Sun 30th Jan 2022 08:18

Entry #5: Jean-marie the dead-riser

by Aleksey Dotsk the seer

We proceed forward and see a small laboratory. We see alchemical agents, a pot with a note near it. Dragon skulls, beakers with liquids, etc. Appears to have been used within the past few hours.
I approach the nearest table that has a cauldron on it with a note next to it. The note says:
"Raaxil, I have figured out how to complete the process. When you are ready, simply pour the contents of this blue pot into the cauldron and stir. The effects should be instantaneous, but DO NOT DRINK THE RESULTING POTION."
I can't quite decipher what the potion is to be used for.
I move on to the table with the spell book, and determine that it is a book of higher level necromancy. Knowing that necromancy isn't necessarily evil, I am hesitant to take the book, but considering the dragon skull appears to be a black dragon skull, I suspect this is being used for nefarious purposes. This suspicion is confirmed by Jean Marie's detection of evil in this area.
Jean Marie goes up to get Brother Keith so we can show him what we've found. Brother Keefe loses it and starts to destroy the place. I'm unable to calm him down, so Jean Marie constrains him until he calms down. We agree to trash the place on our way out. Fortunately, the brother also agrees to helps me identify the potion, and he says it is used to re-constitute the dead. I take samples of the two fluids, and the note. And the necromancy book.
I scan over a nearby bookshelf, some writing is draconic, some dwarven, some elvish. I pick one of the ones in draconic, an older tomb on necromancy. I hope to study it later to learn more to prepare us for what lies ahead, as it appears it will involve the undead, one way or another.
Brother Keefe asks Jean Marie to remove the dragon skull from his head as it is an insult to the dead, evil or no. Jean Marie relents.
We leave the laboratory and continue through the passage and around the corner. There is another room with lights on the walls, and a metal rod with sigils. Blue, red, green lights from the glyphs on the walls. These are magical glyphs. 4 bodies on the floor laying prone, as we investigate them, they are rather unusual. They are an odd miss-match of human/draconic body parts. As I move forward to investigate the first glyph (the red one), I hear this moaning start from over my shoulder, and it's coming from a zombie that of course, Jean Marie the dead riser has awakened them!
Franklin attempts to shoot but is too shaken and misses. I score a solid hit on the side of the abomination's head, and Jean Marie scores a strong hit with his scimitar. Brother Keith helps us by turning them. Franklin fires an arrow at the eastern (green) glyph, disrupting it enough that it goes out.
Jean Marie takes out one zombie, but on the next one he ends up falling over as he is attacking!
We dispatch all but one of the remaining zombies, and similarly we also take out all but one of the glyphs. I attempt to hit the last glyph with my mace but don't do enough damage to completely extinguish it. Fortunately Jean Marie finishes where I started and erased the glyph.
After dispatching all of them I examine the rod that is sticking out of the floor in the corner. I can't make much out but I do succeed in understanding the magic behind it. I recall speaking with someone at the gate, and I understand this is a teleportation circle. The level of magic on this circle is beyond us; it's very advanced. It can be destroyed in terms of preventing its use if we deface the glyphs.
I offer the rod to Brother Keefe to allow them to determine who was teleporting in and out of their graveyard, and he accepts. He also reveals that he is working with the Lords Alliance. Says they were investigating the cult of the dragon, who has seen increased activity throughout the area. The Lords Alliance is looking to maintain stability in Phlan. The thieves' guild in Phlan have also taken it upon themselves to investigate the dragon-related activities in town.
There is an alcove with gold, but as we take a closer look it appears to be wood painted gold! I walk in to check the walls for secret doors but some kind of invisible wall seals me in! Fortunately I am able to get myself out.
The brother takes us back and gives us each a bag of 100gold pieces. He also hands us a scroll of "protection from evil and good".
We leave the cemetery and hear noise of a crowd near Vajevo castle. As we approach, we see 30-40 citizens gathered around. A good 15 or so black guard are there, holding shields and billy clubs. We see a young woman with dusky skinned, trying to talk to the crowd. Crowd is yelling at black guard as there are rumors that the guard has been kidnapping people. Lt. says they are investigating, and asking for more time.

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