Sun 11th Dec 2022 08:17

Entry #17 -Down into the dark bowels of Toril

by Aleksey Dotsk the seer

We follow the footprints down the passageway and come to a door on our right. Odd opens it and it appears to be a small cell that has not been used in a very long time. Odd walks in to retrieve some kind of container/pouch. Jean Marie gets his face up close to it and it turns into a mimic and grabs his face! He slaps it against the wall slicing it in half. I can't help but to double over laughing my tunic off.
We proceed to 2nd door and Odd opens it up. Another cell. On the back wall is a figure of a bearded humanoid-fish dressed person, very worn mural. Assisting Jean Marie and Odd, this figure is over a millennia old. We think this was some kind of cult devoted to a primordial force. This fits the description related to a god or demon named Dagon. Based on my research, this is an old primordial force that claims to be older than the Gods themselves. Odd finds a crevice with a black statuette with a head of a cat, body of a human, very curvaceous. Clearly a religious idol.
We find another set of double bronze doors where the footprints lead. More dried blood. Door is locked, can see faint green glow coming from under it. Franklin easily opens the door by picking the lock. Cracking the door open, I send Uttu in to look around. She sees a vaulted cavern ceiling, notices steps to the right going up to an alter at the top. The light is faint.
Over the table is a figure, with a trail of blood leading to a pool with a large green jade statue. There is a figure of a Blackfist guard in a pool. A tentacled figure, very frightening, rises in the background; a giant statue! There are piles of bones at its feet.
We decide to go in, Draxon is sensing much conjuration magic coming off the statute. The figure on the table has had his kidneys removed. The water starts to boil and this figure of a woman beckons us. I attempt to communicate via the Ouija board and the figure turns into a Water Weird (I've heard of these creatures but can't recall much about them). The nearby bones turn into two skeletons, and Egon and the Blackfist turn into zombies!
During the battle that ensues, Odd shoots the Egon zombie through the throat, Franklin shoots one in the shoulder, one of the zombies attacks Draxon and scores a solid hit against his head making him forget the past few days! I cast Guiding Bolt on the water weird but unfortunately don't do much damage. The zombie keeps getting back up even as Draxon dismembers it. Hearing wet footsteps behind me, I see two aquatic humanoids shambling towards us. I block the door and bar it with my staff. And my staff eventually breaks. Jean Marie runs up to help as I back away to focus on defense. Draxon goes berserk with bright light radiating off of him and takes out the Egon zombie. Meanwhile, we all try to keep our distance from the water weird, who lashes out and yells at us, trying to lure us closer.

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