noble family in town), get feeling that the knight and companions are cautious and tired, and have a greater journey before them. I also get a vision of a wide plain/grassland, with a burnt down town. I get a sense of concern and stress. I relay some of this to them. They proceeded to tell us what they are part of the Triatic Knight Order. They wander around helping those in need, but sometimes they have to come to a big City to resupply. During their travels, they have learned that the Cult of the Dragon has a new leader who is seeking, of all things, to summon Tiamat! They have gone beyond just summoning Draco-liches, and are now seeking to summon Tiamat herself! Based on the information they have been able to gather, the Cult started a dragon hatchery near a City called Greenest. They also talk about how they have learned that the Warlock Knights have been pushing the slave market in the plains of Thar. They can be distinguished by their red gloves wrapped with chains. We gave them an update of everything that has happened in Phlan, and they were quite concerned. They said half orc named Burel Ka, stating at in near north gate (crows gate in) , is a contact of theirs regarding the goblins. They agree to go help in Phlan. They hand us a note we are to give to Burhel. I unfortunately upset Jean Marie and he gets up and storms off.
Meanwhile, Draxon leaves as well, and a magic user comes up to us. He has a skull and crossbones on his chest. Says his name is Jim Dark magic. Part of acquisitions incorporated. They are looking to franchise. They give horses, equipment, deal with hirelings. He gave us a card and said we can contact him anytime.
A minstrel comes up as well and says that we can go to city hall and they are looking for adventures ti patrol Thar. will pay 10gp a day plus repairs. Also willing to pay 5gp a day to deal with reports of a rat king in sewers? They want body of the rat king.
We also hear a kid reading a board, stating that there is a request to find someone's brother. We can find him at floating fire.
He also said master blacksmith complaining about smoke coming out of chimneys and will pay if we take care of it. We receive a street to go to.
Meanwhile Draxon gets up on stage. Odd goes upstairs. And an innkeeper gives him grief asking if he has a room. We get in an argument. Odd oats 75gp for a room for week. Innkeeper says we can get a group room shared with others for 40gp.
Odd eventually heads our to the arched Kitty. I stay with Draxon and Franklin at the Inn, and JM heads for his meeting with his informant.
Odd heads to arched Kitty and meets someone named Maleth, from the east. She has an onyx statue that Odd is fascinated with. She takes him to a back room with all of these portraits. He pulls out the idol/statue he found, and she tells him all about this onyx statue, which also happens to be the same god of the smaller idol Odd has. The goddess is named Selune. He finds out the woman can also turn into a panther. And offers to train Odd in how to worship the lady Selune.
On Odd's way back, he sees Jean Marie storming back to the Inn. And a guard comes up to Odd to escort him back to the Inn.
Meanwhile, I chat with Franklin about what he has learned from Trixie. He said he there is a place called the dog and pony. We decide to investigate once Jean Marie gets back from meeting with his informant.
Jean Marie was on his way to meet with his informant at a very ritzy place called _____. He sits down and finds ice thrown in his face. After a moment he recognizes her as his first kiss. He also sees a captain he knows sitting in the corner, who comes up to him and offer him some work. Said they will be going out to see over the the next few days. After chatting with them he sits down with his informant from the docks/trading hub. After intimidating him, he learns that someone Trixie knows is nervous about something Franklin is up to, involving local slave resistance. Jean Marie tells the kid to leave, as he see someone watching him from within this place. And then Jean Marie heads back to our Inn.
Meanwhile, after visiting the Swap Shop, Franklin went back to his room. After hearing a knock, he opens the door to come face to face with an old man. The old man holds up a paper, a wanted poster, of Franklin! "are you this man?", he asks. Franklin, finding himself a little caught off guard, expecting the knock to be from his friends, fails to come up with a good deception. Fortunately, it turns out the old man just had a personal message for Franklin, asking him to stay away from Trixie, so as to keep her "out of trouble". Trixie finds Franklin the next morning, and they chat for a bit. He finds out her family has a connection to the Harpers. She mentions a parade coming up, and she is looking for help with look-outs, as they want to do a simultaneous operation to free some slaves.

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