Tue 1st Nov 2022 12:15

Entry #13 - Evening entertainment (i.e. barfight)

by Aleksey Dotsk the seer

When we get downstairs, the doors fly open and some angry dockworkers come in and walk towards the mercenaries.
The dockworkers attack the mercenaries sitting in the bar. Draxon tries to get them to stop fighting. Jean Marie jumps down. I remark that I'd rather not get involved and risk getting arrested again, and proceed to cast AID on my allies.
I go down the stairs to the front door and close it shut, asking someone to put water in the lock. Unfortunately one of the dock workers partially opens one of the doors. Unfortunately we don’t have our weapons, except me. I have my shield and staff.
I push the angry dock worker through the door, after franklin hits her in the knee with a hammer. Unfortunately, another dock worker pushes through the threshold.
Uldi and Franklin help me with closing the door, barring it closed with my quarterstaff and freezing the lock. Now that the front door is locked, what do we do?
Dockworkers are upset with the blonde because she knows the name Grim, saying that Grim is why… reason why lighthouse is out. They are blaming her as to reason.
I'm confused so I'm just going around using spare the dying on people so they don't die.
The fight ends, so we start chatting with mercenary. She has a friend named Kiera. They just got a commission to go out on a ship. Next thing we know we hear BF guard voices .
We sneak out the back, Thaldi steals a horse and heads towards home, being chased. We go around building and see some potential ships for use.
We decide to spend the night in the bar we just left, since there is room now.

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