Mon 4th Dec 2023 12:49

Entry #31 - Lightning!

by Aleksey Dotsk the seer

Session XLI
We are currently in the Crow's nest inn. Has thick stone walls and wooden floors. We are in the midst of the Edenfeast. We were trying to get information about an underground temple with a connection to the Cult of the Dragon. Our contact was said to have directions to this sunken temple.
Older female dwarf took off running. The human is on the floor, having his body writhe with blue electricity. Draxon pried the dagger out of the humans hand, and Odd used his want to levitate the dagger. Odd and Draxon try to contain the dagger with two clay daggers, but they disintegrate and a bolt goes for the magical bow held by the Wood Elf.
Franklin places a string around the floating dagger as it's floating in place.
Jean Marie dashes after the older dwarven woman trying to flee. He grabs her by the collar before she gets too far. JM sees the half orc ranger run towards him and the woman asking us to halt.
Odd walks towards ranger with bow. When she runs off, I see him nonchalantly pick up her bow and walk back towards us.
I try to do an Arcana check to identify the object, and after focusing on it appears to be a dragon tooth, not a dagger. I run to the trap door and open it, hoping Odd would send the tooth in there, but he is occupied checking on the Elven woman. I then run to the storage chest with the hopes of using that to contain the tooth. Draxon picks up the chest and smashes it against the wall. Not quite what I was thinking...
Franklin is watching over the barely conscious older human on the ground.
Burell and JM take the woman upstairs to interrogate her.
I again attempt to focus on the dragon tooth, and I remember reading that the tooth can hold the lightning, but only if the lightning jumps to a person holding the tooth when the lightning reaches them.
The lightning is arcing between the old dwarf on the floor, the woman's bow, to Esmerelda, out the window, then back tot he old man. I open up his pouch and see a blue sapphire. I grab hold of it and feel an electrical shock. I expect that the lightning bolt will be coming back for me and this old man with the sapphire.
Jean Marie dashes to see who the lightning struck outside, and it apparently it a dwarven child who has a lea of purple and blue flowers around her head, and behind her is a gentleman with a cart selling the leis. He is looking to see if anyone else is fleeing who is dwarven.
Burell pushes dwarven woman up against the wall asking her to explain herself.
As I'm sitting there holding the sapphire, I notice that in the time since I've grabbed the sapphire the lightning hasn't arced off. And I notice that as I was sitting there suffused with lightning, that it is now contained within the tooth. I again attempt to understand these items and how they work, and I am noticing that in this moment that I am holding the tooth, I can see that there is energy pulsating in the tooth in that it's actually warm to the touch. I can recall a spell I read about , feeling confident that the lightning is now contained within the tooth. I run to the elderly woman Ezmerelda who was struck to see if she needs help.
Franklin dumps water on the older human man who is unconscious on the floor.
I cast Prayer of Healing to heal Ezmerelda, Draxon, Franklin, the old man in the guild clothing, and myself.
Jean Marie picks up the wounded dwarven kid to take them inside, and he notices the kid from the orphanage nonchalantly walking away. Jean marie walks in carrying her. Unfortunately, when I start to examine her to determine the extent of her wounds, I see that she has already perished. I am powerless to do anything to bring back the dead. maybe one day, but not today. We did everything we could. Ultimately this is the fault of the Cult of the Dragon. Jean Marie turns towards the dwarven woman and asks her if she is happy. She is saddened, says she didn't know this would happen, but she still won't talk. Draxon picks her up and we lead her and the other man up to Jean Marie's room, after Jean Marie intimidated him.
With help from Odd, we successfully "persuade" her, asking her why they were sent here with these items. "they sent me from Phlan. All I know is they sent me with this, said it would help the guild with breaking stones. My friend told me to come here. All I knew is it was a dragon tooth."
Alexsey - who is your friend that sent you here.
The old man says, "the name Tret. part of stone cutters guild. "
She said she was here to meet Tret to buy the tooth.
Tret said it "brandon Yill from Phlan set this all up. Says he is with House Cadrona"
Odd bites the man's ear and asks him about a tattoo on his finger, but he won't talk.
The woman's name is Yanna Hammerbound, who is higher up in the stone-cutter's guild. This was actually official business (per the letters we found). She had permission to purchase the dragon tooth.
I ask her again why her employers, her guild, wants this dragon tooth. She said she has had a fascination with artifacts, and her curiosity got the best of her. She said word came from Brandon.
Odd ties up Trent with Draxon's help.
We let Yanna go, she goes nearby and waits for us...
We go in with Trent, I ask why/how his guild came upon a dragon tooth. He says a merchant came through from Thar, said he was a Zent, that he bought it from. They said they bought it for stone working, but I asked why they are trying to sell it then. When talking with him, he pauses, as if waiting to see if I'm buying it. I ask who else we can talk to, and he says Morana Risen, whom he said helped arrange this.
Burnel recognizes the tattoo that is a part of the cult of the dragon.
Jean Marie leaves with the guards to take the body of the dwarven girl (illandra gemcutter) to her parents.
Odd covered him with a blanket while Burell broke his cult finger and franklin planted a ball bearing so I could track him.

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