Thu 10th Aug 2023 03:43

Quest list

by Aleksey Dotsk the seer

[You can find our Quest details/updates , found on your character's Quests page. But first you need to join the campaign here]
Active Quests

  • (World/Main) Investigate the Dragon Cult: Rumor (and Aleksey's visions and communion with Savras, the seer god) indicate that the Cult of the Dragon is seeking to take steps to bring back Tiamat, the queen of dragons, into Toril. Find out exactly what they are up to and stop them!

  • We are currently pursuing a lead in Thar, given to us by Burhell.
    Other tasks
  • Acquisitions Incorporated franchisement: They approached us at the Inn about franchising, getting hirelings, equipment, etc. If interested we should chat with them.

  • Ghomish work order check-in: Follow up with the gnomes with the Church of Ghan. They committed to possibly constructing a hireling for Aleksey, and tools/weapons for Draxon and Jean Marie.

  • Possible Quests
  • Rescue Odd's family in the Underdark : We have a month to track down his brother and liberate an entire City. We were thus informed by a Drow disguised as a were-rat.

  • Investigate goblins in Thar: In Blackalbuck's Swap Shop, gnomes offered us a bag of holding if we could figure out why some goblins, in the middle of Thar, gained access to some poisonous, magical fruit. We can find them again at the Purple Portals. Guy named Burel is their contact.

  • Bring head of Rat King: The City is willing to pay 5gp to investigate a rat king. They will pay for body.

  • Investigate local slave resistance in Melvaunt: Jean Marie learned from his informant that there is a local slave resistance, and the owners of the Swap Shop are somehow involved. Investigate further if we want to get involved with this movement.

  • Clear local mine of Orcs: A woman in the trading hub was talking about her family's mines filled with Orcs, wanting them removed. Reward - ???

  • Investigate chimney monster at blacksmith: A blacksmith has some issue we need to investigate involving a smoke monster.

  • Patrol Thar: The City is looking for mercenaries, 10gp a day, to patrol Thar.

  • Track down Thaldi and see how she is doing: Theady is the barbarian woman we found in the labyrinth, who assisted us with finding a way out. She stole--er borrowed a horse from the Blackfists at the bar at the docks, and took off, bidding farewell and thanks for us. Do we want to follow her to the plains and see if she needs assistance in her fight against the slavers?

  • On hold (Quests in Phlan)
  • Brother O'keefe investigation status check-in: Check in with Brother O'keefe with the _____ to see how his investigation into the underground cemetery laboratory and portal is going. Has he determined who owned that laboratory, and why they were creating a necromantic potion?

  • Investigate attacks on southern coast by ghost ship: Harpers have asked us to investigate reports of a ghost ship attacking the southern coast.

  • Investigate the ancient building in the labyrinth below Phlan: We discovered an ancient building below Phlan that had gargoyles perched on either side of the doors. We didn't have time to investigate, but Odd the archaeologist was interested in taking a closer look.

  • Labyrinth sarcophagus: We discovered a sarophogus in the underground labyrinth that we were unable to open. Will curiosity take hold once more, or will we let them rest in peace?


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