Tue 1st Nov 2022 12:24

Entry #14 - to the lighthouse

by Aleksey Dotsk the seer

Woke up in the Laughing Inn Tavern. This Inn has seen better days, and clearly has a long history. Went to breakfast. A kid came in named Roorin, and he said his father looked at the lighthouse and couldn't figure out .
Overheard a child talking about the lighthouse. He was behind me so I started talking with him. kid said talk to Leela about treasure. He said his mother is concerned about Egon, who is the young master of the house Sokol who runs the island. Egon is tall, lanky, black hair.
We go over to Leela's office. She wants us to sign a contract/permit to go onto the island, and commits that anything found ON the island is the property of House Sokol. We do sign, though I use my brother's name. Fodel Pavel.
We proceed for the ferry, and I use Bewilderment to distract the guards so that Draxon can get by without being noticed.
Spoke to the ferryman across - Guy Grim on the island, always there. Guards cycle out in about 1-2 days. Not sure what happened to the last group. Says house Sokol built over an old temple, possibly to Tyr. Rumors of another temple under that.
We arrive at Thorn Island, which is where the house is. We see the Sokol keep that dominates the islands, surrounded by 3 walls, lighthouse built upon one. The tower probably served another purpose at some point. Keep itself is in decent shape, but looking at the foundation you can see newer stone mortared on older stone. Shoreline on northern edge is rocky, so it's good we took the ferry here. The dock we come to is in disrepair, warped boards, Looking to NE we see a courtyard, with tudor house behind,
Someone is out weeding with a scythe. Turns out to be the boy's father.
Says Egon is the local noble who is here to claim the land. Said it's just him (Egon), his wife, son, Grim, Egon, and the blackfist guards. Saw Egon last talking with Grim. Keep is behind him. Blackfist stay in bottom of lighthouse. Grim is BF sargent.
We go inside the house to find Sandra, who has a few piercings in her ear, about 5 foot high, stocky woman, dirty blond hair. She gave us key to tower/lighthouse,
Says Egon has room down the hall and may have journal in there we could read. We go into the room and see a small sitting room with another room nearby. A bedroom further off. See some very nice paintings. We go into office and see papers and books. Is a newer book and a very old one. One book is open to the middle, when Odd looks at it he recognizes the script as the Thorass script. The other book Odd can read and it seems to be talking about curses and how to counteract them.
Looking at desk I see papers with sketches, bad poetry, a magnifying glass (which I take).
Jean Marie looks more closely at the tapestries that show a female paladin fighting against a red dragon. The tapestry is about the paladin, and there is a symbol on it with a warhammer and scales. Jean Marie finally recognizes it as a symbol of Tyr.
I sit down and start to cast Detect Magic as a ritual. I get the sense that there is something in the book case that is magic. I find a hollow book that contains a pouch that contains 5 platinum pieces, and next to it is an old holy symbol of Tyr, made of sliver. I offer the platinum to the party, but only Odd and Jean Marie take a piece.
We feel we have been in this private residence for too long and head over to the lighthouse. It appears it used to be a guardhouse at some point. Inside it's clear it was used as a barracks. I follow Odd up the ladder to the 2nd and then 3rd floor, which appears to be the commander's quarters. We proceed up to the top floor with the light crystal, and Odd and I are trying to figure out how it works. Everything looks like it should be working fine mechanically, it's just not working for some reason. I proceed to sit down and cast detect magic again. You notice the crystal giving off latent evocation magic. From my studies and the sense of the evocation energies, I sense there was an original spell that allowed it to cast light, but something is suppressing that energy. Some force coming from outside of this room. We feel wind but can't figure out where it is coming from.
Walking throughout the other rooms I detect no magic, other than that of the crystal.
Looking over the desk of the sargent Grim, I see his orders from the Blackfist. I see that he has bee requesting for the past 2 months to be assigned here. Going through the drawers I see a lot of gambling IOUs. I see a pouch of 20 GP in one drawer.

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