Sun 12th Feb 2023 07:29

Entry #19: Solving Igon's murder

by Aleksey Dotsk the seer

[Continuing our conversation with Grim and his lackeys deep in the underground templeā€¦]
Grim said they were ambushed by zombies, but we didn't buy it.
Coming to Igan's decapitated body, I hear Grim pick up his head and say "shit, sorry kid, never meant for this to happen."
Jean Marie sneaks behind Grim, picks him up, pulls him over to the pool with the jade totem, and at the same time I use Control Water to start forming the shape of a woman, successfully intimidating Grim. He finally confesses to murdering Igon because of his debt to some Drow. Apparently he was running a side job guarding a warehouse and got tangled in a scheme with some Drow elves. One of his comrades comes up to him, stabs him, and Grim ends up killing his comrade (and I heal him). One of the other guards gives us a manacle and we manacle him, trying to get him to sign a confession. He refuses, and we threaten to take him to the Drow for a reward. I feel a tug on my robe and Harae tells me that we must leave all of the gold and loot or else she won't re-light the lighthouse. We give our gold to the guards to molify them, and our barrier is now Draxon, who doesn't want to part with his gold. I try convincing him, but I finally have him speak with Harae himself (via the Ouija Board), who convinces him to leave it behind. We also tell him that the Harpers have promised us 2k gold if we re-light the lighthouse. We lead the Blackfist guards out and run into the groundskeeper, who is wondering what is going on. We end up needing to gag Grim. One of the Blackfist takes the groundskeeper to view Igon. Rest of us go to the east tower with Grim. It is twighlight when we emerge. We decide to take a long rest, during which I start the process of trying to transcribe the "comprehend languages" scroll we found, so that I can decipher the ancient tomb we found in this keep.
When we wake up, we see a ferry arrive with 6 Blackfist Guards, a gnome, and a noble. Turns out the noble is with House Sokol (Igon's relative). He demands answers from us. I go up to get the others, but Odd and Jean Marie stay upstairs as they don't want the Blackfist Guards to recognize them. Draxon and Franklin decide to put on their Blackfist Guard uniforms again, and I remove my robe. I cast guidance on Draxon so he can help me with any parlaying we need to do with the noble and Blackfists. Draxon carries the bound Grim out to the awaiting visitors. We are soon bombarded with questions, and Draxon and I (along with Grim's comrades) are able to convince them that Grim did indeed murder Igon. The noble states that they will be taking Grim off the island; however, he also states that he would like us to remain here while Grim's trial moves forward. While he said he will pay us 5GP a day each, I am not entirely sure if we are prisoners or hired help. Eventually we will need to get off the island and report back to our new Harper friend. We also have a number of loose ends to try to tie up in Phlan. Hopefully we will no longer have a bounty on our heads, but that may be my wishful thinking.

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