Sun 25th Feb 2024 05:47

Entry #35 - search for the cult

by Aleksey Dotsk the seer

I send Uttu, who is now an owl, up into the skies to keep an eye out for our companions.
I'm standing at the gate with Burell, and we suddenly hear bells and shouting, and a green dragon flies overhead of the City. We see the guards prepare to shoot the dragon if it tries to attack, but it would appear they don't want to unnecessarily provoke the dragon into doing what they fear.
I soon get a telepathic message from Uttu that our friends are on their way. They soon come into my view and I wave them over to the gate. Burell is with a halfling druid, both are on a steed. Burell said it should take us 2-3 days to get there. The ravine is about 45 miles away.
Burell is blazing the trail. Olwen Moonfinger is his druid halfing friend.
My role for the trip is quatermaster, to make sure we have enough provisions. We spend some time determining which way to take: either take the direct pathless route or take established paths on Phlan Path to the Trank River. We decide to heed the advice our our ranger, Odd, and take the diagnol/direct route towards the Vanishing Hills
I send Uttu up with Odd, who is scouting, to help him do so (helping/assist).
While we are determing walk order, I decide to try my Augury ritual and pull the card Three of Wands, which is a good omen for our adventure.
We head out! Eventually we see some Perycon birds that start to circle us, and Burell seems to think they may be coming in to attack.
At one point, Odd see's an, ahem, odd shadow, which doesn't seem to match the shape of the bird casting it. It doesn't appear to have the head of an eagle but of a deer! Odd skillfully takes out both of the birds and we continue on.
It is mid afternoon now. Odd sees more movement up ahead. Out of the bushes comes this muppet-like creature. It starts to approach us, and it looks peaceful. I attempt to use detect thoughts spell, but there is some kind of block on it, or I'm just not very good at this new ability yet. But I do manage to communicate with the creature enough (waving one arm means yes the other means no), and learn that this creature used to be a wizard that was turned into this creature during a wizard's duel. Has been this way for over 10 years it would seem. I ask Franklin to mark this location on the map, but I explain to the creature that we cannot detour at the moment and say we can come back, but he gets discouraged and leaves. I make a mental note of this encounter.
We make camp and set up watch. Odd feeds us these amazing good berries.
In the middle of the night Uttu flies over to me to wake me up. When I wake I hear these noises that sound like children crying for help. Thes two creatures about the size of a horse starts to approach us, with saliva dripping from their fanged mouth.

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